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The nervous system of insects

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsThe nervous system of insects

qwerty, 03.12.2009 17:51


I have a question: how are nerve impulses transmitted in insects? (for example, in bees)

And what are they, chemically signals, electrical impulses, or something else?

And is it possible to register nerve impulses in insects?


03.12.2009 18:17, PVOzerski

Yes, the same thing as in vertebrates (membrane depolarization, ion channels, etc.), only the fibers are always without myelin and the mediators are different (for example, glutamate works in neuromuscular transmission in synapses instead of acetylcholine). Well, one more nuance: in some insects, the wing muscle responds to a single nerve impulse with several contractions - but this is no longer transmission as such.

You can register, of course.

This post was edited by PVOzerski - 03.12.2009 18: 18
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03.12.2009 18:32, qwerty

And what methods of recording nerve impulses exist?
You can give us a link if you have one)
How are these devices used?

03.12.2009 22:17, PVOzerski

Well, look for the works of V. L. Svidersky, for example. Or my late boss, A. V. Popov.

04.12.2009 10:02, qwerty

I've seen enough of cyborg insects))


04.12.2009 15:01, qwerty

Tell me pliz. and where can I read them?
I didn't find it on the Internet... maybe I searched badly(

05.12.2009 3:17, PVOzerski

I'm afraid I'll have to look for such works in "paper" libraries. By the way, you can also search online, but mostly in English-language sources. Search for the following keywords: neuronal, insect, registration. To be honest, I had no experience with compact devices placed on the body of a freely moving insect, and I am not even sure of the reality of their existence. Electrophysiological work on insects is carried out on various stationary installations.

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