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PG18, 12.06.2008 15:26

Oddly enough, there didn't seem to be such a topic yet. How to write it correctly in Russian?
In my (lepidopterist's) experience, everyone flies well into the light...
Kuzki are plentiful on the inflorescences of cereals, often in pairs and with their hind legs raised in pleasure smile.gif

Anisoplia (Lasioplia) campicola Menetries, 1832

Orenburg Region, Bolshoy Kumak River, June 22, 2007

picture: Phyllopertha_horticola_0121________.jpg

This post was edited by PG18-16.06.2008 18: 58


12.06.2008 15:30, PG18

Anisoplia segetum
zoubkovi Krynicky, 1832

Y.-Z.Kazakhstan, Ustyurt district, sands near the village of Akkuduk, May 16, 2008

As noted by A. Ivanov (Yekaterinburg), to whom I thank for the definition, the specific feature is clearly visible - powerful bristles along the outer edge of the elytra.

картинка: Anisoplia_segetum_05_16_sands_at_Akkuduk_0291.jpg

This post was edited by PG18-12.06.2008 15: 37
Likes: 9

12.06.2008 17:01, PG18

Anomala kirgisica Borodin, 1915

Determined by: A. Ivanov (Yekaterinburg).
Kazakhstan, Ustyurt region, Karynzharyk sands near Akkuduk village, during the day on cereals, May 19, 2008

This post was edited by PG18-12.06.2008 19: 59

picture: Anomala_kirgisica_0039.JPG
Anomala_kirgisica_0039.JPG — (67.12к)

picture: Anomala_kirgisica_0041.JPG
Anomala_kirgisica_0041.JPG — (71.21 k)

Likes: 9

12.06.2008 17:04, PG18

Anomala semenovi Medvedev, 1949

Determined by: A. Ivanov (Yekaterinburg).
Kazakhstan, Ustyurt w-k, Karynzharyk sands near the village of Akkuduk, at night on the light, May 19, 2008

This post was edited by PG18-12.06.2008 23: 27

picture: Anomala_semenovi_0044.JPG
Anomala_semenovi_0044.JPG — (66.11к)

picture: Anomala_semenovi_DSC_0043.JPG
Anomala_semenovi_DSC_0043.JPG — (84.84к)

Likes: 10

12.06.2008 18:04, Buzman

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24.10.2012 18:05, Dergg

Undeservedly forgotten topic, I will try to correct this annoying omission...

Anomala dubia Scop., different color aberrations

Kaliningrad region, Pionersky district, sand dunes on the ber. Baltic Sea Region, July 2005-2008

picture: P1010449.JPG
picture: P1010453.JPG
picture: P1010456.JPG

Anomala kirgisica Borod.

Astrakhan region, 14 km north-west of the village. Dosang, sediments on the shore of the salt marsh, 5.05.2012

picture: P1010476.JPG

This post was edited by Dergg - 10/25/2012 23: 58
Likes: 5

24.10.2012 18:10, Dergg

Anomala antiqua Gyllenhal, 1817

Thailand, Phraya distr., Lalu Nat. Park, F. Korshunov leg.

picture: P1010461.JPG

This post was edited by Dergg - 05/21/2016 17: 09
Likes: 5

24.10.2012 19:01, Dergg

Phyllopertha horticola L. is one of the most widespread and common representatives of the subfamily on the territory of the Russian Federation

Moscow region, vicinity of Zvenigorod biological station, June 2008

picture: ___________100.jpgpicture: ___________520.jpg
picture: ___________101.jpgpicture: ___________336.jpg

Pushchino, Moscow Region, June 2009

picture: P6217623.JPG

Individual melanist
picture: P6217620.JPG
Likes: 6

02.11.2012 20:53, Dergg

Rhombonyx holosericea Fabricius, 1787

Irkutsk region, Lake Baikal, Mishikha River, 10.07.2003, Fominykh village leg.

picture: P1010499.JPG
Likes: 6

02.11.2012 21:02, lepidopterolog

R. holosericea near Moscow, Nerskaya station, found dead in the sand 13. VIII. 2008
picture: IMG_3595.jpg
Likes: 11

23.11.2013 11:33, vasiliy-feoktistov

Anomala dubia (Scopoli, 1763)
Three color forms that I came across in the same area at different times:
picture: anomala_dubia.jpg
Moscow region, Lyuberetsky district, okr. der. Torbeevo, a power line clearing in the forest.
P.S. Many people know this clearing from the past, 2012 wink.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 11/23/2013 12: 42
Likes: 11

05.12.2013 3:22, Maksim M.

That's how different the biotopes are, even in the middle lane, for 3 seasons I have not seen even once,and for example, Mr. Nikolos in Pskov province caught at least 3 color variations, classic, blue and green..

05.12.2013 9:29, vasiliy-feoktistov

That's how different the biotopes are, even in the middle lane, for 3 seasons I have not seen even once,and for example, Mr. Nikolos in Pskov province caught at least 3 color variations, classic, blue and green..

On blooming kiprei (ivan-tea) it is necessary to look (there I usually come across). Pine forests on sandy soil likes.

04.11.2014 15:41, Honza

Popillia flavofasciata Kraatz, 1892

picture: Popillia_flavofasciata_Kraatz___1892.JPG
Popillia_flavofasciata_Kraatz___1892.JPG — (128.98к)

Likes: 13

06.11.2014 21:40, Black Coleopter

  Anomala dubia (Scopoli, 1763)
Three color forms that I came across in the same area at different times:
picture: anomala_dubia.jpg
Moscow region, Lyuberetsky district, okr. der. Torbeevo, a power line clearing in the forest.
P.S. Many people know this clearing from the past, 2012 wink.gif

The extreme right is the female of the given species, not the color form.
Likes: 2

23.12.2014 17:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

Here is such a cute "American" smile.gif
Rutella histrio Sahlberg, 1823
Jan. 2014. French Guiana, Montagnes des Peres. leg. Local collector.
picture: rutella.jpg
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27.12.2014 21:35, vasiliy-feoktistov

Another American.
Chlorota terminata (Serville, 1825)
The label is the same:
Jan. 2014. French Guiana, Montagnes des Peres. leg. Local collector.
picture: Chlorota_terminata.jpg
Likes: 4

27.12.2014 22:14, vasiliy-feoktistov

Asian smile.gif
Anomala grandis (Hope, 1839)???
Please confirm whether to correct the definition as much as possible mol.gif
22.03.2013-01.04.2013. Malaysia, Pahang, Fraser's Hill, Silverpark, 3.42'54.81"N 101.44'07.65"E Alt.=1285м. leg. Vishnyakov A.N.
picture: Anomala_grandis.jpg
Thanks to Alexey Vishnyakov for the material beer.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 12/27/2014 23: 02
Likes: 3

27.12.2014 22:48, Victor Titov

Asian smile.gif
Anomala grandis (Hope, 1839)
22.03.2013-01.04.2013. Malaysia, Pahang, Fraser's Hill, Silverpark, 3.42'54.81"N 101.44'07.65"E Alt.=1285м. leg. Vishnyakov A.N.

Vasya, by the way, it's not a fact that this is exactly grandis - there are several types of them under this "code name" wink.gifsee the messages of VAZ and smax:

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 12/27/2014 22: 51
Likes: 1

27.12.2014 23:00, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vasya, by the way, it's not a fact that this is exactly grandis - there are several types of them under this "code name" wink.gifsee the messages of VAZ and smax:

Thank you. I was guided by red legs.... Although I don't know now. Now I'll correct the post a little smile.gif
By the way: there is another similar friend in the piggy bank: confused.gifI will put up dark legs tomorrow as sp.

27.12.2014 23:59, Victor Titov

Thank you. I was guided by red legs.... Although I don't know now. Now I'll correct the post a little smile.gif
By the way: there is still a similar friend in the piggy bank: confused.gifI will put up his dark legs tomorrow as sp.

I have copies from Japan and Thailand in my collection. The legs are all "metal", dark.

09.11.2015 19:46, Honza

Fruhstorferia nigromuliebris Nagai, 1984

картинка: Fruhstorferia_nigromuliebris_Nagai__1984.JPG
Fruhstorferia_nigromuliebris_Nagai__1984.JPG — (294.62к)

Likes: 10

09.11.2015 19:47, Honza

Fruhstorferia flavipennis Nagai, 1984

picture: Fruhstorferia__flavipennis_Nagai__1984.JPG
Fruhstorferia__flavipennis_Nagai__1984.JPG — (288.76к)

Likes: 10

09.11.2015 19:49, Honza

Kibakoganea fujiokai ssp. itohi Muramoto, 2005

картинка: Kibakoganea_fujiokai_ssp._itohi_Muramoto___2005.JPG
Kibakoganea_fujiokai_ssp._itohi_Muramoto___2005.JPG — (295.51к)

Likes: 13

02.01.2016 10:36, Honza

Kibakoganea sinica Bouchard, 2005

This post was edited by Honza - 02.01.2016 10: 41

картинка: Kibakoganea_sinica_Bouchard__2005___Kopie.JPG
Kibakoganea_sinica_Bouchard__2005___Kopie.JPG — (293.2к)

картинка: Kibakoganea_sinica_Bouchard__2005___Kopie__2_.JPG
Kibakoganea_sinica_Bouchard__2005___Kopie__2_.JPG — (291.61к)

Likes: 8

03.01.2016 9:20, Михалис

The extreme right is the female of the given species, not the color form.

Are you saying that females are only this color, and males are golden-greenish variations? I haven't seen it recorded anywhere in the literature. I've met light females, too. I agree with the author's original - these are all color forms, and there are many more of them than in the pictures, and they are not particularly tied to gender differences.
Likes: 1

01.05.2016 19:32, Dergg

Pelidnota unicolor Drury, 1778

Paraguay, Dep. Cordillera, Pirareta; 12-15.X.2010; U. Drechsel leg.
picture: P._unicolor.jpg
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21.05.2016 16:12, Dergg

Viridimicus cyanochlorus Jameson, 1990

Mexico, Oaxaca state, San-Sebastian, h = 2600 m, VII.2011
picture: DSC_0346.JPG

Viridimicus aurescens Bates, 1888

Mexico, Chiapas state, San-Christobal, h = 2450 m, VII.2011
picture: DSC_0343.JPG
Likes: 9

31.10.2016 18:09, vasiliy-feoktistov

Mimela holosericea (Fabricius, 1787)
= Rhombonyx holosericea Fabricius, 1787
(Rutelinae → Anomalini → Anomalina)
Russia, Primorsky Krai.
picture: Mimela_holosericea.jpg
picture: Mimela_holosericea_1.jpg

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 01.11.2016 01: 03
Likes: 7

01.11.2016 23:36, vasiliy-feoktistov

Platycoelia mesosternalis Ohaus, 1904
(Rutelinae → Anoplognathini → Platycoeliina)
Central America, Republic of Costa Rica
picture: Platycoelia_mesosternalis.JPG
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05.11.2016 16:55, IKamskov

Emerald beetle (Mimela holosericea F.) flew to the DRV consistently 1-2 beetles every evening immediately after sunset. August 2-15, 2014 Tigrovy settlement, Partizansky district, Primorsky Kraipicture: IMGP2246_.jpg
Mimela testaceipes (Motschulsky, 1860) in the same place and at the same time, but much rarer

картинка: IMGP2385_Mimela_testaceipes_ussuriensis_S.Medvedev_1949.jpg
IMGP2385_Mimela_testaceipes_ussuriensis_S.Medvedev_1949.jpg — (292.71к)

картинка: IMGP2386_Mimela_testaceipes_ussuriensis_S.Medvedev_1949.jpg
IMGP2386_Mimela_testaceipes_ussuriensis_S.Medvedev_1949.jpg — (306.95к)

Likes: 9

26.11.2016 12:06, vasiliy-feoktistov

Megapertha massageta (Kirsch, 1880)
(Anomalini → Anomalina)
Turkmenistan, Ashgabat
picture: Megapertha_massageta_1.jpg
Likes: 10

14.06.2018 13:37, anagur

Great shotssmile.gif

23.09.2020 16:34, Gray-Ejik

Platycoelia inflata Ohaus, 1904

Argentina, Jujuy prov., Santa-Barbara dep., 21.oct.2019

This post was edited by Gray-Ejik - 25.09.2020 11: 09

picture: Platycoelia_inflata_Ohaus__1904.jpg
Platycoelia_inflata_Ohaus__1904.jpg — (790.52к)

Likes: 2

23.09.2020 16:45, Gray-Ejik

Epichalcoplethis sanctijacobi (Ohaus, 1905)

Argentina, Jujuy prov., Santa-Barbara dep., 06.nov.2019

This post was edited by Gray-Ejik - 01.08.2021 09: 29

picture: Pelidnota_sanctijacobi_Ohaus__1905.jpg
Pelidnota_sanctijacobi_Ohaus__1905.jpg — (646.54к)

Likes: 1

25.09.2020 7:59, AGG

25.09.2020 11:09, Gray-Ejik

a good optics was in those days wink.gif

The civilization we lost... Damn the reptilians! lol.gif
Likes: 1

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