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Genus Osmoderma

Community and ForumInsects imagesGenus Osmoderma

sebastes, 24.08.2010 5:22

Male Osmoderma davidis (Fairmaire, 1887), okr. Ussuriysky Nature Reserve, South Primorye, ser. July 2010.

picture: O_davidis.jpg
O_davidis.jpg — (197.13к)


24.08.2010 5:27, sebastes

Female Osmoderma caeleste (Gusakov, 2002), okr. Ussuriysky Nature Reserve,
Yu. Primorye, ser. July 2010.
picture: O_caelestis.jpg

This post was edited by sebastes - 09.04.2016 14: 57
Likes: 16

25.12.2010 13:04, bugslov

Female odorous hermit Osmoderma barnabita Motsch, Leningrad region. Luzhsky district, okr. Tolmachevo, 31.07.2009

This post was edited by bugslov-25.12.2010 13: 05

picture: DSC015571.jpg
DSC015571.jpg — (379.33к)

Likes: 10

28.12.2010 20:09, captolabrus

Can you provide a complete list of species of the genus osmoderma, and add images to it? It will be very informative and just great.

16.07.2012 9:40, Людмила Звягина

Pupae of hermit wax beetle found on a fallen poplar tree, many, Kharkiv region, Bukino, Ukraine

picture: P1080848.JPG
P1080848.JPG — (232.41к)

Likes: 9

22.07.2012 20:52, captolabrus

Save them for humanity!

04.08.2012 22:56, EvgenD

Osmoderma barnabita from the Belarusian Polesie. End of July 2012
picture: IMG_3389.JPG
and another one
picture: IMG_3415.JPG
Likes: 7

07.08.2012 8:40, captolabrus

But Osmoderma is not located in Kostroma's long-suffering oak forest . It probably isn't there at all.

13.08.2014 14:33, Anthicus

Here is a selection of photos on my colleague's Facebook profile-catching hermit Osmoderma barnabita in a pheromone trap in Riga, August 2014. The text is in Latvian, but it won't be a hindrance.

So far, the record is 8 beetles in 1 trap in two days.


This post was edited by Anthicus - 08/13/2014 14: 39
Likes: 3

13.08.2014 23:08, Black Coleopter

Antikusu: Don't really understand the design of the trap? Is there a live female pheromone?

This post was edited by Black Coleopter - 08/13/2014 23: 10

14.08.2014 7:44, Anthicus

Antikusu: Don't really understand the design of the trap? Is there a live female pheromone?

Oh, come on. There is a pheromone-a chemical substance that is sold in the EU and the USA. You buy, make a trap like the one in the pictures, and catch beetles.

The pheromone is mainly used by females, with fewer males. Plus, sometimes Elater ferrugineus is caught as an enemy of Osmoderma. Although on Elater we use a separate pheromone.

The pheromone for Osmoderma is called ®- (+) - gamma-decalactone. 50 ml in Riga costs about 35 euros.

This post was edited by Anthicus - 08/14/2014 07: 44
Likes: 2

14.08.2014 23:04, Victor Gazanchidis

Can you tell me where exactly it is better to buy? An online store in Europe, for example.

15.08.2014 7:30, Anthicus

Can you tell me where exactly it is better to buy? An online store in Europe, for example.

There is a large company in the USA and Europe-Sigma Aldrich. Only in their catalog, the substance has a slightly different name.

This post was edited by Anthicus - 08/15/2014 08: 07
Likes: 1

22.08.2014 19:02, Anthicus

Osmoderma barnabita in a terrarium for home maintenance / breeding-imagos love honey and other sweets.

picture: 27.7.2014.JPG
27.7.2014.JPG — (139.99к)

Likes: 12

31.03.2016 9:13, Keydg

Osmoderma caelestis south of Primorsky Krai

picture: CAM02929.jpg
CAM02929.jpg — (285.34к)

Likes: 8

31.03.2016 9:14, Keydg

Osmoderma davidis)

picture: CAM03172.jpg
CAM03172.jpg — (295.6к)

Likes: 9

13.09.2020 8:52, Keydg

Osmoderma barnabita 36 mm from Ukraine and Osmoderma caelestis 31mm

picture: 20200913_082935.jpg
20200913_082935.jpg — (314.79к)

picture: 20200913_083010.jpg
20200913_083010.jpg — (287.5к)

Likes: 5

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