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Geometridae Archiarinae Orthostixinae, Desmobatrinae, Alsophilinae

Community and ForumInsects imagesGeometridae Archiarinae Orthostixinae, Desmobatrinae, Alsophilinae

barko, 05.04.2010 1:37

I'm creating a summary theme for moths of several subfamilies. These subfamilies do not have a large number of species found in Europe. In the same way, together, they are presented in the first volume of The geometrid Moths of Europe.

Archiearis notha Its male has comb-like whiskers, unlike A. parthenias. On this basis, males of these species are most easily distinguished.

picture: 001.jpg picture: 003.jpg

picture: 004.jpg picture: 005a.JPG

Archiearis parthenias


picture: 007.jpg picture: 009.jpg


picture: 010.jpg picture: 011a.JPG

This post was edited by barko-05.04.2010 01: 39


05.04.2010 10:25, Alexandr Zhakov

I would like to see the third European species - Archiearis puella.
Can I post a photo of him?

05.04.2010 15:44, barko

Archiearis puella (Esper, 1787) Hungary, March

Crashes earlier than other Archiearis servers. The first puella appear in the 20th of February. In Hungary, it can be very warm and sunny at this time. Such warm weather lasts only a few days and is replaced by the usual cold for February. You can see flying puellas again in early March with the onset of warmer and sunnier days. It is believed that it flies until the beginning of April, but according to my observations, the years practically come to naught and stop in mid-March, at least in the 20th of March.

picture: 001.jpg

picture: 002.jpg

typical habitat in southeastern Hungary
picture: 004.jpg

in the suburbs of Budapest, they can be found in artificial forest plantings
picture: 005.jpg

butterflies sometimes land on the ground, but I don't have the patience to wait for them to let me take a picture smile.gif(this male was first caught on the fly with a net and then shaken out on the ground for photographing)

picture: 003.jpg
Likes: 16

06.04.2010 13:23, Konung

Representative of desmobatrinae:
Gypsochroa renitidata (Hübner, 1817)
Omsk region, 1. VII. 2008.

In our country, it inhabits mainly steppes, less often it comes across in forest-steppes. Butterflies are active both during the day and at night.

picture: renitidata01.jpg

This post was edited by Konung-06.04.2010 13: 23
Likes: 12

09.04.2010 0:25, barry

Archiearis notha (male)
Kharkiv region, Zmiyiv district, Mokhnach village (06.04.2010)
det. kotbegemot (Vlad Proklov)

picture: CRW_1746.jpg
CRW_1746.jpg — (192.28к)

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09.04.2010 0:28, Kharkovbut

Archiearis notha (male)
Kharkiv region, Zmiyiv district, Mokhnach village (06.04.2010)
Wow! smile.gif

09.04.2010 0:34, Kharkovbut

Well, if so... smile.gif

A. parthenias, like a female, 8 / IV / 2010, Kharkiv, in bereznyak (where else? lol.gif )

picture: GEO__A._parthenias___4_08_2010__Kharkov__KrOkt.JPG
GEO__A._parthenias___4_08_2010__Kharkov__KrOkt.JPG — (257.24к)

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20.02.2011 12:24, Zhuk

Epirranthis diversata (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775), female
Moscow region, May 2010

picture: IMG_371011.jpg
IMG_371011.jpg — (207.05к)

Likes: 8

13.03.2011 17:25, barko

Archiearis notha (Hubner, [1803]) Hungary, March

picture: DSC07817a.jpg

Archiearis puella (Esper, 1787)

picture: DSC07831a.jpg
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24.05.2011 22:19, NicoSander

Vologda region, Kaduysky district, Pakino village district, 9.05.2011.
It looks like a female Archiearis parthenias

picture: DSC01925.JPG
DSC01925.JPG — (244к)

Likes: 4

24.05.2011 22:26, Zhuk


11.05.2012 13:44, TEMPUS

Archiearis parthenias (Linnaeus, 1761)
Samka, 21.04.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, the vicinity of the village of Krasnoarmeyskoye, the outskirts of a mixed forest
picture: P1150186.JPG
Male, 17.04.2012, Ivanovo region, Ivanovo district, 1.5 km South of Kohma, mixed forest with a predominance of birch and pine and with the participation of aspen
picture: P1150202.JPG
Boudinotiana notha(Hubner, 1803)
Female, 22.04.2012, Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Sergeevo, the outskirts of a mixed forest with aspen
picture: P1150219.JPG
Male, 17.04.2012, Ivanovo region, Ivanovo district, 1.5 km South of Kohma, mixed forest with a predominance of birch and pine and with the participation of aspen
picture: P1150231.JPG
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09.12.2012 17:07, Konung

  Epirranthis diversata (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
21.04.2012 Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, near the village of Sergeyevo, edge of a mixed forest with aspen, caught during the day
[attachmentid ()=160588]

this is the ennomina!

09.12.2012 17:17, TEMPUS

this is the ennomina!

Strange. On lepiforum.de it is listed in the subfamily Desmobathrinae http://www.lepiforum.de/cgi-bin/lepiwiki.pl?Geometridae

11.12.2012 4:23, Konung

Strange. On lepiforum.de it is listed in the subfamily Desmobathrinae http://www.lepiforum.de/cgi-bin/lepiwiki.pl?Geometridae

Well, that's right. it's always been that way. but in the catalog of lepidoptera of the Russian Federation, it is in ennomines.

11.12.2012 14:32, Vlad Proklov

Well, that's right. it's always been that way. but in the catalog of lepidoptera of the Russian Federation, it is in ennomines.

It is now stable in the Ennomiinae, as is Alsophila:

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11.12.2012 14:34, Vlad Proklov

Strange. On lepiforum.de it is listed in the subfamily Desmobathrinae http://www.lepiforum.de/cgi-bin/lepiwiki.pl?Geometridae

Don't forget that lepiforum.de -- an amateur site, the taxonomy is not very followed there and there is no point in checking with them in this matter.
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11.12.2012 17:46, TEMPUS

this is the ennomina!

Well, that's right. it's always been that way. but in the catalog of lepidoptera of the Russian Federation, it is in ennomines.

It is now stable in the Ennomiinae, as is Alsophila:


moved to Ennomiinae

11.12.2012 21:40, AGG

It is now stable in the Ennomiinae, as is Alsophila:


once such a booze has gone, then the topic needs to be renamed, otherwise the name Alsophila also flashesshuffle.gif

22.03.2013 19:49, Victor Gashtarov

Hello guys, can anyone post a picture of :Leucobrephos middendorfii [i](MÉNÉTRIÉS, 1858) and it's habitat if possible ?

22.03.2013 20:02, svm2

Here it is
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08.09.2013 10:41, vasiliy-feoktistov

Epirranthis diversata (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
07.05.2013 Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, district, village Starye Omutischi, verkhovoe boloto, by day.
leg. V. Feoktistov.

picture: diversata.jpg
diversata.jpg — (108.73к)

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07.12.2019 19:43, Konung

Leucobrephos middendorfii. Menetries, 1858
At the beginning of May 2019, a long-standing dream came true and I met the cherished butterfly.
Luck smiled on the Seminsky pass in the Altai Mountains. Two males were caught in flight on a warm sunny day at the edge of a cedar tree. There were still drifts of snow under the forest canopy, but in the open areas everything melted and butterflies appeared.
The butterfly is a legend in the palm of my hand, in nature. in the collection and its biotope on May 6, 2019.
picture: IMG_20190506_185422.jpg
picture: IMG_6044s.jpg
picture: s_l1600.jpg
picture: IMG_20190506_160800.jpg
Likes: 15

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