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vasiliy-feoktistov, 01.11.2009 11:14

I start the topic with a photo of three views from the Moscow region. This is all that I was able to find (apparently we have a very bad situation with this family).
All beetles from here: M. O. Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district.
If you have anything else on the topic, get in touch!
1) Platystomus albinus Fabricius, 1758 (самец)-18.09.1998г. On a birch tree.
2) Platystomus albinus Fabricius, 1758 (самка)-29.07.2000г. On the oak tree.
3) Platyrhinus resinosus Scopoli, 1763-21.05.2000г. On an alder tree.
4) Gonotropis dorsalis Thunberg, 1796. Thanks to Omar and Alexey Sazhnev for identifying the beetle.-31.05.2005г. On the oak tree.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 01.11.2009 11:27 am

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (79.6к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (94.81 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (101.34 k)

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4.jpg — (91.55к)


05.11.2009 20:48, botanque

Dissoleucas niveirostris (Fabricius, 1798)
Samara region, north of the village. Elkhovki; in the grass among alders; 20.07.2000
picture: tropideresss.jpg
Likes: 6

05.11.2009 23:25, Liparus

Dendrotrogus sp.
А.Kovalev det.

all the material is mine, photo by Barry

This post was edited by Liparus - 05.11.2009 23: 31

picture: IMG_26580.JPG
IMG_26580.JPG — (74.46к)

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05.11.2009 23:30, Liparus

Tophoderes frenatus (Klug, 1833)

This post was edited by Liparus - 05.11.2009 23: 31

picture: IMG_26521.JPG
IMG_26521.JPG — (83.51к)

Likes: 6

05.11.2009 23:34, Liparus

Platyrhinus resinosus (Scopoli, 1763)
E UKRAINE,Kharkov. reg.,
Lybotin.(on asphalt)
A. Shehovcov leg.
30. V. 2009
body length with jaws - 12 mm

This post was edited by Liparus - 05.11.2009 23: 40

picture: CRW_23760.jpg
CRW_23760.jpg — (75.84к)

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05.11.2009 23:41, Liparus

Platystomos albinus (Linnaeus, 1758) males
E UKRAINE, Kharkiv. reg.,
Vasishevo district, near Gusinaya Poliana
(Felling, under oak bark)
D.Kovalchuk leg.

Falls in case of danger smile.gif

This post was edited by Liparus - 06.11.2009 00: 16

picture: CRW_23790.jpg
CRW_23790.jpg — (60.96к)

picture: CRW_23780.jpg
CRW_23780.jpg — (58.72к)

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05.11.2009 23:49, Liparus

Dissoleucas niveirostris (Fabricius, 1798)
E UKRAINE,Kharkiv. reg.,
Vasishevo district, near Gusinaya Poliana
(Mowing in the shady part of the forest)
A. Shehovcov & B.Loboda leg.

picture: CRW_2383.jpg
CRW_2383.jpg — (68.23к)

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05.11.2009 23:55, Liparus

Tropideres albirostris (Herbst, 1784) female
E UKRAINE, Kharkiv. reg.,
Lybotin distr., near Vodianoe
(Mowing on dry Ash branches), photo in the same place on site B.Loboda
A. Shehovcov leg.

Jumps in case of danger smile.gif

This post was edited by Liparus - 06.11.2009 00: 00

picture: CRW_2385.jpg
CRW_2385.jpg — (76.42к)

picture: CRW_7821.jpg
CRW_7821.jpg — (171.59к)

picture: CRW_7811.jpg
CRW_7811.jpg — (159.09к)

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05.11.2009 23:59, Liparus

Tropideres albirostris (Herbst, 1784) male
E UKRAINE,Kharkov. reg.,
outsk. of Dokuchaevo vill., (on dry Ash twigs)
Yu. Skrylnik leg.
IV. 2009

Jumps in case of danger smile.gif

picture: CRW_23840.jpg
CRW_23840.jpg — (83.89к)

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06.11.2009 0:07, Liparus

Rhaphitropis marchicus (Herbst, 1797) male
E UKRAINE, Kharkiv. reg.,
Horoshevo district, near Udianka vill, Udu river (on a shrinking American Maple)
A. Shehovcov leg.

In case of danger, run like a rocketfrown.gif, faster than small ground beetles

picture: CRW_24020.jpg
CRW_24020.jpg — (80.08к)

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06.11.2009 0:11, Liparus

Rhaphitropis marchicus (Herbst, 1797) female
E UKRAINE, Kharkiv. reg.,
Horoshevo district, near Udianka vill, Udu river (on a shrinking American Maple)
, photo B.Loboda
A. Shehovcov leg.

In case of danger, run like a rocketfrown.gif, faster than small ground beetles.
The female on 2-4 photos ran-ran in a matchbox and immediately snails frown.gif

picture: CRW_2404.jpg
CRW_2404.jpg — (82.98к)

picture: CRW_9159.jpg
CRW_9159.jpg — (73.9к)

picture: CRW_9160.jpg
CRW_9160.jpg — (78.94к)

picture: CRW_9161.jpg
CRW_9161.jpg — (72.93к)

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06.11.2009 0:15, Liparus

Exechesops elenae (A. Egorov, 1996)
E UKRAINE, Kharkiv. reg.,
(Steppe, mowing.2 copies)
A. Shehovcov leg.

This post was edited by Liparus - 06.11.2009 00: 16

picture: IMG_9065.JPG
IMG_9065.JPG — (99.35к)

Likes: 6

06.11.2009 0:22, Liparus

Exechesops elenae (A. Egorov, 1996)
E UKRAINE,Kharkov. reg...
A. Shehovcov leg. That is, I smile.gif
1-04. VI. 2008 (on the trail)
2-17. VII. 2008
3-17. VII. 2008
4-14. VI. 2009 (on dry Ash fruits)

This post was edited by Liparus - 06.11.2009 00: 29

picture: IMG_2629.JPG
IMG_2629.JPG — (136.25к)

Likes: 7

06.11.2009 0:28, Liparus

This is pokamist and all that I have from this sem.Anthribidae (Billerg, 1820)
A friend brought this species out of Mountain Ash in Kharkiv
Allandrus undulatus (Panzer, 1794)

It turns out that in Kharkiv I caught 7 species,+Allandrus undulatus(Panzer, 1794) =8, and Tropideres(Gonotropis) dorsalis(Thunberg, 1796)was also caught

Anthribus nebulosus (Forster, 1771)
"I caught this one in the deciduous forest by mowing some trees.The first time in May of this year I caught 4 pieces

This post was edited by Liparus - 06.11.2009 00: 40

picture: IMG_2643.JPG
IMG_2643.JPG — (88.56к)

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18.12.2009 17:53, Scolytus

picture: Anthribidae.jpg
Phaenotherion knirschi Breit, 1912-kindly identified from a photograph by Fornax13

This post was edited by Scolytus - 12/18/2009 17: 55
Likes: 9

18.12.2009 17:59, vasiliy-feoktistov

Phaenotherion knirschi Breit, 1912-kindly identified from a photograph by
Thanks beer.gif!

10.01.2010 22:05, I.solod

Yes, a great liar. I caught this only once in a deep grotto near the Red Caves in the Crimea, near the village of Perevalnoye, soil traps, 10-25. 08. 2000, 1 copy by I. A. Solodovnikov. Thanks for the definitions also. I've been on gen.sp for a long time.

I looked at the material, and with a Note, the karst on hr. Alek (Sochi region) also costs one copy, but probably of a different type, more rounded and a different dotted line, coarser on the nadkr.

This post was edited by I. solod - 10.01.2010 22: 17

10.01.2010 23:23, Fornax13

Here's what I found:

For the Caucasus (aus Circassien), Reitter indicated Phaenotherion pulszkyi Frivaldszky, 1878, described, as I understand it, from the territory of modern times. Romania.

Phaenotherion africanum Vauloger, 1901-North. Africa (I don't know more precisely, I'm too lazy to download my work shuffle.gif)
Phaenotherion fasciculatum fasciculatum Reitter, 1891-Described from Italy,?Austria
Phaenotherion fasciculatum kuchtae Frieser, 1955 - Croatia
Phaenotherion ganglbaueri Apfelbeck, 1918 - Albania, Greece
Phaenotherion graecum Frieser, 1995 - Greece
Phaenotherion innotota Pic, 1908 - I don't know
Phaenotherion knirschi Breit, 1912 - probably Crimea
Phaenotherion pulszkyi Frivaldszky, 1878 - Romania, Caucasus (I doubt there's anything in that that it's the same thing)
Phaenotherion steindachneri Frivaldszky, 1883-described from Lebanon (near Beirut)
Phaenotherion strejceki Frieser, 19?? - I don't know
Phaenotherion zellichi Ganglbauer, 1903-Croatia, Yugoslavia

In general, it is necessary to deal with this group. It is likely that the Caucasus has its own species.

This post was edited by Fornax13-10.01.2010 23: 55
Likes: 6

24.11.2012 1:14, CosMosk

Anthribidae, Peru-Lima&Satipo 70 km febr2008
author lost, no title
picture: Anthribidae_Peru_Lima_Satipo_70_km_febr2008.jpg
Likes: 13

24.11.2012 7:09, Dergg

Somewhat subtly resembles Systaltocerus platyrhinus

10.05.2014 7:58, vasiliy-feoktistov

We don't have many of them so I'm always happy to find them smile.gif
Platystomos albinus female (Linnaeus, 1758)
29.04.2014г. Moscow region, Lyuberetsky district, okr. der. Torbeevo, under the bark of a birch stump.
картинка: Platystomos_albinus__Linnaeus__1758__female__._.________________._____.____._________..jpg
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28.08.2014 13:17, CosMosk

Platyrhinus resinosus (Scopoli, 1763)
Moscow region,South of Podolsk, Spring station
birch trunk,but could have already forgotten...then fake.
the mycelium he needs is visible.
picture: 062313vesennaja_002.JPG
Likes: 5

28.08.2014 13:23, CosMosk

Are Exechesops foliatus Frieser, 1995 and Exechesops elenae (A. Egorov, 1996) synonymous?
- in general, some of them were caught almost exactly on the border of the Tambov and Lipetsk regions. (the nearest r c - Mud), zap. ber. r. Matyr, it is on the young (Tatar maple) 21.7.2014.

28.08.2014 16:40, Mantispid

Are Exechesops foliatus Frieser, 1995 and Exechesops elenae (A. Egorov, 1996) synonymous?
- in general, some of them were caught almost exactly on the border of the Tambov and Lipetsk regions. (the nearest r c - Mud), zap. ber. r. Matyr, it is on the young (Tatar maple) 21.7.2014.

both are synonyms of Exechesops leucopis (Jordan, 1928) (although not yet published). By the way almost the most common type of false satellites in our region smile.gif
Likes: 1

05.09.2014 22:51, CosMosk

Platystomos albinus (L.). Found today, 5.9.14, South of Moskovskgo,~10 km SW of the Moscow Ring Road.
The beetle was sitting on a birch tree in a pose of bird kindness.
picture: DSC03570.jpg
picture: DSC03576.jpg
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06.09.2014 2:45, vasiliy-feoktistov

Also a wench. But the males are less likely to come across for some reason..........

06.09.2014 8:50, Maksim M.

Vasya is not sleeping-apparently he went to catch false hunters....Males...Into the light...

This post was edited by Maksim M. - 06.09.2014 08: 55

06.09.2014 9:54, vasiliy-feoktistov

Vasya is not sleeping-apparently he went to catch false hunters....Males...Into the light...

Nope, it worked just fine smile.gif
They do not come into the light smile.gifMainly under the bark or on the trunks and I find: yes, and then there are females, but there are few males tongue.gif
P.S. The difference is simple: by the length of the antennae smile.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 06.09.2014 10: 17

06.09.2014 16:27, vasiliy-feoktistov

Again Platyrhinus resinosus (Scopoli, 1763)
It wasn't caught by me, but it was given to me (a joint trip).
So I put it up in my collection smile.gif
07.06.2014. Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, district, village Starye Omutischi, forest clearing, on a birch log. leg. Vishnyakov A. N.
picture: 001.JPG
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06.09.2014 20:02, Liparus

Again Platyrhinus resinosus (Scopoli, 1763)
It wasn't caught by me, but it was given to me (a joint trip).
So I put it up in my collection smile.gif
07.06.2014. Vladimir region, Petushinsky district, district, village Starye Omutischi, forest clearing, on a birch log. leg. Vishnyakov A. N.

I was also given one this year, just like that (big one)

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 06.09.2014 20: 06

06.09.2014 20:04, vasiliy-feoktistov

Slightly dilute the exotic as our species are very few smile.gif
Unfortunately only approximately brought to the genus. Many thanks to smax for this.
And the animal is a handsome one and therefore I can't help but put it out smile.gif
Xylinada sp. If this is the case, then I think on Xylinada plagiatus Jordan, 1895 ???
Can someone tell me more precisely here? Oh and difficult with tropical members of the family......
22.03.2013-01.04.2013. Malaysia, Pahang, Fraser's Hill, Silverpark, 3.42'54.81"N 101.44'07.65"E Alt.=1285м. leg. Vishnyakov A.N.
picture: anthribidae.JPG
I express my gratitude to Alexey Vishnyakov for the material beer.gif
Likes: 6

06.09.2014 20:31, vasiliy-feoktistov

I was also given one this year, just like that (big one)

We have it as usual as Platystomos albinus

30.03.2017 8:09, Gray-Ejik

Euparius oculatus (Sharp, 1891)

Primorsky Krai, Yakovlevsky district, southern outskirts of Arsenyev, near Valezhina. 20,08,2016.

picture: Euparius_oculatus__Sharp__1891_.jpg
Euparius_oculatus__Sharp__1891_.jpg — (288.05к)

Likes: 12

16.09.2019 11:25, KingSnake

Whitish pseudoslayer (Platystomos albinus)
The male was caught last year (2018), on a sagebrush in a mixed forest, the female this year (2019) under the bark of a fallen poplar tree. Mordovia.

picture: DSC01127.jpg
DSC01127.jpg — (63.61к)

picture: DSC00821.jpg
DSC00821.jpg — (123.06к)

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01.03.2021 23:28, NakaRB

And I have more tropical ones than ours... smile.gif

Anthribus nebulosus
Moscow, Bitsevsky Forest Park, 08.05.2018
user posted image
user posted image

Platystomos albinus
D. New items-Begichevo, Serpukhov district, Moscow region, 01.07.2017
user posted image
user posted image

Dendropemon ?hypocrita
Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Bako national park, 09.06.2017
user posted image
user posted image

Habrissus ramosus
Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Permai Rainforest Resort, 10.06.2017
user posted image

Xylinada sp.
Malaysia, Borneo, Sarawak, Bako national park, 06.06.2017
user posted image
Likes: 3

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