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New books about butterflies

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Diogen, 15.09.2005 12:12

In the summer, two new books about butterflies of the former USSR were published-a catalog of diurnal butterflies of the former USSR and a book about the genesis of diurnal butterfly faunas in the mountains of Central Asia. If you have any purchase questions, please contact the author of this thread.


15.09.2005 13:52, Diogen

Catalog of mace-whiskered lepidoptera of the former USSR, with notes on taxonomy and nomenclature. Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Radio Laboratory, 2005.158

Data on 1091 species and 2122 subspecies of Rhopalocera inhabiting the territory of the former USSR are presented. Some taxa have taxonomic and nomenclatural notes. New taxa are described.

The catalog contains complete bibliographic information for each of the diaries taxon inhabiting the territory of the former USSR, as well as taxonomic information (type species, type location, etc.) and distribution information. Example of taxon data provided in the catalog:

Genus Proterebia Roos & Arnscheid, 1980.
Mitteilungen der Munchener entomologischen Gesellschaft, 70: 11.
TS: Papilio phegea Borkhausen, 1788 (KOCAK, 1981 b).
203. afra Fabricius, 1787 (Papilio). Mantissa Insectorum, 2: 41. TL: South Russia. Had been originally described as a good species.
• afra Fabricius, 1787 (Papilio). D: South European part; steppes of Kazakhstan; Caucasus; Transcaucasus; Altai.
• krymaea Sheljuzhko, 1929 (Erebia). Mitteilungen der Munchener Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 19: 348; Fig. 2. TL: Jaltinskaya Jayla,
Crimea. Had been originally described as a subspecies of afra. D: Crimea.
• transcaspica Goltz, 1930 (Ereboformia). Entomologische Zeitschrift, Frankfurt am Main, 44: 143. TL: North Iran. Had been originally described as a subspecies of afra. D: Kopet Dagh.

Cost: for Russia, including packaging and shipment, it is 300 rubles; for foreign countries: 20 US pupaars, including shipment and packaging.

For purchase questions, please contact: stanislavkorb@list.ru

A catalogue of butterflies of the ex-USSR, with remarks on systematics and nomenclature. – Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhegorodskaya Radiolaboratoriya
Press. 2005. 158 pages.

In this catalogue the data on 1091 species and 2122 subspecies of Rhopalocera inhabiting territory former USSR are submitted. For some species and subspecies are available taxonomic and nomenclatorial remarks. Are described some new taxa.

Catalogue consists full bibliographical data on each taxon, and taxonomic data like type species, type locality and others. It have also data about distribution of each taxon in the ex-USSR. For example, data on the one taxon, listed in catalogue:

Genus Proterebia Roos & Arnscheid, 1980.
Mitteilungen der Munchener entomologischen Gesellschaft, 70: 11.
TS: Papilio phegea Borkhausen, 1788 (KOCAK, 1981 b).
203. afra Fabricius, 1787 (Papilio). Mantissa Insectorum, 2: 41. TL: South Russia. Had been originally described as a good species.
• afra Fabricius, 1787 (Papilio). D: South European part; steppes of Kazakhstan; Caucasus; Transcaucasus; Altai.
• krymaea Sheljuzhko, 1929 (Erebia). Mitteilungen der Munchener entomologischen Gesellschaft, 19: 348; Fig. 2. TL: Jaltinskaya Jayla,
Crimea. Had been originally described as a subspecies of afra. D: Crimea.
• transcaspica Goltz, 1930 (Ereboformia). Entomologische Zeitschrift, Frankfurt am Main, 44: 143. TL: North Iran. Had been originally described as a subspecies of afra. D: Kopet Dagh.

Price: inside Russia is 300 roubles, including packing and delivery; outside Russia: 20 USD, including packing and delivery.
Contact: stanislavkorb@list.ru
Likes: 1

15.09.2005 13:59, Diogen


user posted image

15.09.2005 14:05, Diogen

Faunagenesis der Tagfalter Bergmittelasiens: Analyse, Problemen, Rekonstruktion. N.Novgorod: Nizhegorodskaya Radiolaboratoriya Press, 2005. 162 S.

A monograph that examines the main trends in the evolution of the Rhopalocera fauna in the mountains of Central Asia and some specific definitions of the formogenesis of individual taxa of groups of the species and genus. A detailed analysis of the fauna is given: species composition, zoogeography, endemic taxa, etc. The concept of "endemism coefficient", its mathematical meaning, calculation method and directions of use are introduced. The main directions of the evolution of the diurnal butterfly fauna in mountainous Central Asia are highlighted, and the importance of migration processes in the formation of the modern appearance of these faunas is shown. Ultraviolet radiation is indicated as the main mutagen in mountain refugiums of Central Asia, and corresponding calculations are proposed. Some new names and combinations have been installed.

The cost in Russia, including shipment and packaging, is 270 rubles, for foreign countries, the cost, including shipment and packaging, is 19 USD.
Contact: stanislavkorb@list.ru
Likes: 1

15.09.2005 14:06, Diogen

user posted image

17.09.2005 14:23, Dmitrii Musolin

put the info on ENTOMO-L@listserv.uoguelph.ca
(but there you need a pldsubscribe, which is not difficult to do)

19.09.2005 7:14, Diogen

And how to get there? I didn't succeed.

19.09.2005 9:02, Dmitrii Musolin

And how to get there? I didn't succeed.

subscription - http://www.lsoft.com/scripts/wl.exe?SL1=EN...ERV.UOGUELPH.CA

If you don't want to subscribe, I can forward the English ad. Send it to musolin@gmail.com

27.09.2005 21:32, S

are these books self - published or do they have bibliographic details?

29.09.2005 10:09, Diogen

These books were published at my expense. What do you mean by bibliographic details? Unfortunately, I don't understand anything about this. It wasn't printed on the printer at home smile.gif.

29.09.2005 15:34, Diogen

In general, I looked at the ICZN. Books meet the eligibility criteria smile.gif.

30.09.2005 19:26, S

I finally saw your book. It does not have the banking details of the BBK, UDC, and the most important thing - the ISBN (registered with the book chamber). It is clear that you did not print it at home on a printer, but paid for printing. However, it does not have the status of an official publication. I'm afraid not everyone will be able to refer to it. But that doesn't detract from her excitement in any way, does it?

03.10.2005 12:54, Diogen

It has the status of an official publication... UDC and BBK are not written just because the book is in English. As for the ability to link... It depends only on your desire smile.gif. Some authors also refer to unpublished manuscripts. By the way, the texts of dissertations also do not have an ISBN. I did not set myself the goal of registering a book in the book chamber - the goal was to ensure the necessary circulation for the "book" status - 300 copies.

Even preprints can be considered official publications if they have crossed a certain circulation threshold.

03.10.2005 13:25, Diogen

The ISBN is a unique machine-readable identification number, which marks any book unmistakably. For 30 years the ISBN has revolutionized the international book-trade. 159 countries and territories are officially ISBN members.

Information taken from the site www.isbn.org

After reading the ISBN manual (http://www.isbn-international.org/en/userman/download/ISBNmanual.pdf) we have the following:

1. ISBN is a system for barcoding books. Basically, for its identification by cash registers smile.gif.

2. To receive an ISBN, you must be a member of this reputable organization.

3. The purpose of the ISBN is to eliminate difficulties in finding a book and eliminate dubbing when publishing it (suppose that two companies in Luxembourg suddenly want to publish Mein Kampf at the same time - one of them finds out that such a book is already being published, and if it wants, it will publish the same one under a different barcode at its own risk), identify the publisher and name (but it's not clear why... If only the barcode of the book is still there, then I won't read it :D ).

After reviewing the website of the Russian Book Chamber (http://www.bookchamber.ru/) we find out that to be included in the Chamber's register, all you need to do is send 4 mandatory copies of the publication to the Chamber.

By the way, mandatory copies were sent to the Chamber, Leninskaya b-ku in Moscow, ZIN b-ku, b-ku of the Moscow State University Zoo Museum and many others (including abroad). And consider a book published "not officially" only because it can not be bought in an international bookselling network... It is interestingsmile.gif. I wasn't going to send her there smile.gif.

Sorry, but you offended me. I worked on the catalog for 15 years.

03.10.2005 13:42, Дзанат

Don't listen to anyone.
When I read the scientific literature on research work,I don't care if there is a BBK, UDC, ICZN ,ISBN,I'm sure that your huge work is not worth it to fill my head with it.This is all a formality.

03.10.2005 13:47, Diogen

Thank smile.gifyou

04.10.2005 22:41, S

I didn't want to offend you in any way. The circulation threshold is an insufficient requirement. Any publisher records the ISBN and registers it with the book chamber. It turns out that anyone can pay for a 300-print run and send it out, passing off the completed work as scientific, meeting the standards of scientific research (without the appropriate editing and acceptance of the work by an official publisher), while remaining unskilled in a particular field. Therefore, these requirements do not apply to dissertation texts. This is a special article. In this case, I write not as a reader who is critical of such works, but as a publisher who publishes scientific literature.

05.10.2005 10:32, Diogen

Oh! As a publisher, would you be willing to contribute to the publication of the Northern Tien Shan Diurnal Butterfly Handbook?

05.10.2005 12:55, Diogen

About 15 years ago, the ISBN was not registered in Russia. And the books were still considered published... Well, never mind...

22.10.2005 19:28, S

2 Diogen. As a publisher: probably not - there is a chance to compromise the publication.

30.10.2005 16:04, Диоген

Still no problem smile.gif.
What does your application look like?.. as a veiled insult. So I throw down the gauntlet. any type of weapon in any place convenient for you.

30.10.2005 16:06, Диоген


30.10.2005 16:07, :)

ISBN 8-57317-250-1

This is the ISBN of the catalog

30.10.2005 20:52, S

2 smile.gifWhich folder?

30.10.2005 23:08, Бесплатный Сыр

catalog of day butterflies of the former ssr

17.04.2015 9:43, Vladlep

The continuation of the book – Korolev V. A. " Catalog of the author's collection of butterflies. Part II. Sailboats (Papilionidae)", numbering over 2 thousand sailboats from various regions of the world.
The collection contains approx. 70% of Papilionidae species from known ones.
The book contains 387 pages, more than 720 b / w photos of butterflies., 20 colors. tables'.
You can buy the book from the author by contacting us by e-mail: va-korolev@bk.ru
The price of the book in Russia is 500 rubles, (shipment in Russia +100 rubles).

Continuation of the book – Korolev V.A. “Catalogus on the collection of Lepidoptera. Part II. Papilionidae”, was published.
There are over two thousand specimens of Papilionids from around the world. The collection includes approx. 70% of the species of Papilionidae known.
387 pp., 720 black and white photos, 20 color. tables.
The book can be purchased from the author by contacting: va-korolev@bk.ru
Price books for Europe and Asia: 9 euros + 7 euros shipment.
The price of the book in America: $ 10 + $ 10 mail.

picture: Cat_II_0.jpg
Cat_II_0.jpg — (71.82к)

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Cat_II_2.jpg — (45.76к)

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Cat_II_4.jpg — (72.2к)

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Cat_II_5.jpg — (66.21к)

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