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Help me identify the bug

Community and ForumHow to get rid of insectsHelp me identify the bug

Gasbox, 21.12.2017 10:41


Dear forum participants,

In the apartment of nayde for a month the second beetle and caused fears. Is it not a tick? Who are they, where do they come from, and how do I get them out?

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21.12.2017 11:12, Victor Titov


Dear forum participants,

In the apartment of nayde for a month the second beetle and caused fears. Is it not a tick? Who are they, where do they come from, and how do I get them out?

It's not a gamaz bug:
Google it - the web is full of links.

21.12.2017 18:19, ИНО

And in my opinion - trombidifoormny.

21.12.2017 19:55, Victor Titov

And in my opinion - trombidifo about rmny.

Thrombidiform? It could very well be:
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrombidiform Ticks

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 21.12.2017 20: 01

15.05.2018 12:11, Арсений Гоцуляк

Good afternoon!

Good afternoon! Today I noticed that on one of the apple trees there are a lot of twisted leaves, and two or three young leaves are twisted and glued together with a sticky mass, there is a spider web inside one of the leaves and a small caterpillar is sitting in it. It looks like a moth. But I watched the apple trees for several days, but I didn't see the apple moth. On YouTube, a specialist said that you can catch a butterfly on braga, it flies to the smell of fermentation, drinks the drink and drowns in it. The three traps are empty. But indoor flies got there.
But in the twisted leaves I found a new beetle - I had never seen one like it before. He jumps like a flea. I caught three of them. The camera on the phone is not of high quality, so sorry for this photo.
help us find out what kind of beetle it is and whether it is a pest.

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user posted image

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15.05.2018 12:12, Арсений Гоцуляк

By the way, this morning I did a second inspection of apple trees and saw exactly the same beetle, but with a black head. When jumping, it makes a characteristic clicking sound.

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