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VIII Readings in memory of O. A. Kataev

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Dmitrii Musolin, 13.05.2014 22:25

VIII Readings in memory of O. A. Kataev

Pests and diseases of woody plants in Russia

St. Petersburg, SPbGLTU, November 18-20, 2014

Dear colleagues!

St. Petersburg State Forest Engineering University named after S. M. Kirov and the Russian Entomological Society invite you to take part in the VIII Readings in memory of O. A. Kataev, which will be held on November 18-20, 2014 at the Department of Forest Protection and Hunting Studies of St. Petersburg State University of Forestry and Forestry (St. Petersburg, Institutsky Lane, house 5) [arrival-November 17].

The purpose of the Readings is to exchange views on topical issues of forest entomology, forest phytopathology and forest protection, coordinate scientific research, summarize current forest entomological knowledge, and discuss key research areas in the field of insect ecology and forest protection.
Topic of the VIII Readings: Pests and diseases of woody plants in Russia. At the Readings, we plan to critically assess what is known about pests and pathogens of woody plants, about the forest pathology state of forests in the country, and what awaits our forests in the short and medium term.

To participate in the Readings, please register by e-mail by July 1, 2014 (chtenia.o.a.kataeva@gmail.com) by providing the following information about yourself:

1. Last name, first name, patronymic (in full):
2. Academic degree (or undergraduate / postgraduate):
3. The represented organization:
4. Contact phone number:
5. E-mail:
6. Preliminary data on the report (authors, title and form of the report-oral or poster, absentee participation):
7. Do I need a place in a dorm:

The registration fee will be approximately 800 rubles (it will include the publication of abstracts of 1 report, a participant's package, including 1 copy of the program and abstracts, coffee breaks). Registration fee for students and postgraduates – 600 rubles. Publication of abstracts for each additional report: + 200 rubles. You will be asked to pay for lunch and participation in a friendly dinner separately on the first day of the Readings. It is possible to participate in absentia: with the distribution of the program and abstracts in the form of a PDF file (200 rubles) or with the distribution of printed programs and abstracts (350 rubles).

The registration fee will need to be transferred by bank or postal transfer before October 1, 2014 (as will be reported in the Second Newsletter in September 2014).

Accommodation will be offered in a hostel or dispensary of SPbGLTU (prices will be specified in the Second Information letter).
Abstracts will need to be submitted by September 15, 2013. The abstract format will be sent with a Second Information Letter. Abstracts will be published before the start of the Readings and distributed to participants.

Based on the results of the Readings, the materials of the reports made at the Readings, after careful review, are planned to be published as articles in a separate issue of Izvestia of the St. Petersburg Forestry Engineering Academy (a periodical of the Higher Attestation Commission List).

So, the important dates are:
– registration - until July 1, 2014,
- abstracts - until September 15, 2014,
- contribution-until October 1, 2014
– - arrival – November 17, 2014 (Monday),
- working days of Readings – November 18-20, 2014 (Tuesday-Thursday).

Please extend this invitation to your colleagues-forest entomologists, phytopathologists, ecologists, forest protection specialists, undergraduates and postgraduates.

Contact details–
- Email: chtenia.o.a.kataeva@gmail.com, musolin@gmail.com
– mobile phone: +7-921-325-91-86 (Musolin Dmitry Leonidovich–
- phone Department of Forest Protection and Hunting of St. Petersburg State Technical University:
Materials and information on all previous Readings: http://spbftu.ru/science/kataev/

See you at the Readings in St. Petersburg!

With respect,

Organizing Committee of O. A. Kataev Memorial Readings


download file Chtenia_Kataeva_2014_pismo_1.pdf

size: 209.57 k
number of downloads: 582


06.07.2014 16:18, Dmitrii Musolin

July 1 has passed, but you can still register.

17.07.2014 20:28, Dmitrii Musolin

Dear colleagues, good afternoon!

Izvestiya Sankt-Peterburgskoi Lesotekhnicheskoi Akademii (Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Forestry Engineering Academy) published in November 2013. VII Readings in memory of O. A. Kataev.

Pdf issue 207 of Izvestiya LTA is available on request. The PDF will also be available soon on page VII of Readings: http://spbftu.ru/science/kataev/7threading/

In addition, Izvestia LTA now has an updated website, which already contains PDF files of all articles over the past 5 years, including materials of the III, IV, V and VII Readings in memory of O. A. Kataev.

We still accept applications for participation in the VIII Readings in memory of O. A. Kataev-information: http://spbftu.ru/science/kataev/8threading/

The official video channel of SPbGLTU (link) contains unique educational videos on the biology of forest pests. Among the presented materials is a digitized series of five separate episodes shot in the 1960s and 1970s at the then Leningrad Forestry Engineering Academy under the direction of O. A. Kataev. The channel also hosts a new film by Candidate of Biological Sciences I. A. Kerchev (Tomsk) about a dangerous invasive forest pest - the Ussuri polygraph. This film was first presented at the VII Readings in memory of O. A. Kataev (SPbLTU, 2013)

14.09.2014 10:08, Dmitrii Musolin

We are still registering for a few days and accepting abstracts for the VIII Reading in memory of O. A. Kataev: Pests and diseases of woody plants in Russia (St. Petersburg, SPbGLTU, November 18-20, 2014).

Information: http://spbftu.ru/science/kataev/8threading/

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