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Looking for fellow travelers. Mount Ko

Community and ForumSearch for colleaguesLooking for fellow travelers. Mount Ko

Wild Yuri, 01.01.2011 14:44

I am looking for fellow travelers on the 2011 expedition to Mount Ko, the border of the Khabarovsk Territory and Primorye. The expedition dates are approximately from July 10 to July 25. Ko is one of the highest mountains in the region, and forms an extensive subalpine tract (up to 30 km long and several wide) with adjacent "neighbors". Places are magical, see
http://www.mountain.ru/article/article_dis...?article_id=914. Entomologists examined poorly. Still undescribed subspecies of Erebus, Klossian, and other butterflies may be caught. On this mountain, a geobotanist caught a male P. eversmanni of the " Magadan-Yakut appearance "(small and bright yellow), when there should be large and pale Maui. There is an assumption that the beetle Sikhotealineae zhiltzovi lives on the high mountains of the region. And other things... The expedition is a two-day hike to the heights of Ko, 8-10 days there and 2-3 back. The area is completely deserted. There are no roads or serious trails. Stay in the tents. Products and equipment - on your own. I can catch insects that forum participants need.
Waiting for suggestions.

This post was edited by Wild Yuri - 03.01.2011 12: 40

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01.01.2011 14:47, Wild Yuri

Here is more from In-eta: "In the area of Mount Ko is the cave "Farewell". It is hidden from the indiscreet eyes of potential tourists by dense taiga and bestropy. It was recently opened. A group of Khabarovsk tourists-cavers came to the" hole " unexpectedly. The first inspection showed that the largest cave in the Far East was discovered. The underground cavern seems endless: halls give way to narrow slits, and dark wells connect the floors of a huge and silent
underground city." Experts in cave insects can also participate in the expedition! smile.gif

And also: "Scientists consider Mount Ko to be the pearl of Sikhote-Alin, and ufologists are sure that this is the launch pad of alien ships that disguised their spaceport among rocky peaks and cedar stalks." They often also write about the harpy (a variant of chupacabra) on Ko. Ufologists and cryptozoologists also welcome! smile.gif

01.01.2011 14:47, Wild Yuri

The best reports on the hike of tourists on Mount Ko:
http://www.mountain.ru/article/article_dis...article_id=2816 and

01.01.2011 20:32, Peter Khramov

What is the nearest airport, and how far from it?..

01.01.2011 22:47, Bad Den

What is the nearest airport, and how far from it?..

Judging by the photo above-right on the mountain, it remains only to negotiate with the pilots smile.gif
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01.01.2011 23:27, Wild Yuri

What is the nearest airport, and how far from it?..

Khabarovsk. About 250 km. It is also possible from Vladivostok (~ 600 km). The group is scheduled to meet in Khabarovsk.

02.01.2011 0:00, Peter Khramov

Judging by the photo above-right on the mountain, it remains only to agree with the pilots smile.gif
These are international flights explicitly...

02.01.2011 1:12, Wild Yuri

Photos from the site http://www.mountain.ru/article/article_dis...?article_id=914, with the caption: "Gold accumulates in huge deposits under the Zenith Mountain" (near Ko). I think they go there for gold! confused.gif

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02.01.2011 6:57, Ekos

The places are very wild, many people died and went missing trying to conquer Ko (although most of them in winter). A. B. Martynenko was one of the butterfly researchers there, and he has one or two articles devoted to the bulbous lepidoptera of Mount Ko and its environs (Koenini massif). From memory, I can say that mountain blackheads and eneis such as Erebia fletcheri and Oeneis melissa were found there. And more. Be prepared that in July there will be a lot of rain caused by the summer monsoon (I can say this from my experience of running through the mountains of the southern part of the Khabarovsk Territory). It can charge for 2 weeks and there will be almost no fees. So get ready for the ultimate extreme! wink.gif
In general, the idea is very interesting, I would risk going there myself, but the plans are different at this time.

This post was edited by Ekos-02.01.2011 09: 17
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02.01.2011 8:29, Sergey Didenko

Yeah, Yura didn't calm down with his idea. By the way, we gathered again in Primorye at the beginning of August, but of course we will not go to Ko.
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02.01.2011 13:14, Wild Yuri

At the beginning of August, it will be too late. Martynenko, by the way, was in the fall - everything was already flying away... In the peak of summer, no one caught butterflies (mid-July)!
And what people disappear there-I think, PR ufologists and cryptozoologists (looking for a Harpy there). It is reliably known about the death of only two tourists (in pairs). The mountain is not much more difficult than other Ussuri mountains. And the time frame for achieving this goal is conditional. You can go fishing for 3-4 days. Let's go with a good weather forecast. If it rains - fishing in the vicinity (Solontsovy settlement). There, by the way, two awesome camp sites!

02.01.2011 15:39, Wild Yuri

The main thing is to take more sausage...

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02.01.2011 16:42, Ekos

And what people disappear there-I think, PR ufologists and cryptozoologists (looking for a Harpy there). It is reliably known about the death of only two tourists (in pairs).

I've heard of at least three deaths. Among them, students of the university where I studied were killed.
Of course, you should always be careful in any mountains, because everything is unpredictable there. But it's also very interesting. We still remember how we drank too much last year on the Dusse-Alin ridge at the source of Bureya, in the extreme was!
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02.01.2011 17:35, Wild Yuri

What did they die of, if not a secret?

02.01.2011 17:46, Yakovlev

There can be pleasant things - tritonias, erds, eneis, erebia. The most fun is to collect good bears. Success to the company. All the creatures are a couple of pairs to me. I'll be glad to. The point is good.
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02.01.2011 19:32, Svyatoslav Knyazev

I would take a scoop and fine worms, if the light will catch smile.gif

02.01.2011 19:43, Wild Yuri

Thanks to the last two authors. I'll catch it. Let's take a gas lamp and cylinders for the night. The generator is too heavy...

02.01.2011 20:19, Yakovlev

fingerwing will be bought by Ustyuzhanin-Kovtunovich

02.01.2011 20:38, barko

Thanks to the last two authors. I'll catch it. Let's take a gas lamp and cylinders for the night. The generator is too heavy...
Interesting scoops, some dippers and Eupithecia flower moth. Ready to buy.

02.01.2011 21:03, Wild Yuri

Yes, I'll try to catch it.
Now I hope to "catch" companions! confused.gif

02.01.2011 21:04, Guest

If you see Paracyphoderris, take it! In such places, there may well be something unusual.

02.01.2011 21:10, Bad Den

Ground beetles are of interest, but NOT the genus Carabus.

03.01.2011 1:20, Wild Yuri

If you see Paracyphoderris, take it! In such places, there may well be something unusual.

Who is it? What does it look like?

03.01.2011 1:22, Wild Yuri

Bad Den-у. Ground beetles are easy. The glasses don't weigh anything... smile.gif

03.01.2011 4:42, Ekos

If you see Paracyphoderris, take it! In such places, there may well be something unusual.

Jurassic, these are primitive long-whiskered erect-winged pre-grasshoppers. I attach a photo from the Bureinsky Nature Reserve.

About getting killed. As far as I've heard, people died and disappeared in the winter (I've also heard about summer, but it's probably just a story). People either lost their orientation in space or broke down and fell on the rocks.

Paracyphoderris_erebeus_1.JPG — (572.41к)

Paracyphoderris_erebeus_2.JPG — (610.78к)

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03.01.2011 5:21, Ekos

He specified the number and titles of works devoted to the mace-whiskered butterfly fauna in the Sikhote-Alin highlands (within the Khabarovsk Territory). There are only two of them. And both were written by A. B. Martynenko.
One is dedicated to the fauna of the Koenini massif (including Mount Ko). He was there, by the way, not at the end of the season, but in June-July 1997. For highlands, they include Pieris dulcinea, Colias palaeno, Lopinga deidamia, Oeneis semidea (under this name Oeneis melissa is hidden), Aglais urticae, Nymphalis xanthomelas, and Clossiana thore.

Here is the output of this article:
Martynenko, A. B., Altibiomic and ecotopic distribution of diurnal butterflies (Lepidoptera, Diurna) in the Middle Sikhote-Alin, Zhivotnyj mir Dal'nego Vostoka: Sb. nauch. trudy, ed. by A. N. Streltsov. Blagoveshchensk: BSPU Publishing House, 2002, issue 4, pp. 157-166.

The second work is devoted to the bulavous mountains of the highest peak of Sikhote-Alin-Mount Tardoki-Yani (2090 m above sea level), also located in the Khabarovsk Territory. A. B. was there in August, but in spite of this he came across such interesting things as Erebia fletcheri, E. pawloskii, Boloria banghaasi. I attach this note to the message (in general, it is freely available on the web).

If someone has more data on the highlands of the Khabarovsk Territory-write (you can in PM), I am very interested in this problem.


download file Martynenko_Tardoky_Yani.pdf

size: 276.66 k
number of downloads: 1222

03.01.2011 10:57, Wild Yuri

Zhenya, thank you for the information!
"Grasshoppers" such did not see. I hope to catch it.

03.01.2011 11:44, rhopalocera.com

both of Martynenko's "publications" are not on paper, but in a little-known Internet project. I was going to use them in my work, but the publication method forces me to ignore them.

po Mount ko: accept a preliminary application for me smile.gif. If nothing changes , I'll be happy to go. do you need an encephalitis vaccination there, or not? and question 2: will anyone be armed? all sorts of wild animals live there, some of them are large and predatory smile.gif

03.01.2011 11:46, Dracus


Great photos, thank you!

Wild Yuri

If there are Paracyphoderris's or other interesting straight-winged birds, and / or grylloblattids (cockroach worms) in the highlands, please take my share too smile.gif

This post was edited by Dracus - 03.01.2011 11: 58

03.01.2011 12:25, Wild Yuri

po Mount ko: accept a preliminary application for me smile.gif. If nothing changes , I'll be happy to go. do you need an encephalitis vaccination there, or not? and question 2: will anyone be armed? all sorts of wild animals live there, some of them large and predatory smile.gif

Thank you for wanting to join us! The application was accepted. Write further in the "personal account".
Ticks there, judging by the press-legion. I myself go without vaccinations-in short shorts, with an examination every 10-15 minutes below the waist. smile.gif Since there is a lot of wildebeest, it is better to have encephalitis. There are bears. We'll have to get the pepper spray bottles. We will also sing! smile.gif There is no gun.

This post was edited by Wild Yuri - 03.01.2011 12: 43

03.01.2011 12:28, Wild Yuri

If there are Paracyphoderris's or other interesting straight-winged birds, and / or grylloblattids (cockroach worms) in the highlands, please take my share too smile.gif

OK. I'll do my best.
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03.01.2011 13:20, Wild Yuri

To scare off the bear, you can take a bell. Japanese know-how... yes.gif

03.01.2011 14:11, Yakovlev

both of Martynenko's "publications" are not on paper, but in a little-known Internet project. I was going to use them in my work, but the publication method forces me to ignore them.

What about Zootaxa?

03.01.2011 14:43, rhopalocera.com

What about Zootaxa?

DOI. Zootaxa has one. this "electronic journal"doesn't exist.
in addition, zootaxa is also published on paper, although the circulation is minimal, but all the attributes of "validity" for the ICZN are observed.

03.01.2011 15:56, Ekos

both of Martynenko's "publications" are not on paper, but in a little-known Internet project. I was going to use them in my work, but the publication method forces me to ignore them.

po Mount ko: accept a preliminary application for me smile.gif. If nothing changes , I'll be happy to go. do you need an encephalitis vaccination there, or not? and question 2: will anyone be armed? all sorts of wild animals live there, some of them large and predatory smile.gif

Stanislav, please read carefully my first link to Martynenko's work on Middle Sikhote-Alin and Mount Co.
I'll duplicate it again:

Martynenko, A. B., Altibiomic and ecotopic distribution of diurnal butterflies (Lepidoptera, Diurna) in the Middle Sikhote-Alin, Zhivotnyj mir Dal'nego Vostoka: Sb. nauch. trudy, ed. by A. N. Streltsov. Blagoveshchensk: BSPU Publishing House, 2002, issue 4, pp. 157-166.

This is not an electronic publication, but in a physical, paper-based collection of scientific papers, which I now have in my hands, by the way. Absolutely nothing prevents you from referring to it. And not all works should be published in central journals, and regional collections are also very important. Someone may object about their availability, to which I will answer-what prevents you from contacting the author and getting an article or collection? The answer is obvious – there are no special problems in this.

I agree with the second one, it is electronic and its c status is disputed. But I think you can still refer to it. Data-that is, access to them is free and it is rather stupid to ignore them, putting the work of another person at zero.

The post was edited by Ekos-today, 23: 53

03.01.2011 15:56, Yakovlev

I even refer to online resources if I find something. This is a publication in something more accessible than publications from a number of journals. Please understand that I am not in favor of electronic publications, but if they exist, they should not be ignored. For example, e. library has it all. And I also have the animal world of the Far East in my library.
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03.01.2011 16:33, rhopalocera.com

Stanislav, please read carefully my first link to Martynenko's work on Middle Sikhote-Alin and Mount Co.
I'll duplicate it again:

Martynenko, A. B., Altibiomic and ecotopic distribution of diurnal butterflies (Lepidoptera, Diurna) in the Middle Sikhote-Alin, Zhivotnyj mir Dal'nego Vostoka: Sb. nauch. trudy, ed. by A. N. Streltsov. Blagoveshchensk: BSPU Publishing House, 2002, issue 4, pp. 157-166.

This is not an electronic publication, but in a physical, paper-based collection of scientific papers, which I now have in my hands, by the way. Absolutely nothing prevents you from referring to it. And not all works should be published in central journals, and regional collections are also very important. Someone may object about their availability, to which I will answer-what prevents you from contacting the author and getting an article or collection? The answer is obvious – there are no special problems in this.

I agree with the second one, it is electronic and its c status is disputed. But I think you can still refer to it. Data-that is, access to them is free and it is rather stupid to ignore them, putting the work of another person at zero.

This post was edited by Ekos-today, 23: 53

paperwork, of course, I take into account. Martynenko has several other works in the same electronic edition , which is why I used the plural.

the problem with electronic publications is their status. at the moment, it is not officially defined. there is also no citation standard. another problem is the instability of the quote itself. if I put a pdf of my article on my website rhopalocera.com, which will be closed (there will be no money for payment), and then I will transfer it to my own site stankorb.com, all previous quotes from the resource rhopalocera.com they will no longer be available. the only option is DOI-it organizes electronic publications. this is the same as a magazine's ISSN or a book's ISBN. I believe that in the current time of transition, I will definitely ignore those electronic publications that cannot be found in the DOI database.

03.01.2011 16:33, rhopalocera.com

I even refer to online resources if I find something. This is a publication in something more accessible than publications from a number of journals. Please understand that I am not in favor of electronic publications, but if they exist, they should not be ignored. For example, e. library has it all. And I also have the animal world of the Far East in my library.

it is more affordable, but much less stable.

03.01.2011 16:37, Yakovlev

I agree. I don't publish myself in such things

03.01.2011 16:48, Ekos

paperwork, of course, I take into account. Martynenko has several other works in the same electronic edition , which is why I used the plural.

the problem with electronic publications is their status. at the moment, it is not officially defined. there is also no citation standard. another problem is the instability of the quote itself. if I put a pdf of my article on my website rhopalocera.com, which will be closed (there will be no money for payment), and then I will transfer it to my own site stankorb.com, all previous quotes from the resource rhopalocera.com they will no longer be available. the only option is DOI-it organizes electronic publications. this is the same as a magazine's ISSN or a book's ISBN. I believe that in the current time of transition, I will definitely ignore those electronic publications that cannot be found in the DOI database.

I agree that there is a problem and I myself would not publish in fully electronic publications, as this is extremely unreliable. And Martynenko, yes, works 5-7 (for memory) in this electronic edition, mainly in the Primorsky Territory. It's a good thing that you can find them on the Internet without any problems.

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