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Marigolds (Satyridae Boisduval, 1833)

Community and ForumInsects imagesMarigolds (Satyridae Boisduval, 1833)

vasiliy-feoktistov, 26.10.2009 17:05

I start the topic with a photo of this South American satire.
Many thanks to Nordsud(y) for the help in determining.
Join the replenishment of the gallery.
Pronophila unifasciata Lathy, 1906 ssp. kennethi (upper and lower sides).

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (147.61 k)

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26.10.2009 17:09, vasiliy-feoktistov

I continue the topic of photos of marigolds from Vietnam:
Melanitis phedima (Cramer, [1780])
Many thanks for the subsequent correct definition to Dmitry Pozhogin (aka. Swerig) beer.gif

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 21.01.2014 19: 26

picture: Melanitis_leda.jpg
Melanitis_leda.jpg — (183.79к)

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26.10.2009 17:12, vasiliy-feoktistov

3 types of Far Eastern marigolds:
1y2) Ninguta schrenkki Menetries, 1859 (upper and lower sides).
3 and 4) Lethe marginalis Motschulsky, 1860 ssp maacki Bremer, 1861 (upper and lower sides).
5 and 6) Melanargia halimede Menetries, 1859 (upper and lower sides).

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (147.5 k)

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2.jpg — (170.62 k)

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3.jpg — (151.29 k)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (159.68 k)

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (173.97 k)

picture: 6.jpg
6.jpg — (210.96к)

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26.10.2009 17:28, vasiliy-feoktistov

3 types of the most banal Moscow region marigolds in nature:
1) Aphantopus hyperantus Linnaeus, 1758.
2) Hyponephele lycaon Rottemburg, 1775.
3) Coenonympha pamphilus Linnaeus, 1758.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 26.10.2009 20: 47

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (157.12к)

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2.jpg — (109.58 k)

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26.10.2009 20:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

This is Lycaon, by the way. tongue.gif

Well no. This is just the "Ox's Eye" of M. Jurtina, and H. Lycaon is sometimes found in M. O. (I only caught it once) - I'll post it tomorrow(obodranyj pravda).

26.10.2009 20:45, vasiliy-feoktistov


Yes, you are still right-this is likaon really, and I was wrong mol.gifNow I will correct the post. Thanks! beer.gif

26.10.2009 20:50, DavBaz

Well no. This is just the "Ox's Eye" of M. Jurtina, and H. Lycaon is sometimes found in M. O. (I only caught it once) - I'll post it tomorrow(obodranyj pravda).

Kharkovbut is right. This is lycaon. Above is a pair of Hyponephele lycaon, below is Maniola jurtina, your butterfly in the photo is a male H. Lycaon smile.gif
You can see the differences in the photo

user posted image
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26.10.2009 21:07, DavBaz

Subspecies Ninguta schrencki from China (near Pingwu).The underside is slightly different..

user posted image

user posted image
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26.10.2009 21:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

Kharkovbut is right. This is lycaon. Above is a pair of Hyponephele lycaon, below is Maniola jurtina, your butterfly in the photo is a male H. Lycaon smile.gif
You can see the differences in the photo

Yes, I already understood (in natural copies). compared it).

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 26.10.2009 21: 17

26.10.2009 21:18, vasiliy-feoktistov

As compensation for a previous mistake, a photo of another sennitsa near Moscow:
Coenonympha arcania Linnaeus, 1761 (upper and lower side).

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (196.64к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (213.98к)

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26.10.2009 21:46, swerig

[quote=vasiliy-feoktistov,26.10.2009 18:05Pronophila unifasciata Lathy, 1906 ssp. kennethi (upper and lower sides).
Is there a label???
I think it's Pronophila thelebe Doubleday, [1849]

26.10.2009 21:54, vasiliy-feoktistov

[quote=swerig,26.10.2009 22:46]

26.10.2009 22:51, vasiliy-feoktistov

Well, another portion of two types of satyrs near Moscow:
1 and 2) Lasiommata maera Linnaeus, 1758 (upper and lower side).
Maniola jurtina Linnaeus, 1758 (male and female).
3i4) Male (upper and lower side).
5i6) Female (upper and lower side).

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 27.10.2009 09: 14

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4.jpg — (202.15к)

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5.jpg — (200.82 k)

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6.jpg — (188.97 k)

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26.10.2009 23:06, Ilia Ustiantcev

Pararge aegeria (Linnaeus, 1758) and Erebia ligea (Linnaeus, 1758) in nature.
Odintsovo district of Moscow region.
By the way, what is the subspecies in the first photo, if it was taken on 27.06.2009?
picture: pararge_aegeria3.JPG
picture: pararge_aegeria2.JPG
picture: erebia_ligea4.JPG
picture: erebia_ligea5.JPG

This post was edited by Ilya U - 10/26/2009 23: 07
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26.10.2009 23:47, vasiliy-feoktistov

Pararge aegeria (Linnaeus, 1758) and Erebia ligea (Linnaeus, 1758) in nature.
Odintsovo district of Moscow region.
By the way, what is the subspecies in the first photo, if it was taken on 27.06.2009?

Ilya, maybe ssp. tircis (Godart, 1821)?"I'm not sure." Just in case link: http://www.ukbutterflies.co.uk/species.php...Speckled%20Wood
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27.10.2009 0:26, Kharkovbut

Ilya, maybe ssp. tircis (Godart, 1821)?"I'm not sure."
Yes. It doesn't matter when the photo is taken. We don't have another one. wink.gif
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27.10.2009 10:08, vasiliy-feoktistov

A rather shabby Dryad from the Krasnodar Territory (Abrau-Durso).
1 and 2) Minois dryas Scopoli, 1763 (upper and lower side).

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (259.07к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (274.26к)

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27.10.2009 19:03, Ilia Ustiantcev

Ilya, maybe ssp. tircis (Godart, 1821)?"I'm not sure." Just in case link: http://www.ukbutterflies.co.uk/species.php...Speckled%20Wood

Oops! I didn't say that correctly! I meant the form. This butterfly from June 27 looks quite grated, while on May 31 I caught quite fresh egeria. The actual question is: is the form of this egeria aestivalis or aegerides?

27.10.2009 19:12, vasiliy-feoktistov

Oops! I didn't say that correctly! I meant the form. This butterfly from June 27 looks quite grated, while on May 31 I caught quite fresh egeria. The actual question is: is the form of this egeria aestivalis or aegerides?

Well, you asked the question. I pass,

27.10.2009 19:39, evk

A little bit of satyrs from the Lower Volga.

1. Coenonympha leander.
Volgograd region, Olkhovsky district, Ilovlya River floodplain near the village of Aleksandrovka, 19.05.2009.
picture: Coenonympha_leander.jpg

2. Triphysa phryne.
Volgograd region, Olkhovsky district, right. the bank of the Ilovlya river near the village of Aleksandrovka, cretaceous mountains, 20.05.2009.
picture: Triphysa_phryne.jpg
picture: Triphysa_phryne_1.jpg

3. Proterebia afra.
Baskunchak Lake, B. Bogdo Mountain, Astrakhan region, 3.05.2009.
picture: Proterebia_afra.jpg
Volgograd region, Ilovlinsky district, bereg r ave.Don is 3 km above the station.Trekhostrovskaya, 26.04.2008.
picture: IMG_223.jpg

4. Melanargia russiae.
Volgograd region, Olkhovsky district, 5 km SW S.Polunino, 12.06.2008.
picture: Melanargia_russiae.jpg

5. Pararge aegeria.
Volgograd region, Mikhailovsky district, floodplain of the Medveditsa River, 12.05.2009.
picture: Pararge_aegeria.jpg

This post was edited by evk - 10/27/2009 19: 47
Likes: 19

27.10.2009 20:06, Kharkovbut

Oops! I didn't say that correctly! I meant the form. This butterfly from June 27 looks quite grated, while on May 31 I caught quite fresh egeria. The actual question is: is the form of this egeria aestivalis or aegerides?
So what generation does it belong to? By the 1st, spring. "Aestivalis", in theory, should refer to the summer, 2nd generation.

Why is that? smile.gif The morphological difference between generations is minimal here (if at all) - the spring light pattern is slightly more expanded, compared to the summer one.
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27.10.2009 20:35, Kharkovbut

For Kharkiv-yes, the second, summer, and for Moscow-the last of the first.
I wrote that the 1st ... smile.gif
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27.10.2009 21:07, chebur

Pararge aegeria aegeria L
Spain, Catalonia, on the coast
picture: 02.08.07_Pararge_aegeria_L.________.______1.JPG
picture: 15.07.08_Pararge_aegeria_L._________.________6_.JPG
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28.10.2009 5:13, Egorus

More satires in nature.
E. climene-Zaporozhye region. balka on the riverDnipro river.
picture: IMG_5919_ik.jpg

H.pellucida - Crimea, Simferopol region
picture: IMG_9000_ik.jpg

C.briseis-Zaporozhye region of the Berda river in the area of "Stone Graves"
picture: IMG_6744_ik.jpg

P.S. General thanks to vasiliy-feoktistov, for the topic, photos and messages.
Likes: 10

28.10.2009 19:12, Stas Shinkarenko

Maniola jurtina Linnaeus, 1758 (male) Volgograd region, Mikhaylovka 06.07.07

picture: ____________.jpg

Minois dryas Scopoli, 1763 Volgograd region, Mikhailovsky district, floodplain of the Medveditsa River 13.07.09

picture: Satyrus_dryas1.jpg

Brintesia circe Fabricius, 1775 Volgograd, 22.06.09

picture: IMG_3819.jpg

Melanargia galathea Linnaeus, 1758 Volgograd region, Mikhailovsky district, floodplain of the Medveditsa River 13.07.09

picture: Melanargia_galathea.jpg

Coenonympha pamphilus Linnaeus, 1758 Volgograd region, Mikhaylovka 04.06.09

picture: IMG_2766.jpg

Coenonympha arcania Linnaeus, 1761 Volgograd region, Mikhaylovka 12.06.09

picture: Coenonympha_arcania1.jpg

Chazara briseis Linnaeus, 1764 Volgograd 22.07.09

picture: IMG_1470_.jpg

Hypparchia fagi tetrica Volgograd 20.06.09

picture: IMG_3653.jpg

This post was edited by wise snake - 10/28/2009 20: 27
Likes: 7

28.10.2009 19:37, vasiliy-feoktistov

Volgograd region, Mikhaylovka 06.07.07
Volgograd region, Mikhaylovsky district, Medveditsa River floodplain
13.07.09 Volgograd, 22.06.09
Volgograd region, Mikhaylovsky district, Medveditsa River floodplain 13.07.09
Volgograd region, Mikhaylovka 04.06.09
Volgograd region, Mikhaylovka 12.06.09
Volgograd 22.07.09
Volgograd 20.06.09

I'll take the liberty of defining something in your post. Thank you for the wonderful photos!
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28.10.2009 19:48, evk

Volgograd region, Mikhailovsky district, floodplain of the Medveditsa River 13.07.09

Volgograd, 22.06.09

Volgograd region, Mikhailovsky district, floodplain of the Medveditsa River 13.07.09

Volgograd region, Mikhaylovka 04.06.09

Volgograd region, Mikhaylovka 12.06.09

At first glance, what you can call it in years.
1. - Satyrus dryas

2. - Brintesia circe

3. - Melanargia galathea

4. - Coenonimpha pamphilus

5. - Coenonimpha arcania

Put the numbers next to the pictures - it's inconvenient to answer them. Don't duplicate photos in the response!
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28.10.2009 19:50, vasiliy-feoktistov

Part defined-please correct it if necessary (there are 2 types left). Join us!

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 28.10.2009 19: 57

28.10.2009 20:03, evk

Part defined-please correct it if necessary (there are 2 types left). Join us!

Yes, with melancholy, it seems that you are past smile.gif

28.10.2009 20:07, vasiliy-feoktistov

Yes, with melancholy, it seems that you are passing by smile.gif

Evgeny, is this galathea or russiae? (I'll fix it if anything).

28.10.2009 20:10, evk

The last one seems to be Hypparchia fagi tetrica.

28.10.2009 20:12, evk

Evgeny, is this galathea or russiae? (I'll fix it if anything).

Yes, I wrote above-galatea! After all, you had Russia in the beginning, and I reacted!
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28.10.2009 20:14, Kharkovbut

Photo 1: Maniola jurti na, male.
Last two photos: Chazara briseis and Hipparchia (semele) volgensis.
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28.10.2009 20:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

Photo 1: Maniola jurti na, male.
Last two photos: Chazara briseis and Hipparchia (semele) volgensis.

O. K. I'm editing it. Thank you.

28.10.2009 20:19, evk

Photo 1: Maniola jurti na, male.
Last two photos: Chazara briseis and Hipparchia (semele) volgensis.

I doubt about volgensis shuffle.gif
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28.10.2009 20:20, Stas Shinkarenko

Part defined-please correct it if necessary (there are 2 types left). Join us!

Thanks for the definition! shuffle.gif
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28.10.2009 20:25, Stas Shinkarenko

Put the numbers next to the pictures - it's inconvenient to answer them. Don't duplicate photos in the response!

Thanks for the help. I didn't number it, and I didn't sign it right away, because the types are all quite banal, and they are determined "in years" wink.gif smile.gif shuffle.gifby my mistake shuffle.gif
Only experienced problems with Hipparchia.
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28.10.2009 20:26, Kharkovbut

I doubt about volgensis shuffle.gif
You're probably right. smile.gif Still, it's fagi... My fault. shuffle.gif
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28.10.2009 20:28, evk

This is how our Hipparchia pellucida volgensis look.

Volgograd region, Serafimovichsky district, river bankDon, June 2007.
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28.10.2009 20:30, Kharkovbut

This is how our Hipparchia pellucida volgensis look.
They look good. smile.gif But our fagi doesn't look quite like yours, so I screwed up. wink.gif
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