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Volume 8 of the palearctic catalog on brillonline

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsVolume 8 of the palearctic catalog on brillonline

Mantispid, 03.10.2013 11:24

Has anyone used it brillonline.com ?

I want to buy the 8th volume of the Palearctic catalog
but it doesn't work, I tried all the cards that are in the house. Probably the point is that they are in rubles, and there is a payment in euros?



03.10.2013 12:11, Atlantis

Maybe it's something else,because it doesn't matter that the cards are rouble-in the process there is an automatic conversion to euros.
Likes: 1

03.10.2013 21:01, Bad Den

Has anyone used it brillonline.com ?

I want to buy the 8th volume of the Palearctic catalog
but it doesn't work, I tried all the cards that are in the house. Probably the point is that they are in rubles, and there is a payment in euros?


Maybe it doesn't work because the price isn't listed there ? smile.gif

03.10.2013 21:12, Mantispid

Maybe it doesn't work because the price isn't listed there ? smile.gif

there you can choose the catalog itself separately, without introduction, table of contents and other things, costs 25 euro

03.10.2013 21:33, Алексей Сажнев

And what the hell do you want him to do if he shows up soon anyway? What kind of map? Sberbank? There may be problems, because they require a new connection to Sberbank Online and new codes, or because they change something there and redo it, I couldn't even buy a Russian Railways ticket the other day.

03.10.2013 21:43, Mantispid

And what the hell do you want him to do if he shows up soon anyway? What kind of map? Sberbank? There may be problems, because they require a new connection to Sberbank Online and new codes, or because they change something there and redo it, I couldn't even buy a Russian Railways ticket the other day.

and when will it appear? in six months, a year? there is no desire to wait so long

Both Alfa-Bank and Sberbank have tried the card.
Tomorrow I will try to connect Sberbank online and try again...

03.10.2013 22:00, Peter Khramov

Duc it... The same question is sent to the bank's card center...

03.10.2013 23:31, Bad Den

I also failed with my savings card, without explanation.

03.10.2013 23:44, Peter Khramov

Sber plus Russian Post = .

04.10.2013 2:59, Bad Den

Sber plus Russian Post = .

For example, the case is in brillonline. com

04.10.2013 11:49, Peter Khramov

Well, this is not a reason not to caress the Savings Bank once again!)

04.10.2013 13:40, AntSkr

Not all cards convert currency. For example, in the same Sberbank visa classic converts, but visa electron does not.

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