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Small ground beetles (Carabidae) of various genera (Bembidion, Microlestes, etc.)

Community and ForumInsects imagesSmall ground beetles (Carabidae) of various genera (Bembidion, Microlestes, etc.)

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01.11.2012 18:54, AGG

Bembidion (Ocydromus) decorum subconvexum K. Dan. & J. Dan., 1902 det. I. A. Belousov
completely dark and form with brown spots (maybe just under-colored)
Krasnodar Territory, Gelendzhik district, 3 km N Aderbiyevka village, pebble beach on the bank of the Aderba river, 14. IX

picture: bem_dec.jpg

This post was edited by AGG - 01.11.2012 20: 12
Likes: 8

07.11.2012 16:24, AGG

Bembidion (Ocydromus) saxatile Gyll., 1827 det. I.A. Belousov

Krasnodar Territory, Gelendzhik district, 3 km N Aderbiyevka village, pebble beach on the bank of the Aderba river, 14. IX

picture: bem_sax.jpg
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18.11.2012 14:14, AGG

Bembidion (Ocydromus) zolotarewi Rtt., 1910 det. I.A. Belousov

Krasnodar Territory, Gelendzhik district, 3 km N Aderbiyevka village, pebble beach on the bank of the Aderba river, 14. IX

picture: bem_zol.jpg

This post was edited by AGG - 18.11.2012 14: 15
Likes: 8

29.11.2012 7:31, Dergg

Paradromius ruficollis Motsch.

Altai Republic, Katun ridge, village of ber. Srednemultinsky lake, h = 1650 m, mowing in grass; 20-25. 07. 2012

picture: P1010690.JPG

This post was edited by Dergg - 29.11.2012 13: 05
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29.11.2012 11:08, scarit

Paradromius ruficollis Motsch.
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05.12.2012 19:48, AGG

Bembidion (Synechostictus) multisulcatum Rtt., 1890 det. I.A. Belousov

Krasnodar Territory, Gelendzhik district, 3 km N Aderbiyevka village, pebble beach on the bank of the Aderba river, 14. IX

picture: bem_mul.jpg
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09.12.2012 11:30, AGG

Blemus discus (F., 1792)

Tambov region, Rzhaksinsky district, Maryevka village, sandy bank of the Vorona River, 7. VII

picture: blem1.jpg
picture: blem2.jpg
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09.12.2012 20:33, Honza

Pheggomisetes buresi (Knirsch, 1923)

picture: Pheggomisetes_buresi__Knirsch__1923_.JPG
Pheggomisetes_buresi__Knirsch__1923_.JPG — (156.54к)

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12.12.2012 18:09, AGG

Dyschirius obscurus (Gyll., 1827)

Tambov region, Rzhaksinsky district, Maryevka village, sandy bank of the Vorona River, 20. VII

picture: dys_obs1.jpg
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18.12.2012 20:30, AGG

Notiophilus palustris (Duft., 1812) det. A.G. Koval

SE Tambov, deciduous forest park "Druzhba", 1. VIII

picture: not_pal.jpg
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21.12.2012 18:48, AGG

Paradromius linearis (Ol., 1795) det. Igor Solodovnikov (I. solod)
Tambov region, Tambov district, village of Trigulyai, mixed forest, 22. IV

picture: par_lon.jpg

This post was edited by AGG-02.01.2013 20: 30
Likes: 6

23.12.2012 9:20, GlebSinon

Why they don't display Slivina sp. confused.gif I would love to, but the technique doesn't allow it =(

23.12.2012 10:17, AGG

due to numerous requests from workers smile.gif
Clivina (s.str.) fossor (L., 1758)

Tambov region, Sosnovsky district, kord. Korobiy brod, mixed forest, 1. VII

picture: cli_fos1.jpg
picture: cli_fos2.jpg

This post was edited by AGG - 12/23/2012 10: 18
Likes: 6

23.12.2012 11:34, GlebSinon

Is it possible to distinguish a male from a female by their appearance???

27.12.2012 17:14, AGG

Clivina (s.str.) collaris (Hbst., 1784)

Tambov region, Tambov district, village of Streltsy, bank of the pond, 3. VIII

picture: cli_col1.jpg
picture: cli_col2.jpg
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31.12.2012 11:36, AGG

Odacantha melanura (L., 1767)

Tambov region, Sosnovsky district, kord. Prokudsky bridges, pine forest, the bank of the river Khmelina, 20. IV

picture: odo_mel2.jpg
picture: odo_mel3.jpg
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31.12.2012 12:26, I.solod

  Bembidion (Eupetedromus) ruthenum Tschit., 1895 det. I. A. Belousov
(as far as I know, the most western find, if anyone has more information on this species, I would be grateful)

Tambov region, Rzhaksinsky district, Maryevka village, sandy bank of the Vorona River, 2. V
one of our largest (=center of the European part) bembishes - 6 mm lol.gif

picture: bem_rut.jpg

Found in Belarus and the Moscow region-data published

**Bembidion (Eupetedromus) ruthenum Tschitscherini, 1895. It is quite rare and local. It is found mainly along the banks of large rivers, on open sandy, pebble-sandy, less often clay-sandy banks, and is isolated in mole holes on the outskirts of sandy beaches. The species is quite similar to Bembidion dentellum, differs from it by a wider body, the base of the pronotum is slightly wider than its anterior edge. Pronotum is more transverse, with a more pronounced microsculpture. The bases of the antennae and legs are brown-yellow, the knees are dark. The drawing is very similar to the previous view, but the light background prevails. It is known from the Moscow region, the Volga region, and Siberia. Miorsky district, 12 km In Druya, Meritsa river mouth, clay-silted bank, 17.07.1992, 2 copies; 20 km In Druya, Zap river. Dvina, island on the river, sandy spit, 17.07.1992, 1 copy. Shumilinsky district, 35 km of rafting on the Zap River. Dvina from Vitebsk, right. the bank near the village of Terbeshovo, in mole holes along the bank of the stream, 07.07.1992, 3 copies. Vitebsk district, 8 km from Vitebsk, right bank of the Zap river. Dvina, sandy-clay beach, 06.07.1992, 1 copy; Vitebsk, lev. ber. r. Zap. Dvina, galechnikovo-sandy beach, 27.07.1992, 2 copies. Dubrovensky district, 4 km NW. Bobrovo village, ber. r. Dnipro, under rocks on a sandy beach, 06.08.2009 (O. V. Belyavsky), 2 females.


Solodovnikov I. A. New and rare Coleoptera species for the Belarusian Lake district. Part 4 / / Vesnik VDU imya P.M. Masherava, 2012, № 5 (71). – P. 61-72.

This post was edited by I. solod - 31.12.2012 16: 45
Likes: 5

04.01.2013 13:21, AGG

Dromius (Dromius) quadrimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Tambov, na svet, 30. VIII

picture: dro_qua1.jpg
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09.01.2013 16:49, AGG

Demetrias (s.str.) monostigma Sam., 1819

Tambov region, Tambov district, Elagino village, meadow, 18. VIII

picture: dem_mon.jpg
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24.01.2013 16:08, AGG

Lebia cruxminor (L., 1758)

Tambov, on flowers, 11. VII. 1972

picture: leb_cru.jpg
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26.01.2013 13:44, Evgenich

Something like a three-cone shape. Central China. Mountains.
Beetles are 3-4 mm long. The tire iron is mine.

picture: __________007.jpg
__________007.jpg — (49.91к)

picture: __________006.jpg
__________006.jpg — (48.01к)

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04.02.2013 16:40, AGG

Acupalpus (s.str.) parvulus (Sturm, 1825) det. B. Kataev

Tambov region, Rzhaksinsky district, Maryevka village, na svet, 21. VII

picture: acu_par.jpg
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04.02.2013 18:11, vasiliy-feoktistov

Lebia (Lamprias) chlorocephala (Hoffmannsegg, 1803)
11.06.2002 Moscow region, Balashikha district, near the village of Poltevo, in the afternoon, on a sandy road under a power line clearing.

picture: Lebia_chlorocephala.jpg
Lebia_chlorocephala.jpg — (59.04 k)

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04.02.2013 18:42, vasiliy-feoktistov

This one hasn't happened yet either:
Anchomenus dorsalis (Pontoppidan, 1763)
13.06.2005 Moscow, Vostochnoye Izmailovo district, at night, under a lantern with a DRL.

picture: Anchomenus_dorsalis.jpg
Anchomenus_dorsalis.jpg — (64.25к)

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04.02.2013 22:07, vasiliy-feoktistov

Agonum (Agonothorax) sexpunctatum (Linnaeus, 1758)
17.05.1998 Moscow region, Balashikha district, near the village of Poltevo (everywhere, very common).

picture: Agonum_sexpunctatum.jpg
Agonum_sexpunctatum.jpg — (80.01к)

Likes: 6

05.02.2013 9:50, sebastes

  Pheggomisetes buresi (Knirsch, 1923)

An amazing spread!

22.02.2013 17:24, AGG

Acupalpus (s.str.) meridianus (L., 1767) det. B. Kataev

Tambov, 20. IV
3,6 mm

picture: acu_mer.jpg
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25.02.2013 23:44, Dergg

Astrakhan region, 14 km. St. pos. Dosang, Tuvayak Barkhana district, 2-8. 05. 2012

Corsyra fusula F.-W.

picture: P1010994.JPG

Daptus vittatus F.-W.

picture: P1010992.JPG

Cardiaderus chloroticus F.-W.

picture: P1010989.JPG
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26.02.2013 20:43, Dergg

Drypta dentata Rossi

Belgorod region, Starooskolsky district, chalk hills; 20.04.2007

picture: P1010982.JPG
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01.03.2013 22:41, Dergg

Miscodera arctica Paykull, 1798

Mongolia village, Khubsugul Lake, Ikh-Noen-Gol River, h = 1800 m; 2.08.2010

picture: _______________001.jpg
Likes: 11

01.03.2013 23:20, Dergg

Leistus (Leistus) niger Gebler

Altai Republic, Teletskoye Lake, mouth of the Chiri River, h = 440 m; 19-25. 07. 2011

picture: ____5______.jpg

Leistus (Pogonophorus) rufomarginatus Duftschmid

Kaliningrad region, Pionersky district, oak-beech forest, 08.2008

picture: __________.jpg
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13.03.2013 11:18, vasiliy-feoktistov

Calathus (Neocalathus) melanocephalus (Linnaeus, 1758)
The most common ground beetle in my area. It is found everywhere: under bark, boards/stones, runs openly in the city, etc.
Displayed copy. collected on 04.08.1999.
Here: Metro station, city of Zheleznodorozhny, (in the evening, on the sidewalk, under a street lamp).

picture: calathus.jpg
calathus.jpg — (82.74к)

Likes: 7

04.07.2013 15:09, GlebSinon

There was no such view in the topic like yet..

Oxypselaphus obscurus (Herbst, 1784)
L = 5-6mm
dark and light shapes.
A new bug for me, caught 3 males and 2 females in early summer: Tyumen region, near the village of Melnitsa, the bank of the Pyshma River under the stones.

picture: ____________375.jpg
____________375.jpg — (92.92к)

picture: ____________377.jpg
____________377.jpg — (93.87к)

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04.07.2013 18:20, AGG

I don't think these are forms, just one beetle is under-colored (young)

16.02.2014 16:39, Vlad Proklov

First experience with stacking shuffle.gif

Notiophilus rufipes, London, January 23, 2014, in a soil trap.

picture: notiophilus_rufipes_02.jpg

UPD: second attempt:

picture: notiophilus_rufipes_04.jpg

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 02/20/2014 00: 08
Likes: 10

16.02.2014 21:45, vafdog

First experience with stacking shuffle.gif

Notiophilus rufipes, London, January 23, 2014, in a soil trap.

and how many frames, if not a secret (smile.gif) and the thickness of the beetle?

This post was edited by vafdog - 02/16/2014 21: 46

16.02.2014 22:33, Vlad Proklov

and how many frames, if not a secret (smile.gif) and the thickness of the beetle?

Oh, I've already erased them -- but about 30. The bug is one and a half or two millimeters thick.
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16.02.2014 22:39, Vlad Proklov

I don't know how much this friend fits the definition of "small ground beetle", but I'll post it =)

Pterostichus madidus, Wimbledon Common, 29 November 2013:

picture: pterostichus_madidus_01.jpg

Yes, I already know that they need to open their jaws =)

The same instance when caught in nature:

user posted image
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16.02.2014 23:32, rpanin

Pterostichus (Steropus) madidus (Fabricius, 1775)
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16.02.2014 23:38, Vlad Proklov

Pterostichus (Steropus) madidus (Fabricius, 1775)

Well, to be jewelry precise, yes =)
For coleopterologists, it seems, the indication of the subgenus is much more important than for lepidopterologists-as the indication of the subspecies in orthopterologists, apparently)))

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