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Ladybug Farm

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borigv, 15.11.2013 14:57

Good afternoon.
I am not engaged in entomology and a regular participant in other branches of this forum, I was thrown to visit you by a topic from the summer residents forum - there one of the gardeners recalled how in some shaggy year in the Crimea, ladybirds were landed from airplanes to destroy farm pests. The gardener claims that the number of them was such that the surf of the Black Sea turned red.
The question is: where can I read about the technology of growing entomophagous insects (ladybirds, horsemen, perhaps a ground beetle or maybe something else that I don't know about) both on an industrial scale and, possibly, on a scale not very large. I will be grateful for any references


15.11.2013 21:03, Hierophis

I don't know, in general, we regularly have outbreaks of the number of ladybirds, I don't know about the surf, but there are so many of them that it seems that the air smells of them, I don't think this is a "landing" smile.gif
In general, what they don't tell us, including about airplanes, I was personally told that vipers were lowered from airplanes in Aleshkovsky sands!

18.11.2013 17:14, borigv

dear Hierophis, rumors about the existence of ladybird farms do not only originate in the Crimea (the case described above is given as an example of the fact that this was also the case in the USSR). There are persistent rumors that in the provincial town of New York you can buy ladybug larvae to control pests on indoor plants.
So the technology exists somewhere smile.gif
Can you recommend a forum closer to the topic of the topic? thank you in advance

30.11.2013 1:28, Vadim Sharov

In Kazan, after the event
we took them on an excursion to a sooo large greenhouse farm. Ladybirds were used there.
In some places, photos were even shared with them.

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