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Please help me to identify

Community and ForumInsects imagesPlease help me to identify

Pochtovujjashik09087, 29.01.2022 14:35

Good afternoon. Help please. My wife and I are desperate. There was an insect. We can't withdraw it. This type of insect was introduced in the apartment in late autumn. It only bites a small child. I attach a photo of the bite and the insect itself. By all indications, it fits under a wardrobe louse, but there are inconsistencies. This insect jumps, and lice are not supposed to. And the whiskers of lice are short and thick and this one is thin and longer. They called the exterminator, treated the surfaces themselves with chemicals, vinegar and steam. Clothes and bed linen in the washing machine on the drying mode, i.e. steam. Nothing helps.

picture: ____________viber_2022_01_29_13_09_42_207.jpg
____________viber_2022_01_29_13_09_42_207.jpg — (309.91к)

picture: ____________viber_2022_01_29_13_09_42_295.jpg
____________viber_2022_01_29_13_09_42_295.jpg — (289.36к)

picture: ____________viber_2022_01_29_13_12_07_077.jpg
____________viber_2022_01_29_13_12_07_077.jpg — (254.22к)


29.01.2022 15:17, Victor Titov

Good afternoon. Help please. My wife and I are desperate. There was an insect. We can't withdraw it. This type of insect was introduced in the apartment in late autumn. It only bites a small child. I attach a photo of the bite and the insect itself. By all indications, it fits under a wardrobe louse, but there are inconsistencies. This insect jumps, and lice are not supposed to. And the whiskers of lice are short and thick and this one is thin and longer. They called the exterminator, treated the surfaces themselves with chemicals, vinegar and steam. Clothes and bed linen in the washing machine on the drying mode, i.e. steam. Nothing helps.

Well, it doesn't even look like a louse. It's a hay eater. It is easy to find information about measures to combat them on the Internet.

29.01.2022 16:18, Pochtovujjashik09087

Thank you very much!

29.01.2022 17:28, ИНО

And why fight the hay eaters, unless you're a collector of dried insects or something else? This species generally usually eats up mold in the bathroom - an exceptionally useful beast.

29.01.2022 20:19, Victor Titov

And why fight the hay eaters, unless you're a collector of dried insects or something else? This species generally usually eats up mold in the bathroom - an exceptionally useful beast.

Well, if you want - let them fight. They're desperate. And the availability of methods/tips on the Internet is clear: demand creates supply.

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