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Family Megalopygidae (1) chebur

Macara alydda (Druce, 1887)Male-Panama, leg. A. KozlovThe post was edited by chebur - 19.12.2020 23: 14

19.12.2020 23:11 chebur

Macara alydda (Druce, 1887)Male-Panama, leg. A. KozlovThe post was edited by chebur - 19.12.2020 23: 14

Hesperiidae (621) RippeR

1-Pyrgus armoricanus, Moldova, Razeni 03.07.072-P. serratulae, Moldova, Razeni 03.07.073 - P. alveus, Moldova, Kosau, 27.07.064-Erynnis tages, MD, Chisinau,22.04.07 from below Carcharodus alcae, Moldova, Goiany 13.04.07 Pictures:h1.JPG — (62к) ...

19.12.2020 22:59 chebur

Thymelicus acteon (Rottemburg, 1775)Male and female - Greece, Attica Peninsula, JuneBiotopeDo I understand correctly that this type is not found in ...

Staphylinidae orbis (189) Honza

Eulissus chalybaeus Mannerheim, 1830 Pictures:Bez_n__225_zvu__5_.jpg — (175.91к)

13.12.2020 18:47 Gray-Ejik

Phanolinus sp.Argentina, Jujuy prov., Santa-Barbara dep.. nov.2019 Pictures:Phanolinus_sp..jpg — (298.35к)

Euphydryas and Melitaea (471) Ilia Ustiantcev

Shashechnits are a subfamily of butterflies in the family Nymphalidae. Representatives of two genera fly to MO - Euphydryas and Melitaea: two from the first genus (aurinia and maturna) and six from the second (phoebe, cinxia, aurelia, athalia, ...

23.11.2020 22:20 chebur

Melitaea ornata ogygia Fruhstorfer, 1908Male-Greece, Peloponnese, Chelmos, 1700m n. o. m., June

Hadeninae (163) barko

Episema tersa ([Denis et Schiffermuller], 1775) Hungary, SeptemberEpisema glaucina (Esper, 1789) Slovenia, October

23.11.2020 10:49 Ilia Ustiantcev

To slightly dilute the totally whitewashed landscape outside the window, I'll post a few photos of the development of one of our brightest scoops. ...

Bryophilinae scoops (50) barko

Scoops of this subfamily are some of my favorites.Unfortunately, there is no convenient literature on Bryophilins yet, and there are also few images on the web. I hope that together we will put together a good photo gallery of these small but ...

04.11.2020 7:17 rhopalocera.com

Cryphia sordida

Nymphalini Tribe (39) Nozer

Another Nymphalidae. Kaniska canace. China, Northeast Yunan, Baoshan.

30.10.2020 23:10 chebur

Polygonia c-album (Linnaeus, 1758)Самец - 25 июня 2016 г., Россия, Московская обл., Серпуховский район, ...

Subgenus Macrothorax (Carabus) 1 (20) macrothorax

Macrothorax morbillosus constantinus n.arborensis (Kraatz,1908)ItalyS-SardiniaPulaThis post was edited by macrothorax - 12/14/2011 18: 04 Pictures:arborensis.jpg — (74.48к)

11.10.2020 15:25 Honza

Carabus (Macrothorax) planatus Chaudoir, 1843 Pictures:Carabus__Macrothorax__planatus_Chaudoir___1843.jpg — (294.03к)

Rutelinae (37) PG18

Oddly enough, there didn't seem to be such a topic yet. How to write it correctly in Russian?In my (lepidopterist's) experience, everyone flies well into the light... Kuzki are plentiful on the inflorescences of cereals, often in pairs and with ...

25.09.2020 11:09 Gray-Ejik

a good optics was in those days The civilization we lost... Damn the reptilians!

Genus Osmoderma (17) sebastes

Male Osmoderma davidis (Fairmaire, 1887), okr. Ussuriysky Nature Reserve, South Primorye, ser. July 2010. Pictures:O_davidis.jpg — (197.13к)

13.09.2020 8:52 Keydg

Osmoderma barnabita 36 mm from Ukraine and Osmoderma caelestis 31mm Pictures:20200913_082935.jpg — (314.79к) 20200913_083010.jpg — (287.5к)

Dragonfly "Jaws" (1) VladislavEgorov

Good afternoon. Please tell me if there are any illustrations/literature describing the jaws of dragonflies? How they look and work...

09.09.2020 12:37 VladislavEgorov

Good afternoon. Please tell me if there are any illustrations/literature describing the jaws of dragonflies? How they look and work...

Sphingidae Hawkmoths (1185) Pavel Morozov

Friends, I offer you something else from hawkmoth.Such a selection came out, the butterflies are related, but from different places, even from different continents.Let's start from west to east.Amorpha juglandis, small 5.5 cmCanada, QuebecThis post ...

06.09.2020 16:15 Roman1963

A nice find in August this year! Hyles euphorbiae (Linnaeus, 1758) is another new species for Khakassia and southern Krasnoyarsk Krai. Locality is ...

Lamiinae, Cerambycidae (293) Aleksandr Safronov

Oberea (s.str.) kostini Danilev., 1988South Siberia, Altai, Shebalinsky district, 3 km south of Kumalyr settlement.05.07.2003 Pictures:Oberea_kostini.jpg — (71.67к)

19.08.2020 2:26 AGG

Morimus funereus Mulsant, 1862 GreeceThanks for the material to Alexander= STG The post was edited by AGG-19.08.2020 02: 30

Woodworms (Cossidae) (286) gumenuk

I didn't find anything on this topic.I'll start with the tracks.Woodworms Cossidae Odorous woodworm Cossus cossus caterpillarMoscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan 09.08.2007This post was edited by Bolivar - 19.03.2009 17: 14 ...

14.08.2020 9:11 Andrei Dolgikh

Well, a little bit of ours. We flew to the UV savings bank with a whoosh!This post was edited by major65 - 14.08.2020 09: 14 ...

Ochodaeidae (3) Dergg

A small family of scarab beetles, hitherto undeservedly overlooked on this forum. Correcting the situation For priming, one of the representatives of the Russian fauna.Codocera ferruginea Eschscholtz, 1818Male: Khakassia, near Abakan, na svet, 4. ...

17.07.2020 18:35 stierlyz

What to bait - it is indicated above, in the light. Moreover, it is necessary to shine on steppe areas, they do not fly far from their habitat. ...

Beetle in amber (2) Виталий1

Good evening. I got a bug like this in amber. Please help with the definition, thank you for earlier.

13.07.2020 21:21 Hierophis

Images here need to be uploaded to a third-party hosting service..

N. Kondakov's watercolor "Mimicry" (5) Oleg Belkin

Greetings dear entomologists!Please tell me which book the illustration below is from, I didn't find it in any publications I know of.

29.06.2020 19:34 ИНО

It is immediately obvious that the author has never seen a live stickman.

Xyleninae, tribe Apameini (252) svm2

It has long been suggested to open a topic for this subfamily.Since the subfamily is large there is a suggestion to start with the Apameini tribeSedina buttneri (Hering,1858)It seems like a rare butterfly, I didn't meet it before this year, this ...

09.05.2020 17:25 Roman1963

While browsing through my xylenas, I suddenly noticed that one of the supposed Xylena vetusta is noticeably different from the others. It quickly ...

Insects of the Caucasian Mineral Waters (4) Андреас


04.05.2020 12:00 Андреас

Giant scolia (Megascolia maculata)https://youtu.be/8180zaQvIJk

Subgenus Cechenochilus, Procechenochilus (Carabus) (25) Dorcadion

Carabus (Procechenchilus) heydenianus prichodkoi Semenov, 1896Extended to Zap. In the Caucasus, It lives in the Alpine, on stone rashes.Bugs:Krasnodar Region, Mostovskoy district, Snegovalka village, northern spurs of Yat'rgvart h 2500-2700 ...

10.03.2020 10:26 AGG

Igor, you are playing on the nerves of not indifferent beetle lovers

Bombycidae - real silkworms! (38) AntSkr

An unpopular and small family, but very interesting, it is most represented in Asia. There are about a hundred species in this region.It is easily distinguished from other families by the way the wings are folded at rest - they tuck the hind wings ...

12.02.2020 21:52 Sergey Rybalkin

Russian silkworms Bombyx mandarina from Kunashir IslandThis post was edited by Alexanor - 12.02.2020 21: 54 Pictures:Bombyx_mandarina_1.jpg — ...

Saturniidae (370) Pavel Morozov

I suggest posting Saturnid caterpillars and the results of their feeding hereThis post was edited by Morozzz - 09/24/2008 16: 22

11.02.2020 21:51 Sergey Rybalkin

Caligula jonasii from Kunashir Island. A new type of peacock's eye for the Russian fauna! Pictures:Caligula_jonasii_female_1_1.jpg — (277.86к) ...

Panagaeini tribe. Caraboidea, Carabidae, Panagaeini (41) vasiliy-feoktistov

I start the topic with a photo of this ground beetle:Panagaeus bipustulatus Fabricius, 1775Beetle caught on 24.04.2000 Here: M. O. Balashikha district, okr. der. Poltevo, in the afternoon on the field road.Many thanks to Evgeny Komarov for his help ...

19.01.2020 9:17 Gray-Ejik

Brachygnathus festivus (Dejean & Boisduval, 1830)N Argentina, Jujuy prov, Santa Barbara dep. Pictures:Brachygnathus_festivus__Dejean__1826_.jpg ...

Thaumetopoeidae-Marching Silkworms (21) chebur

Himala argentea Walker, 1855Female-Vietnam

18.01.2020 11:11 chebur

Paradrallia rhodesi Bethune-Baker, 1908Males-Malawi, leg.Yakovlev

Geometridae Archiarinae Orthostixinae, Desmobatrinae, Alsophilinae (23) barko

I'm creating a summary theme for moths of several subfamilies. These subfamilies do not have a large number of species found in Europe. In the same way, together, they are presented in the first volume of The geometrid Moths of Europe.Archiearis ...

07.12.2019 19:43 Konung

Leucobrephos middendorfii. Menetries, 1858At the beginning of May 2019, a long-standing dream came true and I met the cherished butterfly.Luck smiled ...

Noctuidae (Pantheinae) (13) Алексей Яковлев

I open the section of the Pantin subfamily with this wonderful scoop with a completely inexplicable color. Some promised to join us! Baorisa hieroglyphica Moore (1882)Cambodia, Elephant Mountains, February 2002. Photo by Andrey Sochivko.

01.10.2019 18:14 Roman1963

Trichosea ludifica (Linnaeus, 1758). End of June, South of Khakassia, Zap. Sayan mountains, tundra zone. It's strange, but no one has put up a photo ...

Genus Oeneis (44) STIGMA

I've been thinking about creating a similar theme for a long time. And in general, satyrs form quite numerous groups in genera, it is worth considering to separate out Erebia, Pseudochasara, Hyponephele, etc., the most voluminous so to speak. If the ...

01.10.2019 14:38 Roman1963

Oeneis aktashi sarala Korshunov, 1988 If I'm not mistaken, no one has ever exhibited it. According to the article by Ktrshunov and Nikolaeva, 2002, ...

Noctuidae: Noctuinae (220) Michail M

For some reason, until now, very beautiful and large scoops from the Noctua genus remained without much attention.I propose to fix this, and post the first photo:Noctua pronuba (Linnaeus, 1758)Banded scooper largeType locality: SwedenDistribution: ...

11.09.2019 6:48 ярослав

Euxoa sp.Who has any ideas? Caught near Orenburg in the light.Span 35mm, 7.09.2109 Pictures:SDC16939.jpg — (299.86к)

My entomology videos (8) valdai

Good afternoon, friends.Here, with your permission, I will post my videos about amateur butterfly fishing. Don't judge me harshly, I'm not a pro, but I do it from the bottom of my heart. With respect.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G391Ud7Udk

18.06.2019 14:13 AGG

Catching hawk moth moths in the light. Part 1.Well, summer has come! It's time to go hunting for the secretive hawk moth! We will catch them in the ...

Goliathus (24) Геннадий Шембергер

There are almost no photos of Goliath beetles on the forum. So I decided to post some of my collection. I hope forumchane will support and publish their own.Forms of Goliathus goliathus from Cameroon. Pictures:DSCN1925.JPG — (308.31к) ...

28.04.2019 20:57 Геннадий Шембергер

Does G. albosignathus albosignathus even exist in nature? How does it differ from G. albosignathus kirkianus?As far as I know, the nominate is from ...

Pyraloidea (179) barko

I don't think there has been such a topic yet. How people will react to it is not yet clear, but we will try.Hypsopygia costalis (Fabricius, 1775)male-Slovenia, Mayfemale - Hungary, JuneThis post was edited by barko - 23.09.2010 18: 02

26.03.2019 15:14 niyaz

It was cited from the Sumy region by Govorun A.V.I wrote to A.V. Talker about floella. He also could not confirm it from the Sumy region, the ...

David Burliuk's ex-libris (8) tengri

Hello! I want to ask the experts: what kind of insect was depicted by the father of Russian futurism artist David Burliuk on his ex-libris? Can it be identified? )This post was edited by tengri - 22.02.2019 15: 02

04.03.2019 15:39 tengri

The main artistic principles of futurism are-speed, movement, energy (this accurately reflects the essence of the cockroach), and ... cockroaches in ...

My danaids (1) D.Alex

I'm putting up a danaid. There are a lot of things in the collection, but it so happened that 90 % of danaids (except for Ideas) and whiteflies were caught around the world by myself. The rest of the butterflies are mostly exchanged or ...

03.01.2019 16:22 D.Alex

I'm putting up a danaid. There are a lot of things in the collection, but it so happened that 90 % of danaids (except for Ideas) and whiteflies were ...

Sesiidae collecting in Louisiana, USA (2) Vernon Antoine Brou Jr.

[font=Arial][size=7] Here are some of the several thousands of sesiids I have captured, pinned and/or spread so far this year in Louisiana.Vernon Antoine Brou Jr.Abita Entomological Study Site (The most intensely studied entomological location in ...

02.12.2018 3:30 Vernon Antoine Brou Jr.

Examples of self designed sesiidae pheromone traps. Pictures:TRAPS_1_2_3_Page_3cr.jpg — (560.26к) TRAPS_1_2_3_Page_1cr.jpg — (293.12к) ...

Mnemosyne (Parnassius mnemosyne) (37) Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich Mnemosyne (Parnassius mnemosyne)In Russia, it is found in the European part (excluding the north), in the southern Altai. It lives on the territory of all the republics of the former USSR, as well as in ...

09.11.2018 1:00 Andrei Dolgikh

Gentlemen, can anyone tell you what subspecies of mnemosyne lives in Israel?That's an understatement. He lives in Syria and still climbs a little ...

Buprestids (220) Mylabris

Sphenoptera tomentosa Jak.19.05.2001 South Kazakhstan region, Ili River, rural locality. Bakanas. Into the light. Pictures:sphenoptera_tomentosa.jpg — (141.36к)

07.11.2018 10:42 Victor Gazanchidis

Dicerca amfibia Distribution. Southern Europe (countries of the former Yugoslavia), the European part of the former USSR, eastern Kazakhstan, Altai, ...

Podalirius (Iphiclides podalirius) (22) Pakor

From the photo gallery Pavel Korzunovich Podalirius (Latin: Iphiclides podalirius Linnaeus, 1758)is a butterfly of the Papilionidae family. The caterpillar feeds on plants of the rosaceae family (blackthorn, almond, bird cherry, mountain ash). It ...

29.10.2018 15:54 гук

Or you can say that I just want to take the risk of growing them at home. If the conditions are all normal, how long will they hatch?In this case, ...

Glischrochilus (Nitidulidae) from Thailand (2) Dominoque

Hello,I have caught this one in NW Thailand with a luminous trap. The size is 12.5 mm.It is obviously a Glischrochilus, probably in the japonius / forcipatus group.Is it possible to go further ?Many thanks for your help,Dom ...

16.10.2018 19:46 Dominoque

It is a male, and the genitals (aedeagus and tegmen) allow the determination :Glischrochilus japonius (Motschulsky 1858).

Lepturinae (Cerambycidae) (162) Aleksandr Safronov

Pachyta quadrimaculata L.South Siberia, Rep. Altai, Ust-Ulagansky district, Chibit settlement, Chuya river15.07.2004 Pictures:Pach_quadr.jpg — (98.11к)

01.10.2018 13:48 IchMan

Somehow I was surprised to find that there are no photos of Leptura pubescens anywhere.For some reason, there is no such species (as well as the ...

Подрод Procrustes,Oreocarabus (Carabus) (47) rpanin

Carabus (Procrustes) coriaceus rugifer (Kraatz 1877)Body length (female) 42 mm.It differs from the nominative: It has a more pronounced elite grain and a greater metallic luster.Female - Lviv region. Skolevsky district, near the village of Grebeniv. ...

15.07.2018 18:26 vadspel

High-quality images

Pterophoridae-Fingerflies - Plume moths (9) vafdog

Emmelina monodactyla (Linnaeus, 1758)lepiforum.de lepidoptera.ru lepidoptera.euAssumptions Vladimir Savchuk (okoem) confirmedUkraine, Kiev region, V. okr. G. Fastov, mowing by Trifolium sp., Vicia sp., Poaceae. 31.08.2014BiotopeCaterpillarPupa ...

16.06.2018 9:37 Gray-Ejik

Amblyptilia punctidactyla (Haworth, 1811) det. Ustyuzhanin P. Ya.Novosibirsk region, Salair Ridge, border of Maslyaninsky and Toguchinsky districts, ...

Subgenus Pachystus (Carabus) (24) Aleksandr Safronov

Carabus (Pachystus) cavernosus Friv., 1837Bulgaria, Stara Zagora district, Shipka, August 2005Endemic to Bulgaria, subspecies ssp. variolatus Costa is found in Italy (Abruzze). Pictures:C_cavernosus_m.jpg — (124.39к)

13.06.2018 11:52 maxigg

Handsome man

Insect drawings (314) Timandr

Well, actually. Since the forum "Images of insects", and not " Photos...", considered it necessary to stir up the topic. Who is interested-watch and post your own (you don't have to be an animalist, prof. Well, who has illustrations for such ...

09.06.2018 17:06 Михалис

Sweet-smelling Calosoma sycophanta 13.05.2018Colored ballpoint pens, watercolor pencils. Pictures:Calosoma_sycophanta.jpg — (306.63к)

German wasps (45) Николай Баскаков

German wasps Pictures:_____.jpg — (389.07к) _______.jpg — (371.79к) ___.jpg — (491.48к)

20.05.2018 14:46 ollshepp

Interesting instance

Depressariidae (3) barko

Agonopterix furvella (Treitschke, 1832) Slovenia, karst, Junemalefemale

16.04.2018 9:17 Ольга Титова

Sakhalin23.10.2017 and 09.04.2018.Agonopterix intersecta (Filipjev, 1929) [Depressaria] (Depressaria roseocaudellaStringer, 1930; Cerostoma aino ...

Papilionidae (50) captolabrus

Papilio rumanzovia Eschcholtz. 1821[attachmentid()=108670] Pictures:DSC00813.JPG — (147.43к)

03.01.2018 19:48 Wave Storm

Papilio machaon, egg (I observed the laying myself)22.07.2013, Kherson region, near the village of Veseloe, steppe strip along the road to the ...

11.12.2017 21:33 ИНО

In all bumblebees, males are distinguished by longer antennae with a large number of segments (11 in the flagellum versus 10 in females), and a large ...

Beetle - Undetermined family (9) Dominoque

Hello,I have caught this beetle in northwestern Thailand, and I have no reliable idea of its family.The tarsal formula is 554 : could it be a Tenebrionidae, or an Oedemeridae ?Thanks for your help.This post was edited by Dominoque - 01.11.2017 13: ...

03.11.2017 10:04 Dominoque

Latissimo ! it' s worst than lato ! Thanks once more for the publications, Fornax13. I will check my specimen with the key of genera and more if ...

Psychidae-Bagworms or psychos (Psychocentra millierei,...) (21) PG18

Early morning in the steppe on the bank of the Ural River, 25 km south of the village of Kizilskoye (Chelyabinsk region), May 20, 2007[I don't have the name yet, but I promise to improve] Pictures:DSC_0606_M________.jpg — (140.82к)

26.10.2017 22:01 александр барышев

butterfly is a beauty

Sesiidae. 60 species of Louisiana, USA (1) Vernon Antoine Brou Jr.


22.10.2017 21:28 Vernon Antoine Brou Jr.


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