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M. N. Tsurikov died

Community and ForumWe mourn the departed. ObituariesM. N. Tsurikov died

AGG, 05.02.2017 19:14

Sad news from Lipetsk and Galichya Gora : Mikhail Nikolaevich Tsurikov died unexpectedly.


05.02.2017 19:20, Victor Titov

Sad news from Lipetsk and Galichya Gora : Mikhail Nikolaevich Tsurikov died unexpectedly.

Just like that... On the shelf in front of me is his book... Eternal memory.

05.02.2017 20:37, Mantispid

Nightmare. He was still relatively young, so how much more could he do?.. Eternal memory.

This post was edited by Mantispid-05.02.2017 20: 38

05.02.2017 20:44, Dmitry Vlasov

Bright memory...

05.02.2017 20:52, Aleksandr Ermakov

Bright memory. Condolences to your family and friends.

05.02.2017 22:00, mikee

Only 54 years old... weep.gif

05.02.2017 22:28, Wild Yuri

Sadly... I knew him. A true ascetic of science and a very intelligent person. Bright memory.

This post was edited by Wild Yuri - 07.02.2017 02: 00

06.02.2017 0:41, Коллекционер

I only saw him in the summer.. how so..

06.02.2017 10:07, Лавр Большаков

Bright memory.
This is a very big loss.

06.02.2017 13:51, Penzyak

Tsurikov Mikhail Nikolaevich

Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Senior Researcher, Head of the Laboratory. Entomology Department, Head of the stock collection of invertebrates of the Galichya Gora Nature Reserve

Area of research interests:

- study of Coleoptera fauna and ecology;

- development of methods for studying invertebrates.

Basic biographical information:

1963-year of birth;

1980-1985-student of VSU;

1985-1986-Teacher of biology and chemistry at the Rozhdestvensko-Khavskaya eight-year school in the Novousmansky District of the Voronezh Region;

1986-1988-Senior Researcher of the Biomethod Laboratory of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Protection;

1988-1995-Engineer of the biological educational and scientific base of VSU "Venevitinovo";

1995-1997-MD of the Entomology Laboratory of the Galichya Gora Nature Reserve.

From 1997 to the present - Senior Researcher, Head of the Department. laboratory of Entomology of the Galichya Gora Nature Reserve.

Honours and awards:

Member of the Russian Entomological Society (since 1987), co - chairman of the Interregional Public Organization-Association "For Humane Treatment of Nature" (since 2003), member of the Union of Journalists of Russia (since 2004), International Scientist of the Year (Cambridge, 2008).

Number of published works: more than 100 publications.

Author of many popular science publications.

There are two copyright certificates for inventions and three patents.

Home and business address:

399240, Lipetsk region,

Zadonsky district, Donskoye settlement,

Galichya Gora Nature Reserve


1. Negrobov O. P., Tsurikov M. N. Two new species of the genus Chrysotus (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Yakutia // Zool. zhurnal, 1986, vol. 65, issue 4, pp. 632-634.

2. Negrobov O. P., Tsurikov M. N. A new species of the genus Thrypticus (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) from the Krasnoyarsk Territory // Tr. Zoological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1986, vol. 146, pp. 15-16.

3. Negrobov O. P., Tsurikov M. N. A new species of the genus Neurigona (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from the Caucasus. - 1990. - N. 10. - pp. 35-37.

4. Negrobov O. P., Tsurikov M. N. New species of the genus Medetera (Diptera, Dolichopodidae) from Vietnam // Bulletin of Zoology. - 1991. - N. 5. - p. 19-25.

5. Negrobov O. P., Tsurikov M. N. A new genus of the family Dolichopodidae (Diptera) from the Caucasus, Zool. zhurnal, 1996, vol. 74, issue 4, pp. 632-634.

6. Negrobov O. P., Tsurikov M. N., Maslova O. O. Revision of palearctic species of the genus Chrysotus Mg. (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). III // Entomol. obozr. - 2000. - Vol. 79, Issue 1-pp. 227-238.

7. Tsurikov M. N., Tsurikov S. N. Nature-saving methods for studying invertebrates in Russian nature reserves: Proceedings of the Association of Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Central Chernozem Region of Russia. Issue 4. Tula, 2001, 130 p. (in Russian)

8. Tsurikov M. N. Venomous invertebrates of the Lipetsk region. Voronezh, 2001, 52 p. (in Russian)

9. Tsurikov M. N. Dva ustroistva dlya vremennogo obezdvizhivaniya bespozvonochnykh [Two devices for temporary immobilization of invertebrates]. Zool. zhurnal, 2002, vol. 81, issue 1, pp. 118-119.

10. Negrobov O. P., Tsurikov M. N., Maslova O. O. Revision of palearctic species of the genus Chrysotus Mg. (Diptera, Dolichopodidae). IV // Entomol. obozr. - 2003. - Vol. 82, Issue 1-pp. 223-228.

11. Tsurikov M. N. Humannye metody issledovaniya bespozvonochnykh [Humane methods for studying invertebrates]. on the right in Ukraine. - 2004. - Vol. 9, Issue 2. - pp. 52-57.

12. Negrobov O.P. & Zurikov M.N. Mechanism of oviposition in Dolichopodidae (Diptera) // Int. J. Dipterol. Res. - 2004. - V. 15, № 1. - P.3-8.

13. Tsurikov M. N. Three traps with baits for collecting invertebrates // Zool. zhurnal, 2006, vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 656-658. [English translation: Tsurikov M. N. Three Traps with Bain for Insects / / Entomological Review, 2006, V. 86, p. 1. - S. 101-103].

14. Tsurikov M. N. Simple traps for collecting invertebrates / / Zool. zhurnal. - 2006 V.-T. 85, No. 6. - pp. 760-765. [English translation: Tsurikov M. N. Simple Traps for Invertebrates / / Entomological Review. - 2006 V. 86, S. 1. - S. 95-100].

15. Tsurikov M. N. Two devices for Indoor Processing of Insect Collections // Zool. zhurnal, 2006, vol. 85, no. 7, pp. 893-895. [English translation: Tsurikov M. N. Two Devices for Indoor Processing of Insect Collections // Entomological Review, 2006, V. 86, S. 2. - S. 240-242].

16. Tsurikov M. N. K izucheniyu mesto zimnoi localizatsii imago coleoptera - coprobiontov (Coleoptera, Insecta) v usloviyakh zapovednik "Galichya Gora" [On studying the winter localization sites of Coleoptera imago-coprobionts (Coleoptera, Insecta) in the conditions of the Galichya Gora Nature Reserve]. - Issue 1. - Voronezh: VSU, 2007, pp. 95-106.

17. Tsurikov M. N. On the effectiveness of migration traps and light traps in the study of Coleoptera species composition in the conditions of the Galichya Gora Nature Reserve / / Ecological research in the Galichya Gora Nature Reserve: collection of articles. - Issue 1. - Voronezh: VSU, 2007, pp. 107-116.

18. Tsurikov M. N. Beetles of the Lipetsk region. - Voronezh: CPI of VSU, 2009. - 332 p.

This post was edited by Penzyak - 06.02.2017 13: 54

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06.02.2017 19:50, Dracus

I found out today from a colleague.
Bright memory.

06.02.2017 20:33, scarit

Bright memory to him.

08.02.2017 0:00, I.solod

Bright memory to him.

11.02.2017 11:59, Black Coleopter

There was no super-professional in trap designs and not only that. Eternal memory!

16.02.2017 19:01, stierlyz

What is particularly offensive is that a specialist died who was not unsuccessfully engaged in a number of issues (wintering insects, the influence of techniques on the collected material, etc.), which almost no one deals with. A serious loss, alas((.

21.02.2017 7:47, Bad Den

Bright memory...

21.02.2017 15:19, Liparus

Bright memory to him.

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