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Lepturinae (Cerambycidae)

Community and ForumInsects imagesLepturinae (Cerambycidae)

Aleksandr Safronov, 30.01.2007 13:03

Pachyta quadrimaculata L.
South Siberia, Rep. Altai, Ust-Ulagansky district, Chibit settlement, Chuya river

picture: Pach_quadr.jpg
Pach_quadr.jpg — (98.11к)


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30.01.2007 14:40, omar

The version with 2 spots is good.

30.01.2007 16:15, RippeR

even as!

31.01.2007 2:25, Victor Titov

I had to catch pahit with an almost invisible (only guessed-dot-shaped) front pair of spots in the Moscow region in the Istra district (the vicinity of d. Anosino) wink.gif.

31.01.2007 9:20, omar

How many of them do you have? Can I see it?

01.02.2007 0:58, Victor Titov

How many of them do you have? Can I see it?

Unfortunately, it is not technically possible to take pictures yet redface.gif. And there are not many such instances - 4 for all the years.

23.04.2007 20:54, Aleksandr Safronov

Brachyta variabilis Gebl., 1817
South Siberia, Altai, Shebalinsky district, 3 km south of Kumalyr settlement.
June 2003
Distribution: typical for Siberia, the species, starting from the Urals, reaches the coast of the Pacific Ocean, northeast to Kamchatka, From Mongolia, from Korea, the northern part of Sakhalin.
The view fully lives up to its name. It is very variable both in body shape and color. According to Plavilshchikov - $ 85 !!! color variations.
On the photo (according to Plavilshchikov): 1 - ab. anticeconnexus, 2 - ab. semifulvus, 3 - ab. subconstrictus.

picture: Brachyta_variabilis_P_1.jpg
Brachyta_variabilis_P_1.jpg — (88.1к)

picture: Brachyta_variabilis_P_2.jpg
Brachyta_variabilis_P_2.jpg — (84.41к)

picture: Brachyta_variabilis_P_3.jpg
Brachyta_variabilis_P_3.jpg — (76.77к)

Likes: 10

26.04.2007 8:23, omar

This species seems to be found in the north-east of the European part of Russia and in Northern Europe? Danilevsky's (2005) reference to the Moscow Region is most likely erroneous.
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26.04.2007 13:06, Cerambyx

  Brachyta variabilis Gebl., 1817
South Siberia, Altai, Shebalinsky district, 3 km south of Kumalyr settlement.
June 2003
Distribution: typical for Siberia, the species, starting from the Urals, reaches the coast of the Pacific Ocean, northeast to Kamchatka, From Mongolia, from Korea, the northern part of Sakhalin.
The view fully lives up to its name. It is very variable both in body shape and color. According to Plavilshchikov - $ 85 !!! color variations.
On the photo (according to Plavilshchikov): 1 - ab. anticeconnexus, 2 - ab. semifulvus, 3 - ab. subconstrictus.

I apologize, but not variations-but b. h. aberrations (variations in the future could be useful names, but aberrations are NOT).
This image shows the nominative subspecies Brachyta variabilis variabilis Gebl. The eastern subspecies, Brachyta variabilis scapularis, is distributed westward to about the latitude of Lake Baikal. Baikal (eastern shores of Lake Baikal, Lower Tunguska River). Thus, in Yakutia, the same B. v. scapularis (Chernyshev and Dubatolov in their article mistakenly attributed them to the nominative subspecies). In most of the Mongolian range, as well as in most of Tuva, the Altai and Trans-Baikal Mountains (highlands), B. variabilis is replaced by a similar high-altitude species Brachyta striolata. Being in the Moscow region is really doubtful, but I saw a beetle - a very peculiar specimen, does not look like anyone, and if the label is correct-most likely a new subspecies. I don't know of any reliable finds west of the Urals.

This post was edited by Cerambyx - 04/26/2007 13: 07
Likes: 5

26.04.2007 14:04, omar

Precisely! A very strange specimen. Thank you for the interesting distribution details.

01.08.2007 16:42, rpanin

Stictoleptura rubra (Linnaeus, 1758)
[=Leptura rubra Linnaeus, 1758]

- Carpathian Mountains. Skoleskie Beskids, July 2003 on umbellate inflorescences.

Rutpela maculata (Poda, 1761)
The vicinity of Lviv . July 2005 on umbellate inflorescences

Stictoleptura scutellata (Fabricius , 1781)
Crimea roc. Angarsk pass. July 2004 on umbrella inflorescences

picture: Corymbia_rubra__Linnaeus___1758_.jpg
Corymbia_rubra__Linnaeus___1758_.jpg — (148.11 k)

picture: Rutpela_maculata__Poda__1761_.jpg
Rutpela_maculata__Poda__1761_.jpg — (108.8к)

картинка: Stictoleptura_scutellata__Fabricius___1781_.jpg
Stictoleptura_scutellata__Fabricius___1781_.jpg — (142.8к)

Likes: 17

01.08.2007 22:07, Bad Den

But I have a question like this....
On the basis of which they were combined into 1 genus, their appearance (in particular, the shape of the pronotum) is very different

01.08.2007 22:27, KDG

But I have a question like this....
On the basis of which they were combined into 1 genus, their appearance (in particular, the shape of the pronotum) is very different

who exactly? they have been in different families for a long time..

01.08.2007 23:17, Pavel Morozov

Although I am not fond of coleopterology, still, I will post Leptura virens.
30.06.2007, Vladimir region, Krasny Mayak.

picture: Leptura_virens.jpg
Leptura_virens.jpg — (136.71к)

Likes: 14

02.08.2007 10:25, rpanin

Leptura annularis Fabricius, 1801
[= Strangalia arcuata (Panzer, 1793)]

Body length (female) 17 mm. Usual.
On flowers.

picture: Leptura_annularis_Fabricius__1801_30.05.07__...jpg
Leptura_annularis_Fabricius__1801_30.05.07__...jpg — (144.41к)

Likes: 10

02.08.2007 10:53, Bad Den

who exactly? they have been in different families for a long time..

Sorry, I got it all mixed up... shuffle.gif

16.08.2007 19:37, Victor Titov

Promised Pachyta quadrimaculata L. from the Istra district of the Moscow region. I apologize for the quality of the image.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 31.08.2007 22: 03

picture: ______________.jpg
______________.jpg — (43.07 k)

Likes: 9

18.10.2007 18:32, rpanin

And a few more platitudes.
Anastrangalia dubia (Scopoli, 1763)
Body length-13 mm
Lviv region. Skolevsky district near Grebeniv village . On the umbrella 9-20. VII. 07
Leptura quadrifasciata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Body length-20 mm
Lviv region. Skolevsky district near Grebeniv village . On the umbrella 9-20. VII. 07
Lepturobosca virens (Linnaeus, 1758)
Body length-21 mm
Lviv region. Skolevsky district near Grebeniv village . On the umbrella 9-20. VII. 07
Pachytodes cerambyciformis (Schrank, 1781)
[= Judolia cerambyciformis (Schrank, 1781)]
Body length-11 mm
Lviv region. Skolevsky district near Grebeniv village . On umbrella 9-20. VII. 07 g
Stenurella melanura (Fabricius, 1792)
= Strangalia melanura (Fabricius, 1792)
Body length-11 mm
Lviv region. Skolevsky district near Grebeniv village . On umbrella 9-20. VII. 07 g
Paracorymbia maculicornis (De Geer, 1775)
= Leptura maculicornis De Geer, 1775
Body length-9 mm
Lviv region. Skolevsky district near Grebeniv village . On umbrella 9-20. VII. 07 g

This post was edited by rpanin - 17.02.2008 15: 09

картинка: Anastrangalia_dubia__Scopoli__1763____13_______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg
Anastrangalia_dubia__Scopoli__1763____13_______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg — (134.74к)

picture: Leptura_quadrifasciata______Linnaeus__1758____20______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg
Leptura_quadrifasciata______Linnaeus__1758____20______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg — (91.5к)

picture: Lepturobosca_virens__Linnaeus__1758_____21_______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg
Lepturobosca_virens__Linnaeus__1758_____21_______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg — (104.35к)

picture: Pachytodes_cerambyciformis__Schrank___1781_.jpg
Pachytodes_cerambyciformis__Schrank___1781_.jpg — (120.24к)

картинка: Stenurella_melanura__Fabricius__1792____11______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg
Stenurella_melanura__Fabricius__1792____11______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg — (84.64к)

картинка: Paracorymbia_maculicornis__De_Geer__1775____9_______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg
Paracorymbia_maculicornis__De_Geer__1775____9_______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg — (132.94к)

picture: Anastrangalia_dubia__Scopoli__1763_.jpg
Anastrangalia_dubia__Scopoli__1763_.jpg — (107.94к)

Likes: 9

08.11.2007 19:03, rpanin

Gaurotes (Carilia) virginea (Linnaeus , 1758)
Body length - 11 mm. Skolevsky district near Grebeniv village . On the umbrella 9-20. VII. 07 The most common view
Pachyta quadrimaculata (Linnaeus , 1758)
Body length-21mm Skolevsky district near the village of Grebeniv . On umbrella 9-20. VII. 07 g. Beautiful, but common beetle.
Rhagium sycophanta (Schrank, 1781)
Body length: female-26 mm, male-25 mm. July 2007
Lviv region, Stryi district of the ROC S. Pyatnychany. Into the wine and beer trap.Relatively rare. It is confined to oak stands.

I suggest calling this topic the Tribe Ragiini (Lepturinae, Cerambycidae)
in order not to multiply the already overgrown image forum.
Akimerus schaefferi (Laicharting, 1784) should also be transferred here.

This post was edited by rpanin - 08.11.2007 19: 14

картинка: Gaurotes__Carilia__virginea__Linnaeus___1758___11___.____________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg
Gaurotes__Carilia__virginea__Linnaeus___1758___11___.____________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg — (139.04к)

picture: Pachyta_quadrimaculata__Linnaeus___1758____21______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg
Pachyta_quadrimaculata__Linnaeus___1758____21______________________.__.__________.______________9_20.VII.07__..jpg — (114.88к)

picture: Rhagium_sycophanta___Schrank__1781____________26_mm.jpg
Rhagium_sycophanta___Schrank__1781____________26_mm.jpg — (133.46к)

Likes: 12

09.11.2007 17:49, RippeR

have you ever met pseudogaurotina excellens? And in general, is there any information about the occurrence?

09.11.2007 18:49, rpanin

have you ever met pseudogaurotina excellens? And in general, is there any information about the occurrence?

No, I didn't. Although I paid special attention .

09.11.2007 18:53, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

About variabilis.
Are the black specimens sure they're not shaving?

09.11.2007 18:58, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

This g* of course can not be compared with your scans, but here's what comes to me about this from what I have myself.
[attachmentid(Brachyta spp.)=31022]

picture: brach.JPG
brach.JPG — (140.38к)

Likes: 6

09.11.2007 22:49, Aleksandr Safronov

About variabilis.
Are the black specimens sure they're not shaving?

No, mikepride, don't shave. As far as I know, there is no B. breiti in Altai. It is specified for Eastern Siberia and Mongolia.
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12.11.2007 16:33, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

It's clear.
But still, if not by area, then what are the systematic differences?

12.11.2007 18:09, Aleksandr Safronov

It's clear.
But still, if not by area, then what are the systematic differences?

I won't risk it, let's wait for KDG! smile.gif

13.11.2007 16:37, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

O. K. Komrad, where are you?

19.11.2007 11:32, Cerambyx

Signs... Oh, if they were, the problems with this group would be much less confused.gif
Beetles from the Shebalinsky district are certainly not breiti, or even striolata, but simply black variabilis.
If Brachyta striolata is considered a species, then B. breiti is obviously an intraspecific form, a subspecies, since mixed populations with signs of both forms are known from northern Mongolia.
Distinguishing features between B. striolata and B. variabilis are often only statistical in nature. Here are some preliminary data on the distribution and distinguishing features:
Brachyta striolata Gebl. Trans-Baikal Territory, Tuva, Altai, northern and central Mongolia. It is characterized by a small body size (10-14 mm, rarely up to 15 mm), delicate and fine punctuation of the elytra, a wide pronotum, usually shorter antennae (especially in females), 6-10 segments of the antennae are shortened; the elytra pattern is often longitudinally striped.
Brachyta [striolata] breiti (Tippmann, 1946) was described from Tunka chars. Common in southwestern Buryatia (Mondy, Nilovka) and adjacent regions of Mongolia, it is characterized by particularly short antennae with almost parallel segments of male antennae (in other subspecies, the outer apical angle of 5-10 segments is clearly drawn sideways), usually a delicate and rare punctuation of the elytra.
And where do your instances of "B" come from? breiti"? Can't I take a bigger picture? And at the same time the two lower rows of B. interrogationis?

This post was edited by Cerambyx - 11/19/2007 12: 10
Likes: 5

19.11.2007 11:36, Cerambyx

By the way, the unicolored coloration of the elytra does not serve at all to distinguish "breiti" as a separate taxon; specimens with a pattern on the elytra are not uncommon (and like striolata, it is longitudinally striped).

This post was edited by Cerambyx - 11/19/2007 11: 36
Likes: 3

19.11.2007 13:57, Nikolaj Pichugin

[quote=rpanin,08.11.2007 20:03]

19.11.2007 16:17, KDG

O. K. Komrad, where are you?

I'm here ... business trips, you know.
As for breiti, I can only agree with the citizen of Cerambyx, especially since this topic is closer to him now. Genotype breiti really parallel segments of the antennae, they reach somewhere in the middle of the body in the male and the body is more narrowed to the tops of the elytra.... Sometimes not black.
Likes: 3

19.11.2007 16:58, Mikhail F. Bagaturov

Thank you all!

I will take pictures when there is an opportunity, we will continue!

22.11.2007 12:40, KDG

Brachyta breiti Tippmann, 1946-Zap.Sayan

picture: breiti.jpg
breiti.jpg — (131.99к)

Likes: 9

25.11.2007 21:25, Victor Titov

Macroleptura thoracica (Creutzer, 1799)
Left - 04.07.2003, Yaroslavl region, Uglich district, Metevo village, YarSU biostation; Right-July 2005, Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk district, Bokovo village
picture: DSC00918.jpg
Judolia sexmaculata (Linnaeus, 1758)
04.07.1993, Yaroslavl region, Uglich district, Metevo village, YarSU biological
picture: DSC00904.jpgstation
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01.12.2007 15:44, Cerambyx

Brachyta breiti Tippm.
1,2-males, 3,4-females

picture: breiti_male.jpg
breiti_male.jpg — (94.52к)

Likes: 4

01.12.2007 15:45, Cerambyx

male 2

picture: breiti_male_2.jpg
breiti_male_2.jpg — (101.08к)

Likes: 5

01.12.2007 15:46, Cerambyx

Female 1

picture: breiti_fem.1.jpg
breiti_fem.1.jpg — (97.45 k)

Likes: 4

01.12.2007 15:47, Cerambyx

Female 2 and label

picture: breiti_fem_2.jpg
breiti_fem_2.jpg — (101.72 k)

picture: breiti_lab.jpg
breiti_lab.jpg — (21.31к)

Likes: 5

01.12.2007 16:12, Cerambyx

Copies from the call center, with the same labels. I don't know the locale, obviously northern Mongolia. As can be seen from my poor scans, the elytra of this taxon are colored differently, their punctuation and the shape of the antenna segments also vary. The key point is the shape of the segments, which is the most characteristic feature of breiti, never found in beetles from Tuva, Altai, and Transbaikalia. Therefore, it does not make sense to assign specimens from the Sayan populations of B. striolata to this taxon, even if they have some similarities with breiti. The punctuation of the elytra of breiti is also very peculiar, but in the last female it is already quite thick.
Thus, although the features between these forms are of a statistical nature, if we accept Danilevsky's current position on this group (B. variabilis, B. striolata, and B. breiti are three different species), only populations from Southwestern Buryatia and adjacent areas of northern Mongolia should be considered Brachyta breiti. KDG copy with Zap. Sayana is most likely B. striolata, less likely B. variabilis. I can't tell you more precisely from the photo.
Likes: 4

01.12.2007 20:56, KDG

Copies from the call center, with the same labels. I don't know the locale, obviously northern Mongolia. As can be seen from my poor scans, the elytra of this taxon are colored differently, their punctuation and the shape of the antenna segments also vary. The key point is the shape of the segments, which is the most characteristic feature of breiti, never found in beetles from Tuva, Altai, and Transbaikalia. Therefore, it does not make sense to assign specimens from the Sayan populations of B. striolata to this taxon, even if they have some similarities with breiti. The punctuation of the elytra of breiti is also very peculiar, but in the last female it is already quite thick.
Thus, although the features between these forms are of a statistical nature, if we accept Danilevsky's current position on this group (B. variabilis, B. striolata, and B. breiti are three different species), only populations from Southwestern Buryatia and adjacent areas of northern Mongolia should be considered Brachyta breiti. KDG copy with Zap. Sayana is most likely B. striolata, less likely B. variabilis. I can't tell you more precisely from the photo.

Khara-Daban is Buryatia. As for the rest, it is better not to draw final conclusions from the photo. I can send Zhukov over if necessary. But I won't argue too much either, because all my b.m. unusual "variabilis" are now with you smile.gif. The shape of the segments - alas, varies greatly in all other beetles of this group. This can be seen even on the limited material that I have. If there is at least one breiti left in Zina , I will try to look at the genitals.
In general, for a normal revision, you just need to get the holotype of breiti and its variants. Ask Danilevsky, he is on good terms with Lingafelter, I think he will send it.
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