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Water beetles

Community and ForumInsects imagesWater beetles

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02.01.2022 1:34, Evgenich

Presumably a larva of D. latissimus:
user posted image

The post was edited by Evgenich-02.01.2022 01: 38
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12.01.2022 23:11, botanque

Presumably a larva of D. latissimus:

This is the larva of Cybister lateralimarginalis. The prong on the front edge of the head gives it away.
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14.01.2022 19:32, MIV

Please help me deal with water beetles. It will satisfy you to the end.

1. Dl. 9mm-Krasnoyarsk, city limits, to the light. 28.08.21.
picture: 1._9_________________________________________._28.08.21._leg._________.jpg

2. Dl. 10 mm-Krasnoyarsk, city limits, to the light. 4.08.21.
picture: 2._10_________________________________________._4.08.21._leg._________.jpg

3. Dl. 6mm-Tajikistan, okr. Khoroga. into the light. 12.07.10.
picture: 3._6______________________._______.________._12.07.10..jpg

4. Dl. 7mm-Okr. Krasnoyarsk, in the tank for watering the garden. уч-ке. 15.06.21.
picture: 4._7________.________________._________________._15.06.21._leg._________.jpg

5. Dl. 5mm-Okr. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe, on UV light. 28.08.21.
picture: 5._5________.____.____.___________________________________._28.08.21._leg._________.jpg

14.01.2022 22:14, botanque

Please help me deal with water beetles. It will satisfy you to the end.

1. Rhantus sp., female
2. Ilybius sp., female
3. Coelostoma orbiculare
4. Hydrobius sp.
5. Enochrus cf. quadripunctatus.
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15.01.2022 19:45, botanque

About the discovery of a Japanese species in Primorsky Krai in a recent article here.

Not the best option for a photo in a note. Redid it.

Graphelmis shirahatai (Nomura, 1958)

picture: graphelmis_web.jpg
Likes: 7

29.04.2022 22:18, MIV

Are these different types? Or in floating beetles, females are found in two forms - with ribbed and smooth elytra.

1. Khakassia, Shirinsky district
picture: 2.1___________________________________.______._5.08.09..jpgpicture: 2.2___________________________________.______._5.08.09..jpg

2. Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, taiga.
picture: 3.1____________.________________.________________._5.07.09..jpgpicture: 3.2____________.________________.________________._5.07.09..jpg

05.05.2022 19:40, Carpocoris sp

These specific species are different, but the females are indeed both smooth and ribbed within the same species.
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