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Mylabris, 29.12.2007 11:55

Sphenoptera tomentosa Jak.
19.05.2001 South Kazakhstan region, Ili River, rural locality. Bakanas. Into the light.

picture: sphenoptera_tomentosa.jpg
sphenoptera_tomentosa.jpg — (141.36к)


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29.12.2007 17:10, EcoLog

Chalcophora mariana (L., 1758)
Belarus, Minsk region. pine forest on the lake shore. Makovza, 10.06.2005, leg. M.Kazakov

This post was edited by Eco[L]og - 29.12.2007 17: 13

picture: chalcophora_mariana.jpg
chalcophora_mariana.jpg — (76.41к)

Likes: 14

30.12.2007 0:44, rpanin

Chalcophora mariana Linnaeus, 1758
Body length-32 mm. It is more or less common in the places of its localization. Finding this place is another matter.
Yavorovsky district, okr S. Stradch.On pine stumps 10. VI. 07

Chrysobothris affinis Fabricius, 1794
Body length -14 mm. Yavorovsky district, OKR village Stradch, on beech logs. 29.V.07

Phaenops cyanea Fabricius, 1775
Body length -12 mm
Yavorovsky district, OKR S. Stradch .Into the wine and beer trap. 29.V-21.VI.07

картинка: Chalcophora_mariana__Linnaeus__1758____32_mm._______________________.________10.VI.07.jpg
Chalcophora_mariana__Linnaeus__1758____32_mm._______________________.________10.VI.07.jpg — (126.34к)

картинка: Chrysobothris_affinis__Fabricius__1794___14_mm.______________________.________29.V.07.jpg
Chrysobothris_affinis__Fabricius__1794___14_mm.______________________.________29.V.07.jpg — (122.46к)

картинка: Phaenops_cyanea___Fabricius__1775___12_mm______________________._________29.V_21.VI.07.jpg
Phaenops_cyanea___Fabricius__1775___12_mm______________________._________29.V_21.VI.07.jpg — (118.44к)

Likes: 17

04.01.2008 18:01, rpanin

Capnodis tenebrionis (Linnaeus, 1758)
body length 24mm.
Crimea, the surrounding area of the village. Solnechnogorsk. July 2004 I found it dead on the road.
Buprestis haemorrhoidalis Herbst, 1780
Body length-16 mm
Lviv region .,Starosamborsky district, surrounding settlement. Dobromyl. July 2005On the fly.

picture: Capnodis_tenebrionis__Linnaeus__1758____24_mm.jpg
Capnodis_tenebrionis__Linnaeus__1758____24_mm.jpg — (128.76к)

картинка: Buprestis_haemorrhoidalis_Herbst__1780___16_mm.jpg
Buprestis_haemorrhoidalis_Herbst__1780___16_mm.jpg — (137.04к)

Likes: 14

16.04.2008 7:37, Timandr

from the tropics

picture: Sternocera_iris_.jpg
Sternocera_iris_.jpg — (29.83к)

picture: _______Sternocera_sp_.jpg
_______Sternocera_sp_.jpg — (39.74к)

picture: Polybothris_sumptuosa_1_.jpg
Polybothris_sumptuosa_1_.jpg — (37.42к)

picture: Chrysochroa_corbetti.jpg
Chrysochroa_corbetti.jpg — (127.75к)

Likes: 10

16.04.2008 9:23, Bad Den

Sternocera_sp - from Africa or Asia ?

16.04.2008 9:24, RippeR

sumptuosa super

18.04.2008 6:48, Timandr

from Africa; caught in Turkmenistan-it was quite different and small (iris euphratica like).
sumptuosa is especially super from the bottom: that's what's in there - a portrait of an alien!!!

picture: _________________Polybothris_sumptuosa________._.jpg
_________________Polybothris_sumptuosa________._.jpg — (51.09к)

Likes: 6

19.04.2008 0:30, RippeR

Terminator 4: Rise of the Goldfish CYBARGAV

19.04.2008 6:04, guest: Timandr

Yes, no less smile.gif)

25.04.2008 21:47, Nilson

Capnodis cariosa Pall., 1776
10-15.VI.2007 Montenegro, Petrovac

Sapnodis (?) carbonaria
Armenia, Vayk

Capnodis miliaris metallica Ball., 1870
13. V. 2005 Tajikistan, Tigrovaya balka

Lamprodila rutilans Fab., 1777
10-15.VI.2006 Montenegro, Budva

Eurythyrea aurata Pall., 1776
23. VII. 2007
P. Caucasus, Adygea, Khadjokh

This post was edited by Nilson - 30.03.2009 13: 52

picture: Capnodis_cariosa2_dors.JPG
Capnodis_cariosa2_dors.JPG — (143.81к)

picture: Capnodis_tenebricosa_dors.JPG
Capnodis_tenebricosa_dors.JPG — (131.78к)

picture: Capnodis_miliaris2.JPG
Capnodis_miliaris2.JPG — (139.45к)

picture: Lamprodila_rutilans_dors.JPG
Lamprodila_rutilans_dors.JPG — (139.89к)

picture: Eurythrea_aurata.JPG
Eurythrea_aurata.JPG — (126.02к)

Likes: 17

01.09.2008 2:45, Juglans

Agrilus sp. Primorye. Tiny zlatki in 3.5 mm on a nut (mobile, the wind was blowing-it turned out badly). Similar to Agrilus gussakovskii Alexeev

picture: Agrilus.JPG
Agrilus.JPG — (125.91к)

Likes: 8

01.09.2008 11:15, Stas Shinkarenko

The views are banal, but still:

1. Acmaeoderella_flavofasciata. Surroundings of Volgograd 18.07.08
2. Ancylocheira_rustica. Volgograd region floodplain of the Medveditsa River 06.07.08
3. Anthaxia_fulgurans. Surroundings of Volgograd 08.07.08
4. Capnodis_tenebrionis. Surroundings of Volgograd 30.08.08
5. Dicerca_aenea. Volgograd region. floodplain of the Don. 13.07.06
6. Coroebus_rubi Volgograd neighborhood 02.07.08

This post was edited by wise_snake - 01.09.2008 11: 17

picture: Acmaeoderella_flavofasciata1.jpg
Acmaeoderella_flavofasciata1.jpg — (107.97к)

picture: Ancylocheira_rustica.jpg
Ancylocheira_rustica.jpg — (98.36к)

picture: Anthaxia_fulgurans.jpg
Anthaxia_fulgurans.jpg — (143.01к)

picture: Capnodis_tenebrionis1.jpg
Capnodis_tenebrionis1.jpg — (100.44к)

picture: 39_Dicerca_aenea.jpg
39_Dicerca_aenea.jpg — (146.93к)

picture: 41__Coroebus_rubi.jpg
41__Coroebus_rubi.jpg — (130.58к)

Likes: 12

03.10.2008 13:32, rpanin

Melanophila picta (Pallas, 1773)
The body length is 13mm.
Zakarpattia region, Vinogradiv district, Chorna Gora, Vinnichki 14. VII. 08
On an old fallen willow tree

Dicerca alni (Fischer v. Waldheim, 1823)
The body length is 22mm.
Lviv region, Stryi district, Pyatnychany village area. 7-9. VI. 08
On linden and birch logs.

This post was edited by rpanin - 18.08.2009 12: 01

picture: Melanophila_picta__Pallas__1773__13mm..jpg
Melanophila_picta__Pallas__1773__13mm..jpg — (121.59к)

картинка: Dicerca_alni__Fischer_v._Waldheim__1823__22_mm..jpg
Dicerca_alni__Fischer_v._Waldheim__1823__22_mm..jpg — (122.34к)

Likes: 12

31.10.2008 20:34, Nilson

Buprestis (Buprestis) dalmatina (Mannerheim, 1837)
Montrnergo, Petrovac tn. env. 5-20.VI.2007

This post was edited by Nilson - 31.10.2008 20: 35

picture: Buprestis_dalmatina1.jpg
Buprestis_dalmatina1.jpg — (147.25 k)

picture: Buprestis_dalmatina3.JPG
Buprestis_dalmatina3.JPG — (137.89к)

Likes: 9

08.11.2008 11:14, Nilson

1. Capnodis excisa (Menetries, 1848)
TURKMENISTAN,near Nijaz-Depe st.,S. Kara-Kum desert, 20.IV.1994

2. Capnodis carbonaria (Klug, 1829)
TURKEY, Antalya, env. Nevsehir tn., 20.VI.2006

3. Julodis armeniaca cypria (Obenberger, 1917)
SE CYPRUS, Protaras, Konnos Bay, 17-25.V.2007

4. Julodis faldermanni (Mannerheim, 1837)
ARMENIA, Ararat prov.,Goravan Sands, h=970m, 17.VII.1993

5. Julodis laevicostata ramifera (Marseul, 1865)
N. IRAN, Quazvin prov.,Quhin pass, h=1500 m, 10.VI.2006

6. Lampetis argentata (Mannerheim, 1837)
TADZHIKISTAN, 150 km S of Dushanbe, H=200m, 11.V.2005

picture: Capnodis_excisa.JPG
Capnodis_excisa.JPG — (136.42к)

picture: Capnodis_carbonaria.JPG
Capnodis_carbonaria.JPG — (127.96к)

picture: Julodis_armeniaca_cypria.JPG
Julodis_armeniaca_cypria.JPG — (134.46к)

picture: Julodis_faldermanni.JPG
Julodis_faldermanni.JPG — (125.35к)

картинка: Julodis_laevicostata_ramifera.JPG
Julodis_laevicostata_ramifera.JPG — (126.25к)

picture: Lampetis_argentata.JPG
Lampetis_argentata.JPG — (127.47к)

Likes: 13

08.11.2008 11:32, алекс 2611

Are these all yours? I would like to see them in kind....

08.11.2008 13:24, PG18

Several goldsmiths from the south of the Ustyurt plateau. End of April - May. I would be grateful to clarify the definition. Except yulodiya - all small (5-8 mm) and all with ferula smelly, develop apparently in its stalks.

картинка: Acmaeoderella__villosula__05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0461.jpg
Acmaeoderella__villosula__05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0461.jpg — (133.64к)

picture: Acmaeoderella__villosula___05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0474.jpg
Acmaeoderella__villosula___05_05_Kyrtakhtai_0474.jpg — (137.47к)

картинка: Acmaeoderella__vetusta__05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0133.jpg
Acmaeoderella__vetusta__05_15_sands_at_Akkuduk_0133.jpg — (141.09к)

picture: Anthaxia__lucidiceps__04_28_______________0065.jpg
Anthaxia__lucidiceps__04_28_______________0065.jpg — (130k)

picture: Julodis_faldermanni_04_28_______________0069.jpg
Julodis_faldermanni_04_28_______________0069.jpg — (149.96к)

картинка: Julodis_faldermanni_04_30_Kendyrli_0021.jpg
Julodis_faldermanni_04_30_Kendyrli_0021.jpg — (141.67к)

Likes: 18

08.11.2008 15:03, Nilson

Several goldsmiths from the south of the Ustyurt plateau. End of April - May. I would be grateful to clarify the definition. Except yulodiya - all small (5-8 mm) and all with ferula smelly, develop apparently in its stalks.

Still, I would call it Julodis variolaris. J. faldermanni does not enter Central Asia, its range, according to my data, covers Transcaucasia, Iran and Iraq.
Likes: 1

08.11.2008 15:05, Nilson

Are these all yours? I'd like to see them in person....

These are all mine. I'll spread out 50 more types - then you'll see everything at once - no problem smile.gif

08.11.2008 16:16, алекс 2611

These are all mine. I'll spread out another 50 types - then all at once and you'll see - no problem smile.gif

50 types???? 50 types!!!!!!

08.11.2008 19:25, Pavel Udovichenko

Since we are talking about Julodis, I post a couple of photos (I apologize for the quality) of my collection. As well as a photo of the showcase "on the wall "(arranged exclusively according to the aesthetic principle).

picture: JULODIS_1.jpg
JULODIS_1.jpg — (118.04к)

picture: JULODIS_2.jpg
JULODIS_2.jpg — (106.16к)


Likes: 20

09.11.2008 13:08, Nilson

Poecilonota variolosa variolosa (Paykull, 1799)
UKRAINE, Kherson reg.,Golaya Pristan distr., near Rybaltche vill.,on poplar, 20-30.VI.1998

picture: Poecilonota_variolosa_variolosa1.JPG
Poecilonota_variolosa_variolosa1.JPG — (133.33к)

Likes: 10

09.11.2008 19:04, Nilson

1. Perotis lugubris longicollis (Fabricius, 1777)
ARMENIA, near Gekhard tn., 6-7.VI.2003

2. Lamprodila decipiens decipiens (Gebler, 1847)
S.RUSSIA,Rostov reg.,Ust-Donetskiy distr., 25.VI-10.VII.2008

picture: Perotis_lugubris_longicollis1.JPG
Perotis_lugubris_longicollis1.JPG — (135.62к)

picture: Lamprodila_decipiens_decipiens2.JPG
Lamprodila_decipiens_decipiens2.JPG — (134.88к)

Likes: 13

02.12.2008 22:28, Nilson

1. Dicerca furcata (Thunberg, 1787) = acuminata Pall.
RUSSIA, Tuva,near Kyzil tn., Biy-Khem riv., Uljukskyi Mts.,slopes of the hills

2. Buprestis octoguttata, Linnaeus, 1758
NE UKRAINE,Kharkov reg.,Zmievo distr.,Zadonetzkoe vill. env.

picture: Buprestis_octopunctata1.JPG
Buprestis_octopunctata1.JPG — (137.38к)

picture: Dicerca_furcata1.JPG
Dicerca_furcata1.JPG — (138.2к)

Likes: 10

02.12.2008 23:41, rpanin

How does Dicerca furcata differ from alni?
That is, what should I pay attention to?

03.12.2008 10:50, Alexandr Rusinov

In furcata, the outgrowths at the top of the elytra are rounded at the ends, and in alni they are with a notch. But in general, dicerks are not limited to these two types, it is better to run them by keys.
Likes: 3

03.12.2008 23:21, Nilson

How does Dicerca furcata differ from alni?
That is, what should I pay attention to?

According to my observations, the outgrowths of the elytra in D. furcata are usually even longer.

03.12.2008 23:27, Fornax13

If necessary, there were keys from the fauna.

04.12.2008 18:07, Nilson

If necessary, there were keys from the fauna.

That would be great!

04.12.2008 22:06, Cerambyx

Capnodis cariosa Pall., 1776
10-15.VI.2007 Montenegro, Petrovac

Capnodis tenebricosa Oliv. , 1790
Armenia, Vayk

Capnodis miliaris metallica Ball., 1870
13. V. 2005 Tajikistan, Tigrovaya balka

Lamprodila rutilans Fab., 1777
10-15.VI.2006 Montenegro, Budva

Eurythyrea aurata Pall., 1776
23. VII. 2007
P. Caucasus, Adygea, Khadjokh

Neil, for some reason I'm almost sure that you have the same Capnodis carbonaria from Armenia!;)
Likes: 1

04.12.2008 23:58, Fornax13

That would be great!

OK, coming soon )
Likes: 1

05.12.2008 1:09, Nilson

Neil, for some reason I'm almost sure that you have the same Capnodis carbonaria from Armenia!;)

Well, you'll need to run it through the key again.

06.12.2008 23:09, ognevik

How does Julodis_faldermanni differ from variolaris ???

07.12.2008 13:28, Nilson

How does Julodis_faldermanni differ from variolaris ???

First of all-the ability to lift a gravitoplane into the air. According to recent research, J. faldermanni's elitist sculpture has absolutely no anti-gravity properties. smile.gif
There are also some differences in the distribution area. In general, these are very variable species.

10.12.2008 22:58, RippeR

by the way, I heard that if you are a week late in collecting variolares (i.e., copies that came out later), then they also have problems with flight, which means that the gravitoplane will not rise..

By the way, in 20% of my variolares, the elytra rose up (in dead specimens!), after which small indentations are visible in the box on the foam.

10.12.2008 23:59, Nilson

Andrey, do you keep them in a box with their bellies up?

11.12.2008 0:44, RippeR

yulodisov yes, because otherwise they can damage other beetles.

14.12.2008 15:31, barko

And I found one zlatka

Buprestis strigosa Gebler, 1830 Buryatia, Mondy, July

picture: DSC09657.jpg
Likes: 10

21.12.2008 21:19, rpanin

Buprestis novemmaculata Linnaeus, 1767
The body length is 19mm.
Rivne region, Rakitnyansky district, district of Bilsk, sosnovy les, 12. VIII. 2008 leg. Kanarsky Yu.

This post was edited by rpanin - 18.08.2009 11: 55

картинка: Buprestis_novemmaculata_Linnaeus__1767._19mm._____________._.jpg
Buprestis_novemmaculata_Linnaeus__1767._19mm._____________._.jpg — (114.04к)

Likes: 11

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