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Entomology jobs: Moscow Butterfly House, Pest Management Institution and Auburn University

Community and ForumBlogEntomology jobs: Moscow Butterfly House, Pest Management Institution and Auburn University

Lev Bely, 26.05.2012 20:01

Entomologist for Moscow Butterfly House

Moscow Butterfly House has an open Entomologist vacancy. He/she is expected to care of the House's insects such as spiders, bugs, lizards, cockroaches and others. The position implies 12 4-hour working days per month.

Required: 2-year or longer work-experience. Age limited 20—50. Full-time job, flexible schedule, 15000 roubles month salary. The Entomologist will work right in Moscow Butterfly House: Russia, Moscow, near VDNKh metro station, in the All-Russia Exhibition Centre area, pavilion 2.

Please, get in touch: +7 (495) 988-89-43, dom_babochek@mail.ru.

Zoologist/Entomologist for The Pest Management Institution (non-governmental, scientific and educational organization)

The non-governmental, scientific and educational organization “Pest Management Institution” located in L'vovsky (Russia, Moscow region, Podol'sky district) invites Zoologist/Entomologist to keep vivarium and insectarium. The candidate may prepare a Ph.D thesis based on the current work.

Daily 8—17 full-time job, formal employment (paid holidays, sickness leave). The Zoologist/Entomologist will work in the Pest Management Institution area in L'vovsky, 9 Metallurgov ave.

Contact: Egorova Lyudmila Viktorovna, +7 (495) 333-07-28, kadry@rat-info.ru.

Graduate Research Assistantships (MS or PhD) for Auburn University (USA, Alabama)

Auburn University Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology opens Graduate Research Assistantship (MS or PhD) position. Up to three assistantships available.

Potential topic areas include:

Start Fall 2012 or Spring 2013. Stipend: ~$16,000/year plus tuition waiver and health benefits.

Contact: Dr. Henry Fadamiro, 301 Funchess Hall, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University, AL 36849. Phone: (8-10-1) 334-844-5098, fadamhy@auburn.edu.

To learn more about Dr. Fadamiro’s research, visit http://www.ag.auburn.edu/enpl/directory/faculty/fadamiro.

Job.ru, http://www.job.ru, Job-MO.ru, http://www.job-mo.ru, The Entomological Society of America (ESA), http://www.entsoc.org

Photo: Papilio machaon pupae

All the rest posts on: job, Russia, USA


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