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Mounting insects on entomological pins or glue boards

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsMounting insects on entomological pins or glue boards

Василий Л., 09.04.2015 13:37

Can you tell me how best to mount zlatoglazku? It has a soft body and it is not large in size (8-10 mm), so I think it should be pasted on the die. But I would still like to get professional advice smile.gif. Sorry if this topic already exists. I'm new to the forum. Thank you for your answers.


09.04.2015 23:41, Victor Titov

Can you tell me how best to mount zlatoglazku? It has a soft body and it is not large in size (8-10 mm), so I think it should be pasted on the die. But I would still like to get professional advice smile.gif. Sorry if this topic already exists. I'm new to the forum. Thank you for your answers.

Perhaps nothing more suitable than a matching entomological pin has yet been invented. Prick, as well as hymenoptera, diptera, microchesoptera. For particularly delicate and small ones - minutsii.
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10.04.2015 22:49, Bad Den

M. B. put it in alcohol?

11.04.2015 8:55, Barnaba

As far as I know, in scientific collections, Neuroptera is more often pricked using the thickest possible pin, which does not yet destroy the specimen, because too thin pins eventually develop mobility, which leads to destruction. For chrysopids, a single one is often suitable. The wings are partially spread out on one side so that they do not obscure the abdomen and the signs are visible, but space is saved. Very large ones (askalafs, ant lions) are sometimes stored in bags, like dragonflies. Very small ones are sometimes mounted on blocks or triangular dies, but more often in alcohol. As a group specialist told me, some of the material from the dry series is usually stored in alcohol, since it is usually impossible to prepare the genitals of males from dry material (and not always from alcohol), well, just for a minute.

This post was edited by Barnaba - 11.04.2015 09: 05
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25.04.2015 12:38, Zunimassa

Tell me where you can buy acid-free cardboard as on dies.
to cut the desired size yourself.
and what varieties there are.

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