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Berkeley scientists create cyborg beetle

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsBerkeley scientists create cyborg beetle

amara, 30.01.2009 14:29

A group of scientists from the University of California, Berkeley, who some time ago received a government grant for the development of cyborg insects, showed the public very impressive results of their work. Researchers have learned how to control the movements of a rhinoceros beetle using a radio signal.
To establish control over the insect, a microscopic module is attached to its body, which consists of an electronic circuit for sending signals to electrodes implanted in the beetle's brain and muscles, a wireless communication module, as well as a microcontroller and an autonomous power source. The weight of the device is only 1.3 grams, while the largest representatives of this species are able to lift a weight of more than 3 grams.
The project is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), therefore, it can be assumed that the development was originally intended for use in the military industry. However, the researchers claim that the radio-controlled beetle can be used for peaceful purposes. For example, a scout capable of penetrating areas that are difficult to reach and dangerous to humans can be hired by rescue services. The beetle can be equipped with sensors to collect various data or even a microscopic camera.
The first public demonstration of the cyborg beetle's capabilities took place at the IEEE MEMS 2009 scientific conference, held recently in the Italian city of Sorrento
. techon.nikkeibp.co.jp.




This post was edited by amara - 30.01.2009 14: 42


30.01.2009 14:47, RippeR

"you've got beetles in your room!" Someone's listening to us!
-No, it's just bronzes!
Likes: 1

31.01.2009 17:11, Bad Den

All the best - for children! (Sorry, to the military)

31.01.2009 17:50, amara

All the best - for children! (Sorry, to the military)

I myself am not sure that this is what you need to do (I feel sorry for beetles), but these experiments are an indicator that by investing money (in literate people) you can get a result.
Likes: 1

31.01.2009 19:59, Bad Den

Yes, I'm also a little off about that. I just wanted to emphasize what developments are and will be a priority in the world.

01.02.2009 1:25, Pirx

Stanislav Lem fareva!!!

01.02.2009 2:00, Chromocenter

now the beetles will also be peddlers of democracy...
Likes: 3

09.02.2009 0:18, RippeR

cyborg beetles lol.gif

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