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Water beetles

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Alexandr Rusinov, 29.02.2008 14:20

Something on our forum water beetles were overlooked, in my opinion undeservedly. I propose to put photos of water beetles in this topic, I hope our forumchane will support me. So:
Dytiscus lapponicus Gyll. Yaroslavl region, peat lake in a swamp.
picture: Dytiscus_lapponicus.jpg


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29.02.2008 14:24, Dmitrii Musolin

I think there was a branch on water beetles on the forum....

29.02.2008 14:44, Victor Titov

There was a topic, but without photos - only with requests from one of the participants to exchange material. If you need such a page, I'm all for it! I promise to put up something in the near future, too. Well done, Anthrenus!

29.02.2008 15:04, Alexandr Rusinov

Well, let's continue. Gentlemen, I present to your attention another representative of Dytiscidae. So: Platambus maculatus L. Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl region, Talitsa river
picture: Platambus_maculatus.jpg
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29.02.2008 15:34, rpanin

Dytiscus marginalis Linnaeus, 1758
female - 32 mm

picture: Dytiscus_marginalis_Linnaeus__1758.jpg
Dytiscus_marginalis_Linnaeus__1758.jpg — (118.36к)

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29.02.2008 16:29, Victor Titov

Ruslan, isn't this female Dytiscus circumcinctus by any chance? The front and back yellow edges of the pronotum seem somewhat narrow to me. Did you look at the hind leg basins when determining them? Here they are both circumcinctus and marginalis http://www.zin.ru/ANIMALIA/Coleoptera/rus/hktab98.htm

29.02.2008 23:52, Victor Titov

Dytiscus marginalis marginalis (Linnaeus, 1758) - male
Kostroma region, Volgorechensk, in a pit with rainwater, 10.08.1993
picture: DSC01107_1.jpg

Dytiscus circumcinctus (Ahrens, 1811) - female
Yaroslavl region, Rostov, puddle on asphalt, 12.04.2006
picture: DSC01111_1.jpg

Dytiscus circumcinctus (Ahrens, 1811) - male
Kostroma region, Volgorechensk, park area, kanava, 08.08.1986
picture: DSC01115_1.jpg
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01.03.2008 0:04, Victor Titov

Colymbetes paykulli (Erichson, 1837)
Yaroslavl region, Uglich district, Metevo village, YarSU biostation, mixed forest, puddle in a ravine, 29.06.1991
picture: DSC01159_1.jpg

Colymbetes striatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Yaroslavl region, Rostov region, D. Spirtsovo, in the afternoon on the fly, 01.05.2006
picture: DSC01145_2.jpg

Hydaticus seminiger (De Geer, 1774)
Yaroslavl region, Rostov, 29.09.2004
picture: DSC01169_1.jpg
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01.03.2008 0:19, Victor Titov

Graphoderus zonatus zonatus (Hoppe, 1795)
Kostroma region, Volgorechensk, in a roadside ditch filled with water, 10.08.1993
picture: DSC01086_1.jpg

Graphoderus cinereus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Yaroslavl region, Rostov region, area along the highway S. Varnitsa-D. Markovo, staritsa, 29.05.2004
picture: DSC01099_1.jpg

Acilius canaliculatus (Nicolai, 1822)
Yaroslavl region, Rostov, ditch with meltwater, 16.05.2004
picture: DSC01117_1.jpg

Acilius sulcatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Kostroma region, Volgorechensk, in a water-filled roadside ditch, 25.07.1986
picture: DSC01128_1.jpg
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03.03.2008 11:16, Alexandr Rusinov

Well, now a little vodolyubov. Hydrophilus piceus (Linnaeus 1822) Astrakhan region, Volga River delta
picture: Hydrophilus_piceus.jpg
Picture: Hydrophilus_piceus_1.jpg

This post was edited by Anthrenus - 03.03.2008 11: 18
Likes: 10

03.03.2008 11:25, Alexandr Rusinov

Hydrophilus arerrimus Eschscholtz 1822. Yaroslavl region, Tutaevsky district, in a flooded ditch.
picture: Hydrophilus_aterrimus.jpg
Picture: Hydrophilus_aterrimus_1.jpg
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05.03.2008 1:29, Bad Den

Amphizoa lecontei Matthews, 1872
Beaver Mines, Alberta, Canada. August 1994

Amphizoidae is a small (5-6 species: 3 in North America and 2-3 in China) family of water beetles. In some ways, they are similar to swimmers, but they also have the features of ground beetles (the structure of the legs, prothorax). They are aquatic or semi-aquatic (beetles and larvae predate in the water or in wet places along the banks).
user posted image

This post was edited by Bad Den-08.04.2018 20: 11
Likes: 22

09.03.2008 18:35, Victor Titov

Two regular floaters:
Rhantus (Rhantus) frontalis (Marsham, 1802)
Yaroslavl region, Rostov region, Spirtsovo village, Mokza River, near the shore, 01.05.2006.
picture: DSC01215__1_.jpg

Rhantus (Rhantus) exsoletus (Forster, 1771)
Yaroslavl region, Rostov region, locality along the highway S. Varnitsy-S. Markovo, staritsa, 29.05.2004.
picture: DSC01204__1_.jpg

And a water lover who came across me in the Yaroslavl region only once and quite unexpectedly:
Hydrochara dichroma (Fairmaire, 1892)
Yaroslavl region, Rostov, Lake Nero, 03.05.1996.
picture: DSC01219.JPG

P.S. I admit my guilt, measure, degree, depth!!! Colleagues who expressed doubts about the correctness of my definition during the discussion of this post turned out to be absolutely right. The photo shows no Hydrochara dichroma (Fairmaire, 1892), but an under-colored specimen of Hydrochara caraboides (Linnaeus, 1758). Many thanks to botanque for clarifying this issue.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 10.10.2010 19: 02
Likes: 12

09.03.2008 20:07, amara

"Hydrochara dichroma"
It took me a day to understand that earlier (at the time of the "green" determinant) this genus sounded:
I'm getting old.
And it's great that you found this view north of what is indicated (Ukraine).

This post was edited by amara - 09.03.2008 21: 50
Likes: 2

10.03.2008 2:52, Victor Titov

"Hydrochara dichroma"
It took me a day to understand that earlier (at the time of the "green" determinant) this genus sounded:
I'm getting old.
And it's great that you found this view north of what is indicated (Ukraine).

In the days of the "green" I could not identify this beetle at all, I was lost in guesses. It was only relatively recently that I was able to identify it using the identifier of A. G. Kireichuk and A. G. Shatrovsky (thanks to the Zinovsky site).
And the specified range of this water lover is really far from our Yaroslavl region (Ukraine, Caucasus, Central Asia, Western Siberia. Hungary, the Balkans, Western Asia, and Northwestern China). However, after a "throw to the north" of a number of species (the same Oxythyrea funesta, Agrilus convexicollis), and this my find seems interesting, but not paradoxical.

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 10.03.2008 03: 01
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10.03.2008 9:45, amara

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10.03.2008 21:45, Victor Titov

Do you know where exactly in / in Ukraine? In "green", for example, it says simply Crimea. So the advance to the north may not be small. With Shatrovsky http://www.zin.ru/animalia/Coleoptera/rus/shatrovs.htm haven't you talked about it?

Alas, I did not communicate and I do not know the scale of the movement of this species to the north... confused.gifAnd in the classic "green" 1965 edition of the H. dichroma species available to me, there is no such thing at all, please tell me where you found that the Crimea is indicated specifically for it? There, only two species of the genus Hydrophilus (syn. Hydrochara) are listed in the definition tables: H. caraboides and H. flavipes...

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 10.03.2008 21: 47

10.03.2008 22:23, Victor Titov

I sent an email with a photo attached to "soap" to A. G. Shatrovsky. Will wait...
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11.03.2008 9:27, amara

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12.03.2008 15:23, Dmitry Vlasov

Can't your H. dichroma, H. caraboides be with under-painted legs??? А??

12.03.2008 17:57, gumenuk

I will allow myself to add a couple of cortines from the life of water beetles.
Fringed swimmer beetles (Dytiscus marginalis) and Striated strikers ( Acilius sulcatus), eat a bear caught in the water (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa)/ Summer of 2005. Moscow oblast.
There are also pictures from peaceful life.

picture: 1061_DSC04674.jpg
1061_DSC04674.jpg — (135.76к)

picture: 1061_DSC04676.jpg
1061_DSC04676.jpg — (139.18к)

picture: 1061_DSC04682.jpg
1061_DSC04682.jpg — (138.36к)

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13.03.2008 10:38, Victor Titov

I will allow myself to add a couple of cortines from the life of water beetles.
Fringed swimmer beetles (Dytiscus marginalis) and Striated strikers ( Acilius sulcatus), eat a bear caught in the water (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa)/ Summer of 2005. Moscow oblast.
There are also pictures from peaceful life.

As always cool! And the object of eating is extraordinary. Let's get out of peaceful life as well!

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 13.03.2008 10: 39

13.03.2008 11:51, Victor Titov

Can't it be your H. dichroma, H. caraboides with under-painted legs??? And??

I suppose it can't. In H. caraboides, the terminal segments of the maxillary palps are unicolored, dark, and relatively longer (width - to-length ratio 1:5) And in H. dichroma, these tentacle segments are yellow or light brown with a darkened apex and somewhat shorter (width to length 1:4) At my beetle-just such. In addition, according to the illustration to the determinant by A. G. Kireichuk and A. G. Shatrovsky, the shape of the spike on the keel of the prothorax is also different: in H. caraboides it is more "triangular", the base is wider, and in H. dichroma it is narrower, "spike-like" (like in my specimen). I'm 99% sure of my definition. But I would like to wait for A. G. Shatrovsky's answer. Not yet. Waiting-from smile.gif
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13.03.2008 13:01, Alexandr Rusinov

In H. caraboides with under-colored legs, under-colored palps are usually attached, so you probably need to focus on the length / width ratio of the last segment. In my opinion, the laid-out copy is relatively shorter than the standard caraboides. Only here the place of discovery is already much north of the main area... Although there is a large railway junction nearby, delivery is also possible... In general, we will wait for the answer of A. G. Shatrovsky.
Likes: 3

13.03.2008 13:54, Victor Titov

In H. caraboides with under-colored legs, under-colored palps are usually attached, so you probably need to focus on the length / width ratio of the last segment. In my opinion, the laid-out copy is relatively shorter than the standard caraboides. Only here the place of discovery is already much north of the main area... Although there is a large railway junction nearby, delivery is also possible... In general, we will wait for the answer of A. G. Shatrovsky.

That's it. At the same time, the final segments of the palps are clearly two-colored: the top is black (unfortunately, this is not too noticeable in the photo, but believe me, this is a fact). Again, the shape of the spike on the keel of the prothorax. Besides, I may be fantasizing wildly, but here's another thing. The beetle was found not in the water of Lake Nero, but on the shore, in the immediate vicinity of the Saviour-Yakovlevsky Monastery. And there are numerous pilgrims from all places, and bus excursions... In addition, I have never met such a topic: is it possible to settle (drift) insects with migratory waterfowl? There are a lot of them on Lake Nero: ducks, geese, even swans are marked on the flight...

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 13.03.2008 13: 55
Likes: 1

13.03.2008 14:27, Dmitry Vlasov

Mites, even soil mites, settle with migratory birds. I myself saw Anterophagus sp. (Cryptophagidae) clinging to a bumblebee... But I haven't heard about plavuntsy and water lovers settling at the expense of birds... And the import of water beetles is unlikely - with what??? Yes, and imago in the bus (train) - will die of "thirst".

13.03.2008 14:59, gumenuk

Plavuntsy fly well and settle at the expense of flights. At night, the light of the lamp floaters arrived many times and repeatedly saw how they flew away from me with a small artificial pond and flew there.
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13.03.2008 15:07, Alexandr Rusinov

Aquatics also fly well, but not as well... As for the migratory birds, I doubt it very much, I can't imagine the whole mechanics of this process. And delivery by railway - it is quite realistic, the beetle could have arrived while still wintering-see the date - and in this state, thirst will not weigh it down. Yes, and in an active state, but at a low temperature, it could easily withstand moving. Although I would still first listen to the opinion of an expert.
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13.03.2008 15:14, Victor Titov

Yes, I forgot to mention it. Relatively close to the monastery is a railway line-an access road to one enterprise, along which wagons with raw materials (malt), empty tanks from under kvass wort, the following, including "from the south"-Ukraine, Rostov - on-Don, are distilled from the station.
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14.03.2008 10:55, Alexandr Rusinov

I looked through my entire series of caraboides (about a dozen) and was surprised to note that most of them have reddish palps, although their legs are standard black... I post a photo of one of these instances.
Hydrochara caraboides (Linnaeus, 1758)
picture: Hydrochara_caraboides.jpg
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14.03.2008 14:10, Victor Titov

I agree, my caraboides are also similar to this supposed H. dichroma, but if you look closely at the photos displayed, the Anthrenus beetle has relatively longer terminal segments of the palps . And, although reddish, but clearly monochrome.
picture: post_23878_1205481335.jpgpicture: DSC01219.JPG

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 03/15/2008 00: 02

14.03.2008 14:22, Alexandr Rusinov

Yes, I agree that all the beetles in my series have longer and thinner terminal segments of their tentacles than the beetle in Dmitrich's photo.

14.03.2008 14:50, Alexandr Rusinov

And here is a photo of caraboides with under-painted legs (the case that Elizar wrote about, and the beetle itself was collected by him).
picture: Hydrochara_caraboides_1.jpg
Likes: 2

17.01.2009 6:05, sebastes

Dytiscus marginalis czerskii (Zaitzev, 1953).
Male, length 34 mm, Vityaz village, Khasansky district, South Primorye, on el. light, 22.06.2008.
Female, length 34 mm, village of Zanadvorovka, Khasansky district, South Primorye, at night under the lantern, 19.05.2007.

picture: Dyt_czerskii_m1.jpg picture: Dyt_czerskii_m2.jpg

picture: Dyt_czerskii_f1.jpg picture: Dyt_czerskii_f2.jpg
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17.01.2009 6:20, sebastes

Hydaticus aruspex (Clark, 1864).
Female, length 13 mm
. South Primorye, Nadezhdinsky district, Nezhino village, in a puddle, 12.06.2008.

picture: Hyd_aruspex1.jpg picture: Hyd_aruspex2.jpg

Hydrochara affinis (Sharp, 1873).
Female, length 20 mm
. Primorye, Khasansky district, village of Zanadvorovka, 14.06.2007.

picture: Hyd_affinis1.jpg picture: Hyd_affinis2.jpg
Likes: 12

16.10.2009 17:38, Victor Titov

One of the successes of the past season.
Dytiscus latissimus Linnaeus, 1758.
Tambov region, Sosnovsky district, Stezhki village, pond; 25.09.2009.
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30.10.2009 18:42, botanque

Spercheus emarginatus (Schaller, 1783)
Samara region, near the village of Mal. Malyshevki; floodplain lake, rare water-air macrophytes; 16.08.2005
picture: spercheus.jpg

This post was edited by botanque - 10/30/2009 19: 54
Likes: 12

04.02.2010 3:03, Sugercete

I suggest and very much ask amateurs and specialists in water beetles to look at the branch by definition.

Thank You

08.02.2010 13:34, Alexandr Rusinov

Dytiscus lapponicus, melanistic form
, Spasskoe Lake, Borisoglebsky district, Yaroslavl region.
I scratched the back of my head for a long time while determining it... smile.gif
Picture: Dytiscus_lapponicus_1.jpg
Picture: Dytiscus_lapponicus_2.jpg
Picture: Dytiscus_lapponicus_3.jpg
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08.02.2010 13:41, botanque

Something about the variability of lapponicus can be found here http://herba.msu.ru/belomor/2005/zoolog/dytis.htm
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