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Insects images

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Genus Parnassius (809) Pavel Morozov

Here, representatives of the genus Parnassius, one of the most popular and controversial. Butterflies of this genus are among the most coveted groups of insects among collectors, causing a lot of difficulties for entomologists.It shows apollons from ...

13.06.2024 13:29 Matvey Markhasin

Once upon a time, thanks to publications on the forum of respected people, I managed to "calculate" the place of the summer of Apollo in the Tambov ...

Subgenus Apotomopterus (Carabus) (35) Aleksandr Safronov

Apotomopterus is the largest subgenus. More than 120 described species, the vast majority of which live in central and southern China. Isolated species live in the border areas with China – northern Vietnam, northern Laos and Burma. Due to the ...

27.05.2024 1:07 nplion

Please help me determine.This one was sent from China, like they say from Yunnan.Is it Carabus (Apotomopterus) arrowi ???

Subgenus Lamprostus (Carabus) (16) rpanin

Carabus (Lamprostus) calleyi nigrinus Motschulsky, 186524mmAzerbaijan, Talysh Mts., Palikesh, Zuvand, 08.VI.2001, Dolin V.G. leg. Pictures:Carabus__Lamprostus__calleyi_nigrinus_Motschulsky__1865.24mm.jpg — (79.82к)

19.03.2024 20:07 Trsubes

This is a fascinating specimen! It appears to be a male adult of the beetle species Carabus (Lamprostus) calleyi nigrinus, measuring a respectable ...

Photos of ground beetles in nature (Coleoptera, Carabidae) (340) evk

Shooting most ground beetle species not in the collection on a pin, but directly in natural conditions in nature is quite a challenge. Although such images are often much more informative for identifying the species (of course, high-quality).I ...

18.03.2024 9:58 Cerega

We will assume that this is Carabus gaschkewitschi, if no one suggested a better option in the topic of defining beetles.Western (continental) ...

Some Potosia spp. (334) Mikhail F. Bagaturov

Here are a few from the collection, mostly Wed. Asia.Please do not kick for possibly not up-to-date Latin and not specifying labels.I apologize in advance.- bogdanovi- cyanescens- funebris funebris- marginicollis- prototricha- turcestanica cyanea- ...

23.12.2023 23:27 Kemist

I don't see what signs point to a new taxon, but in my opinion it is a typical brevitarsis. It cannot be that the entire group living in the Far East ...

Digitized collection of Hymenoptera of ZIN (13) ИНО

They recently sent me a link: https://www.zin.ru/collections/Hymenoptera/catalog.html. I've flipped through the first page so far, with betilids and glitters. The quality of the photo is lower than the baseboard: terrible HA, coma, and even a wiggle ...

22.12.2023 1:39 CosMosk

trial version) full - includes hotel rental, who needs hotels))

Who is it? (5) Thesuccess

Hello everyone Can you tell me who it is in the photo? For the first time in my life we see such an insect-found in an apartment in Moscow. It looks like either a scorpion or a crustacean. It even seemed that he was moving backwards (but this is not ...

03.12.2023 10:52 Thesuccess


Oeneis elwesi (7) Ducat

Let me introduce you to another wonderful butterfly from my collection. Oeneis elwesi, South-eastern Altai, Kurai Mountain range is not easy to find and catch.

14.11.2023 15:28 Yakovlev

Poorly know literature Yakovlev R. V., Ustyuzhanin P. Ya., Chernila M., Nakonechny A. N., Chikolovets V. V. 2008. On the first discovery in 110 years ...

Catocala (Noctuidae) (256) PG18

Several order ribbons from the south of the Urals.Including a couple of rarities, especially for Vlad, who is on the list (http://kotbegemot.livejournal.com/152872.html) There are no references to illustrations of these particular (C. detrita & ...

10.11.2023 12:35 AGG

Cataloging photos of butterflies from the Forum on the site Insecta.pro (179) Tigran Oganesov

Dear forumchane!At the request of Asar, I post the following sentence.In the subject line "Suggestions and comments on the site and forum" a proposal was put forward to bring all the photos of insects published on the Forum to a single catalog with ...

18.10.2023 18:34 Peter Khramov

The question is relevant again, now on the scale of all insects and the site Insecta.pro. Read more in this topic: ...

Mayflies (10) Denn

On the way home, there was a cloud of moths on the bridge over the Dema River. Like snow! In the morning, everything was covered with them in a solid carpet.Please explain who they are and what they did?This post was edited by Denn - 16.08.2006 06: ...

13.07.2023 16:54 rybackov.vadim69

Definitely mayflies. I wonder what kind of view... The picture of summer is really impressive.Ephoron probably

Cocoonworms-Lasiocampidae (629) PG18

Judging by the search in this forum, not a single cocoonworm was lying around yet!..I'll put the first two:Gastropacha quercifoliaGastropacha populifoliaFor one thing: 1. I would like to make sure that I correctly distinguish them (by drawing the ...

13.05.2023 19:29 Zhuk

Perhaps this is a cocoonworm of the Tolype genus, so I decided to post here. I ask specialists to connect. The place of capture is very ...

Jaundice (Colias) (1497) PG18

It's strange that this topic hasn't come up yet)Since photos in nature (with closed wings) are poorly recognized, I had to take pictures of straightened, Ural ones. Later I hope to show the Siberian and Far Eastern ones. They are worth it!Colias ...

26.02.2023 17:32 Wave Storm

Colias erate07.11.2021, Kherson region, N. KakhovkaColias crocea07.11.2021, Kherson region, N. Kakhovka

Lycaenidae (1336) daniil naumoff

Samara Region, June 10, 2006

22.11.2022 3:01 Anton Nikolaev

Something in addition.In the vicinity of Pyatigorsk, I encountered such a phenomenon.At the end of May, Arion flew and flew until mid-June ...

Aberrants, gynandromorphs, etc. (372) Sungaya

Apatura iliaMoscow region, Mytishchi Pictures:ilia.jpg — (101.97к)

16.11.2022 23:15 Victor Titov

Mycetophagus quadripustulatus (Linnaeus 1761)Russia, Moscow region, Serebryano-Prudsky district, okr. d. Lishnyagi, window trap, JulyI caught one ...

Fictional butterflies (5) Misha UwU

Hello everyone This is a topic for creative people like me, here you can throw your fictional lepidoptera, and I'll start...Coenonympha io ssp. ioWhen creating it, I used: Paint.net, photos of butterflies Coenonympha pamphilus, Chazara briseis, ...

31.10.2022 0:06 Anton Nikolaev

Bomb. Hawthorn tree repainted in Apollo Charltonius.https://vk.com/wall102196267_2736

Small ground beetles (Carabidae) of various genera (Bembidion, Microlestes, etc.) (159) PG18

RATTER'S BIG EYENotiophilus reitteri Spath, 1899A small beetle (4.5—6 mm), with a broad head bearing large, bulging eyes. The color is bronze-black, shiny. Each of the wings has 8 dotted grooves (the gap between them is very wide second from the ...

29.10.2022 18:56 Evgenich

Krasnodarsky kr. okr. p. Nebug the bank of the Nebug river under the stones 29.06.2020 This year I caught representatives of this genus-Bembidion, ...

Curculionidae (286) KDG

They asked for elephants - I have them!Lachnaeus crinitis Schoncherr-Rostov region, near the village of Morskoy Chulek, 21 05 1995the beetle lives in steppe areas, develops on devyasila. I've never seen it in large quantities.[b]Mesagroicus obscurus ...

25.09.2022 23:41 chebur

Lixus (Ortholixus) angustus (Herbst, 1795)Russia, Moscow region, Serebryano-Prudsky district, Lishnyagi village, May 18, 2022Length - 7 mm.

Fauna and flora of Sakhalin (345) Ольга Титова

So, at the suggestion of Oleg Pekarsky, I am starting a new topic "Fauna and flora of Sakhalin". Thank you very much to everyone who helped identify insects: dear G. A. Grigoriev, Morozzz, John-ST, barko, Djon, okoem, insectamo, scarabee, Gennadich, ...

17.08.2022 15:07 Ольга Титова

Imago with a cover on the wall of a bus stop near a road in the city. And imago under the microscope. Pictures:IMG_20220525_195546.jpg — (300.84к) ...

Noctuidae: Cucullinae: Cucullia (287) PG18

I shot six views on this topic in the Southern Urals today. I didn't find another 25 species of regional fauna... Cucullia argentinaCucullia splendidaCucullia artemisiaeCucullia biornataCucullia mixtaCucullia propinqua ...

04.07.2022 23:14 MIV

Yes, like artemisiae, I don't see any" doubles".Andrey, you're right. Thanks!

Subgenus Carabus (46) rpanin

Carabus (Carabus) menetriesi Hummel 1827Body length (female) 24mm. The species is confined to peat bogs. It is active in spring , although some specimens are also found in summer. It is narrowly distributed over its entire range.Lviv region reserve ...

29.06.2022 15:58 I.solod

In Belarus, it is found in low-lying swamps and adjacent meadows, swampy lake banks, black sandstones, rare in moist spruce forests of the kislichny ...

Water beetles (287) Alexandr Rusinov

Something on our forum water beetles were overlooked, in my opinion undeservedly. I propose to put photos of water beetles in this topic, I hope our forumchane will support me. So:Dytiscus lapponicus Gyll. Yaroslavl region, peat lake in a swamp.

05.05.2022 19:40 Carpocoris sp

These specific species are different, but the females are indeed both smooth and ribbed within the same species.

Arctiidae-dippers (1167) Grigory Grigoryev

I offer you a gallery of the bears of our former Homeland and, if possible, its near and distant environs.I can't imagine all the fauna (for obvious reasons), so please help! Caterpillars, pupae, butterflies; in nature and collectible material-all ...

13.04.2022 22:36 MIV

nettle isn't hereThank you, Slava! Negative result, same result .

Milesia crabroniformis Syrphidae (2) Андреас

It turns out that I took a very rare giant fly from the family of babblers-Milesia hornet (Milesia crabroniformis). Unfortunately, the date of the snapshot was not set technically. October. Moreover, it is warmer than usual.

07.03.2022 9:20 Андреас

On a soap dish, unfortunately:

Marigolds (Satyridae Boisduval, 1833) (285) vasiliy-feoktistov

I start the topic with a photo of this South American satire.Many thanks to Nordsud(y) for the help in determining.Join the replenishment of the gallery.Pronophila unifasciata Lathy, 1906 ssp. kennethi (upper and lower sides). Pictures:1.jpg — ...

06.02.2022 22:23 chebur

Lasiommata maera (Linnaeus, 1758)Male and female - July 6, 2017, Serpukhov District, Moscow region, Russia.Springs, wet glade in the forest

Tribus: Cicindelini (279) Bianor

Old drawings of Far Eastern horses. Maybe someone will need it.C. gracilisC. laetescriptaC. elisae

05.02.2022 23:25 chebur

Cylindera germanica (Linnaeus, 1758)On August 23, 2014, Russia, Moscow region, Chekhov district, Lyubuchany village, thebeetle was found during the ...

Moths (1081) Pavel Morozov

Seaside volnyanki. The place is still the same. They flew into the light.1-Cifuna locuples (red and smaller males)2-Lymantria matura (male)3-Pida niphonis (female)4-Pida niphonis (female melanist)5-Laelia coenosa (female with a clutch of eggs, flew ...

02.02.2022 22:42 chebur

Lymantria (Beatria) marginata (Walker, 1855)I have already exhibited here a fat male of this interesting Himalayan species. Now he's cleaned up, ...

A beetle (3) Екатерина#7

Moscow region, beetle found in apartment Pictures:IMG_20220201_141533.jpg — (292.96к)

01.02.2022 20:24 Necrocephalus

This is Otiorhinchus sulcatus. There are a lot of them in Moscow this year. Imported with planting material.

Genus Anthia (37) Honza

omoplata septentrionalis (Thermophilum) AnthiaLassalle, 2010 Pictures:Anthia__Thermophilum__omoplata_septentrionalis_Lassalle__2010.JPG — (292.09к)

30.01.2022 0:35 I.solod

A.sexmaculata ssp. Israel: Aravia; Haluza sands Pictures:11____________Anthia_sexmaculata_Israel_m_label_02.jpg — (308.99к)

Please help me to identify (5) Pochtovujjashik09087

Good afternoon. Help please. My wife and I are desperate. There was an insect. We can't withdraw it. This type of insect was introduced in the apartment in late autumn. It only bites a small child. I attach a photo of the bite and the insect itself. ...

29.01.2022 20:19 Victor Titov

And why fight the hay eaters, unless you're a collector of dried insects or something else? This species generally usually eats up mold in the ...

Heliconiinae; Argynnini (225) Ilia Ustiantcev

In the topic about draughtsmen, they started talking about mother-of-pearl recently. It's a pity that I may have a couple of rare ones (and there are no boreal relics), although in general there are more species... All but Pandora - south of the ...

26.01.2022 12:02 chebur

Boloria thore excellens Krulikowski, 1893Male and female - Russia, Yaroslavl region, Pereslavl district, Kupan village, June

Geometridae, Larentinae (177) gumenuk

Yarrow moth Eupithecia succenturiataMoscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan 24.06.2007 23: 25 Pictures:08_02_17_A005949.jpg — (137.68к)

17.12.2021 9:19 svm2

We would have it-Eupithecia vulgata (I think you have it too)

Subgenus Cratocechenus Reitter, 1896 (Carabus ) (5) Tomas

Carabus (Cratocechenus ) niedli Gottwald, 1987 = hybrid Cratocechenus akinini loudai / Cratocephalus corrugisI think this is it.This post was edited by Tomas - 25.03.2013 16: 09

16.12.2021 14:41 alex belik

I didn't understand. Where's Kortinko?" I've lost all sense of smell in the many years I've been here.

Geometridae, Ennominae (30) Bianor

The old topic was deleted for some reason, so we're starting a new one.Baptini TribeTop row:Lomographa bimaculata, Lomographa temerata, Lomographa nivea.Bottom row:Earoxyptera (Lomographa) buraetica, Eudjakonovia (Lomographa) pulverata.Their ...

15.12.2021 20:09 svm2

I think extinctaria

Carpenter bees Xylocopa sp. (31) vasiliy-feoktistov

I didn't find a topic for them, so I decided to create one.I start the topic with a photo of a female: Xylocopa pubescens Spinola, 1838Egypt, Nile Delta.Many thanks to Alex (u) 2611 for the definition.I really want to see other species.This post was ...

06.12.2021 22:47 seomind

It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commentators here! Urology

Papilio machaon (165) forrest

The photo was taken on the coast of Lake Baikal, near the Small Sea.

20.11.2021 15:30 Euchloron

Hello!I have three swallowtail pupae.They have been hanging since August,so there is humidity due to a wet cotton pad.Two pupae are definitely ...

Orthoptera (21) Decticus

09.11.2021 17:49 ТМЗ

Good afternoon. Help us define the view. There is only one photo.There is a special topic for determining erect wings: ...

Subgenus Diocarabus Reitt., 1896 (Carabus) (26) Aleksandr Safronov

Carabus (Diocarabus) caustomarginatus Imura & Mizusawa, 1994Endemic To North Korea.08-VI-2008 Mt. Solhan Ridge, h=1433 m.South Hamgyong Prov., N. Koreamale 19 mm, female 22 mm. Pictures:C_caustomarg_P.jpg — (103.59к)

03.11.2021 7:33 sebastes

No doubt - Carabus (Coreocarabus) fraterculus fraterculus Reitter, 1895.

Madagascar. Amateur photos (369) adderley

1. Hawk moth. Cephonodes hylas, subspecies of virescens (thanks to Djon)18/02/2013, AntananarivoThis post was edited by adderley - 06.01.2017 13: 22

12.10.2021 8:41 adderley

There is of course, but not so much as Grigory Alekseevich. He already described 27 pieces in just one year. "According to Jean VADON, Olsufyev did ...

Notodontidae (more than 500 photos!) (1333) Pavel Morozov

At the request of forum participants, I create a gallery of crested women.Clostera curtula (Linnaeus, 1758), male and female, Moscow region. Odintsovo district, ChigasovoThis post was edited by Morozzz - 22.10.2011 21: 57 ...

15.08.2021 10:22 Pavel Morozov

https://lepiforum.de/lepiwiki.pl?action=bro...osa&revision=18Here is a photo of Ilya. Here the instance is somewhat grayer than usual. But I ...

The Callichromini tribe. Aromia sp., etc. (36) Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich Moustache musk (Aromia moschata) The body is large, elongated, 23-34 mm long. Elytra and entire body with metallic luster, green, blue, bronze, rarely black. Pronotum is red, with a dark cross-wrinkled ...

09.08.2021 7:24 Ксения2015

Who knows, please tell me why of all the raspberries Agomia moschata (only 8 pieces, not all in the photo) chose one bush? They didn't smell to me, ...

Glassworms (Sesiidae) (322) vasiliy-feoktistov

I open the gallery by glass doors. If someone has something on this family, please fill it up. I start with a photo of the Raspberry glassplant Pennisetia hylaeiformis Laspeyres, 1801 from the Moscow region. Many thanks to Vlad Proklov for ...

04.07.2021 19:45 stabskapitan

I shot a video about red wing bloody, I got one on the same colors. If anyone can help, thank you in advance. Filmed in June in Kiev. ...

Genus Cetonia F. (49) bugslov

Cetonia (Eucetonia) magnifica BallionПриморский край, Лазовский заповедник, кордон Карподь, 19.05.2007Шабалин leg, длина 16 мм. ...

15.06.2021 21:03 Honza

Cetonia asiatica Gory & Percheron, 1833GREECE ,Creta,Georgioupoli env. 31.V.2021This post was edited by Honza - 15.06.2021 21: 04 ...

Lucanidae (161) Alexandr Rusinov

I was sorting through last year's photos and came across a photo session of Ceruchus chrysomelinus (Hochenwarth, 1785). Maybe someone will be interested.

06.06.2021 13:37 sebastes

Thank you for the cool illustrations.Waiting for L. gradivus...

Ypsolophidae (15) chebur

Something weak on our forum presents the Microlepidoptera family, but they are no less interesting.The family Ypsolophidae in Europe has 43 species and is represented by three genera: Ochsenheimeria, Phrealcia and Ypsolopha.This post was edited by ...

05.04.2021 20:57 Ilia Ustiantcev

Here on inaturalist it turned out that the incomprehensible Ypsolopha, which I found in July 2011 near Ilovlya in the Volgograd region, is Y. ...

Cicadas (Cicadidae) of Southeast Asia (11) Алексей Яковлев

In Malaysia (and in peninsular and Borneo), I encountered a lot of cicadas that literally clung to the screens at night. During the day, they are much more difficult to calculate, and they are buried in the highest tiers. Most song cicadas from ...

02.03.2021 22:16 NakaRB

I shot a few cicadas in Borneo, but there were problems with the definitionMalaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Permai Rainforest ...

Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) (230) vasiliy-feoktistov

I decided to start a gallery on leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae).I start the topic with a photo of Sagra buqueti Lesson, 1831 "Malay Frog Beetle"from Java - connect.This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 19.01.2013 11: 02 ...

01.03.2021 23:59 NakaRB

Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Permai Rainforest Resort?Theopea sp., 10.06.201712.06.2017Dicladispa armigera, 12.06.201714.06.2017Basiprionota ...

Anthribidae (35) vasiliy-feoktistov

I start the topic with a photo of three views from the Moscow region. This is all that I was able to find (apparently we have a very bad situation with this family).All beetles from here: M. O. Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district.If you ...

01.03.2021 23:28 NakaRB

And I have more tropical ones than ours... Anthribus nebulosusMoscow, Bitsevsky Forest Park, 08.05.2018Platystomos albinusD. New items-Begichevo, ...

Subgenus Orinocarabus (15) rpanin

Carabus (Orinocarabus) alpestris hoppei Germar, 1824 19 ммW Austria, Tirol, Innsbruck, Hafelekar Mts h=2200m, Manfred Egger leg. Pictures:Carabus__Orinocarabus__alpestri_hoppei_Germar__1824.19_mm.jpg — (117.48 k)

18.01.2021 13:36 Honza

Orinocarabus sp. Pictures:Carabus__Orinocarabus__baudii_ssp..jpg — (287.88к)

How to Turn a Good macro Photo into a Very Good One with Topaz Gigapixel AI (9) Ilia Ustiantcev

Topaz Gigapixel AI is a program based on neural networks to increase the size of photos without loss of quality (in fact, of course, with minimizing such losses). After discovering it for myself, I decided to experiment and eventually found out that ...

22.12.2020 0:26 ИНО

No, sir, your malachite bowl didn't come out. And all because the title of the topic was read inattentively. You need the topic "How to make a shitty ...

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5... 15

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