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Entomological museums

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Yakovlev, 21.04.2010 19:01

More and more often we have to face the need to look at something in a particular depository. I suggest that we consolidate our efforts as much as possible. Many people visit certain museums, the volume of collections of which we often do not know.
If someone suddenly goes to a certain museum, they can help their colleagues by photographing some material and learning something. Let's help each other in this matter.
I post the website address of the Witt Museum here.
A huge request to colleagues who will work in museums in Australia and China to write to me. I HAVE REQUESTS!


21.04.2010 19:03, rhopalocera.com

I tried to ask my colleagues to take photos of several types for me. Got rejected. I haven't asked since. It's easier to go yourself.

21.04.2010 19:07, Yakovlev

Stas, I received both refusals and photos of various types, sometimes even without requests. For example, from you in Canada!

21.04.2010 19:56, rhopalocera.com

Stas, I received both refusals and photos of various types, sometimes even without requests. For example, from you in Canada!

smile.gif. I'd like to take a better picture now. then my technique was, to put it mildly, guano. and taking a picture of an extra 20-30 butterflies is not a problem. the main thing is that it will bring benefits.

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