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A new book about Hemiptera

Community and ForumLiterature and websitesA new book about Hemiptera

Juglans, 06.02.2007 12:07

Kanyukova E. V. Aquatic hemipteran insects (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha) of the fauna of Russia and neighboring countries. Vladivostok: Dalnauka Publ., 2006. 297 p. ISBN 5-8044-0645-0

The monograph is devoted to a group of hemipteran insects Heteroptera of the Nekomorpha and Gerromorpha infraorders living in inland continental water bodies. Most of them are carnivores, feeding on small invertebrates, including the larvae of mosquitoes and woodlice, the main components of midge. Data on the fauna of aquatic hemiptera in Russia and adjacent countries are summarized for the first time. The book includes general and special parts, it contains defining tables and diagnoses for 2 infraorders, 10 superfamilies, 13 families, 17 subfamilies, 7 tribes, 33 genera and 158 species of aquatic hemiptera. Descriptions, distribution, life cycle, and significance in nature are provided for all taxa. The existing world literature is taken into account.
The book is intended for a wide range of biologists, entomologists, hydrobiologists, teachers and students of higher educational institutions, students and anyone interested in nature.
Fig. 482, Bibl. 756.

Kanyukova E.V. Aquatic and semiaqiatic beetles (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha) of the fauna of Russia and neighbouring countries. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2006. 297 p. ISBN 5- 8044-0645-0
The monograph is devoted to aquatic and semiaquatic Heteroptera of infraorders Nepomorpha and Gerromorpha inhabiting inner continental water habitats. Most of these insects are predators, feeding by small invertebrates including larvae of mosquitos. The data on aquatic and semiaquatic beetles of Russia and neighbouring countries are summarized for the first time. The book includes general and special parts and contains keys, and diagnoses for two infraorders, ten subfamilies, thirteen tribes, 33 genera and 158 species of aquatic and semiacquatic beetles. The descriptions, distribution data, life cycles and ecological importance for each species are given.
Ill. 482, bibl. 756.


06.02.2007 14:15, Dmitrii Musolin

Thank you, Juglans, for the information! I don't know how the book will be distributed, but if someone needs it, I can help contact the author (and purchase the book from them).

06.02.2007 16:40, Juglans

The author's print run. 300 rubles per book. Unfortunately, she was dismissed from the institute.

07.02.2007 1:53, Vadim Yakubovich

You can get the author's coordinates (i.e. how to contact her)

07.02.2007 3:29, Dmitrii Musolin

You can get the author's coordinates (i.e. how to contact her)

If this is a question, please email me at musolin@gmail.com and I'll forward it to the author.

07.02.2007 6:28, Vadim Yakubovich

Yes, of course it would be a question, I forgot to put a sign. The email was sent by.

22.02.2007 18:46, Juglans

The author reported that most of the print run (and it is 300 copies) is in the BPI. She personally has 50 copies left.

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