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Subgenus Carabus

Community and ForumInsects imagesSubgenus Carabus

rpanin, 14.03.2007 16:39

picture: LOCALITY_menetriesi.jpgCarabus (Carabus) menetriesi Hummel 1827
Body length (female) 24mm.
The species is confined to peat bogs. It is active in spring , although some specimens are also found in summer. It is narrowly distributed over its entire range.
Lviv region reserve "Roztochye", level "Zalivki", in traps. May-2005.

Carabus (Carabus) granulatus Linnaeus 1758

This post was edited by rpanin - 29.04.2009 22: 36

picture: Carabus__Carabus__menetriesi_Hummel_1827_.jpg
Carabus__Carabus__menetriesi_Hummel_1827_.jpg — (139.06к)

картинка: Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_Linnaeus__1758___23mm_.jpg
Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_Linnaeus__1758___23mm_.jpg — (132.84к)


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14.03.2007 20:50, RippeR

I have such a question - how to easily distinguish the appearance of menetriyoshi from granulatus???

15.03.2007 9:14, Dmitry Vlasov

And exactly Menetrie? As far as I know, another sign is the length of the mustache. And in Menetria, the whiskers do not go in, or slightly go (in males) beyond the base of the elytra.

15.03.2007 10:23, Aleksandr Safronov

And exactly Menetrie? As far as I know, another sign is the length of the mustache. And in Menetria, the whiskers do not go in, or slightly go (in males) beyond the base of the elytra.

In male granulatus, the antennae are definitely longer than in the rpanin photo. yes.gif
And the sacred sculpture is clearly different.

This post was edited by Entalex - 03/15/2007 10: 24

15.03.2007 12:28, rpanin

And exactly Menetrie? As far as I know, another sign is the length of the mustache. And in Menetria, the whiskers do not go in, or slightly go (in males) beyond the base of the elytra.

Exactly Menetrie! 110%
Yes, indeed, the ground beetle has shorter and thinner whiskers at the tip. But it was asked about the main features. So that he picked up, and without a detailed comparison said-this is it!
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15.03.2007 12:48, Насекомовед

I suggest that the author put a photo of a pair of granulatus from the same places next to it. For comparison purposes.

16.03.2007 13:28, rpanin

I suggest that the author put a photo of a pair of granulatus from the same places next to it. For comparison purposes.

Find the difference now! umnik.gif
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16.03.2007 15:39, Aleksandr Safronov

By the way, another difference is a small notch on the top of the elytra in granulatus, while in menetriae it is not (I wonder if this is a stable sign?) confused.gif

16.03.2007 16:50, Bad Den

Do female Carabus (s.str.) seem to all have this tenderloin?

16.03.2007 19:09, Dinusik

Males also have a notch on their elytra. If you compare the photos, the pronotum of menetriesi seems to be more transverse.

17.03.2007 1:08, Archypus

It is interesting that everywhere they write: "confined to peat bogs". Near Moscow, there is a fairly well-known point where the species is still common and lives in a wet eutrophic swampy meadow. Activity in late May and early June is quite high. Around the forest, also swampy in places, with sphagnum, but there are no real peatlands. I set traps in the forest in the wettest areas directly into the sphagnum, but C. menetriesi was not there at all, or it was caught a little earlier - in late April and early May. In autumn and early spring, it can be found in the same forest under the bark of fallen trees. It is also interesting that there is practically no C. granulatus here, at least not once, but there are other species-C. nemoralis, C. hortensis, C. glabratus, C. cancellatus. C. granulatus caught me in sufficient numbers during the winter (November) collection in the area of the neighboring railway station also under the bark lying trees, and among them two C. menetriesi
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17.03.2007 8:50, Dmitry Vlasov

There may be a mistake about whether menetriesi is confined to peat bogs. moving from article to article... We tried to catch it in vinegar traps in undeveloped peat sphagnum swamps-no shisha. The only copy was "taken" from the swamp but in a swampy forest.
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17.03.2007 17:45, rpanin

There may be a mistake about whether menetriesi is confined to peat bogs. moving from article to article... We tried to catch it in vinegar traps in undeveloped peat sphagnum swamps-no shisha. The only copy was "taken" from the swamp but in a swampy forest.

As a matter of fact, these specimens were also caught in a swampy meadow in the floodplain of the Vereshchitsa River.Sphagnum is there, of course ,but you can't call it a real peat bog. In summer, meadow grass grows up to the waist
there. C. granulatus is also present there in the proportion of 5-6 to 1 C. menetriesi

This post was edited by rpanin - 11.09.2007 17: 35
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27.04.2007 10:10, andrewins

but there are other species - C. nemoralis, C. hortensis, C. glabratus, C. cancellatus.

Add C. arvensis to the list of loci from this well-known locationwink.gif. True, I only got caught 1 time.

27.04.2007 10:18, omar

Carabus arvensis in the Moscow region mass species wink.gif

28.04.2007 20:23, Archypus

Sporadic slope - mostly in pine forests on sand
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12.05.2007 10:27, zun

I completely agree with you, judging by my research in the Ivanovo region,Menentriae is found only in grass and alder swamps, it is absent on sphagnum, and the main large populations of the species are confined to floodplains (for example, the Klyazma-Klyazma beaver-muskrat reserve).
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25.05.2007 18:14, stierlyz

Or you can find out more about the label from Rostochya

25.05.2007 23:01, Guest

Or you can find out more about the label from Rostochya

Lviv region. Yavorovsky district, Zalivki district, near Yves Frankove 3 km to the north. just beyond Yanovsky stave, marshy meadow.

26.05.2007 9:06, stierlyz

And the date, catch rate (at least approximately)?

29.05.2007 12:08, rpanin

And the date, catch rate (at least approximately)?

May, June.
Catchability is a relative thing. Last week, nothing of value was caught in 20 traps .I think it has to do with the heat . The meadow is very dry. In wet weather, the catch is better. On average, for 20 traps per week 3-7 copies

29.05.2007 18:00, stierlyz

and when did you get the first ones?

01.06.2007 11:24, rpanin

and when did you get the first ones?

end of April, 1 copy

02.06.2007 9:59, stierlyz

So I didn't set the traps in the Spring there, even though I followed Rizun's instructions. Next time (if there is one) I will consult with you.

14.06.2007 15:59, guest: paleobeetle

There may be a mistake about whether menetriesi is confined to peat bogs. moving from article to article... We tried to catch it in vinegar traps in undeveloped peat sphagnum swamps-no shisha. The only copy was "taken" from the swamp but in a swampy forest.

Similarly, C. menetriesi was trapped in a damp alder forest in the Chusovaya floodplain. However, later I found it on the road on a hill, near the edge of the forest. I've never been on the moors.

14.03.2010 3:26, rpanin

Carabus (Carabus) granulatus leander Kraatz, 1878
22 mm
Russia, C-Caucasus: Balkaria, Valley of riv. Cherek Balkarskyi, h=1750-1800m 10.VI-20.VII.1992 Leg. Zamotajlov A.

картинка: Carabus__Carabus__granulatus__leander_Kraatz__1878.22mm.jpg
Carabus__Carabus__granulatus__leander_Kraatz__1878.22mm.jpg — (169.75к)

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16.03.2010 23:19, I.solod

a little bit about menetriyoshi from the north of Belarus

C. (s.str.) menetriesi menetriesi Hummel, 1827. [Radkevich, 1936, 1970; Alexandrovich et al., 1996; Solodovnikov, 1997b, 1999a, 2008a (mapping); Krasnaya Kniga, 2004; Sushko, Solodovnikov, Zhukov, 2008; Bogutsky, Lukashuk, Medvedev, 2008]. Br., Doc., Ver., Pol., Lep., Besh., Sen., Gor., Vit. It is local, but can reach a high population in its habitat. It is found in low-lying peat bogs, swampy shores of lakes, black sandstones, and is rare in moist spruce forests of kislichny and in upper swamps. The species is included in the third edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus (2004) in category III (VU). In the second edition (1993), it was included in 2 categories of protection. It is protected in Latvia (Red Data Book of Latvia, 1998-Category 2). The adult overwinters. 16.05 – 21.08.

On Verkhovik there is only one reliable finding of a male in 2008-11
. The distribution map is shown below, but it is generalized for 2 species.

This post was edited by I. solod - 16.03.2010 23: 25

picture: Carabus_clathratus_menetriesi.jpg
Carabus_clathratus_menetriesi.jpg — (205.06к)

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24.03.2010 11:12, Aleksandr Safronov

Carabus (s. str.) granulatus ssp. telluris Bates, 1883
Russia, Primorsky ter., Vladivostok, Popov Isl., Stark
S. Veriga leg.

picture: C_gran_tell.jpg
C_gran_tell.jpg — (186.15к)

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08.10.2010 17:45, rpanin

Carabus (Carabus) sculpturatus Menetries, 1832
female, 22 mmm
Azerbaijan, Talysh, Hyrkan district "Moscow forest", 8-9. VII. 1988, leg. P. V. Kazaryan

Carabus (Carabus) granulatus duarius Fischer, 1844
Irkutsk region, okr. Pivovarikha, 07. V. 2007, Fominykh D. leg.

картинка: Carabus__Carabus__sculpturatus_Menetries__1832.22_mm.jpg
Carabus__Carabus__sculpturatus_Menetries__1832.22_mm.jpg — (155.57к)

картинка: Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_duarius_Fischer__1844.SE_Siberia__Russia__Irkutsk_reg.__near_Pivovarikha_vill.__7.V.07__D.Fominyh_leg..jpg
Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_duarius_Fischer__1844.SE_Siberia__Russia__Irkutsk_reg.__near_Pivovarikha_vill.__7.V.07__D.Fominyh_leg..jpg — (198.97к)

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17.12.2010 14:21, rpanin

Carabus (Carabus) menetriesi pacholei Sokolar, 1911
female, 23 mm
Czech Republic, SW Bohemia, Šumava-Volary, 01. V. 2007, Slavoj Budka leg.

картинка: Carabus__Carabus__menetriesi_pacholei_Sokolar__1911.23mm.jpg
Carabus__Carabus__menetriesi_pacholei_Sokolar__1911.23mm.jpg — (181.54к)

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31.03.2011 18:21, rpanin

Carabus (Carabus) granulatus interstitialis Duftschmid, 1812
19 mm
Italy, Emilia reg., Modena, Castelnuovo Rangone, 31.XII.1991, Sola C. leg.

картинка: Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_interstitialis_Duftschmid__1812.19mm.jpg
Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_interstitialis_Duftschmid__1812.19mm.jpg — (93.65к)

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25.09.2012 23:46, rpanin

Carabus (Carabus) granulatus yezoensis Bates, 1883
Russia, S-Sakhalin isl., Makarov distr., Mt. Chekhova h=400m, 12.VI.1998, M. Nesterov leg.
female, 23 mm

картинка: Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_yezoensis_Bates__1883.23_mm.jpg
Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_yezoensis_Bates__1883.23_mm.jpg — (104.57к)

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25.01.2013 22:31, vafdog

tell me, is Carabus granulatus with red thighs a subspecies or what?

26.01.2013 0:50, I.solod

It is simply a color form that, depending on the location, either dominates or makes up a certain percentage or is absent altogether in populations. It is more typical for the southern and western regions in the nominative subspecies.

in the middle lane along with the typical f. typ. with bronze elytra and pronotum and black legs, the following aberrations are noted: ab. virescens Letzner, 1850 - with a green top, ab. nigrescens Letzner, 1850-black and blue top with a greenish tinge, ab. niger Letzner, 1850–completely matte black top, ab. rufofemoratus Letzner, 1850 - with red thighs, ab. parvicollis Kraatz, 1878 - with a narrow pronotum, bronze top.
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26.01.2013 3:05, rpanin

Carabus (Carabus) granulatus granulatus Linne, 1758
As I understand it, this is a rare aberration of nigrescens Letzner, 1850
20 mm
Bore, level of Fill, 17. IV-3. V. 2010

картинка: Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_granulatus_Linne__1758.20mm.jpg
Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_granulatus_Linne__1758.20mm.jpg — (108.66к)

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26.01.2013 13:54, I.solod

This is a rare form-ab. wimmeli Shultz, 1900 may have a greenish or bluish-black tint

I have it Ruslan, too, from you with OCD. Kamenno-Bugskoy
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26.01.2013 13:59, I.solod

The easternmost red-bay populations I know of are the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Zapov. "Pillars".

26.01.2013 14:43, scarit

We have some red-thighs, but very rarely. Literally in two or three localities caught. Dark bronze with dark legs predominate.
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27.01.2013 14:08, Dorcadion

I caught red-legged fish in Irkutsk... And they are not so rare....

This post was edited by Dorcadion - 27.01.2013 14: 09
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28.09.2013 21:04, rpanin

Carabus (Carabus) granulatus granulatus n. hibernicus Lindroth, 1956
W-Ireland, County Mayo, Letterneevoge (R312),16-30.VI.2013, J.Stypula leg.

картинка: ______Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_granulatus_n._hibernicus_Lindroth__1956.23mm.jpg
______Carabus__Carabus__granulatus_granulatus_n._hibernicus_Lindroth__1956.23mm.jpg — (94.09к)

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