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Shpanskaya fly beetle, how it winters

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsShpanskaya fly beetle, how it winters

Оксана П., 01.11.2022 23:52

Interested in the method of wintering shpansky fly, information is needed for the art book.

I wrote and published a children's book, the main character of which is a Beetle from the family of abscesses - just a Spanish fly. Now I'm writing the second part of the story about the Beetle and I can't find how Spanish flies winter.
I reread a lot of articles and notes, everything is described in great detail about larvae, but I still didn't understand what happens to an adult. Does it fall into hibernation or just die with the onset of cold weather?

Entomologists who know about the method of wintering Spanish flies-please respond! I really need some information!

And thank you in advance to all those who are not indifferent smile.gif


02.11.2022 6:52, Mylabris

It dies. And not even before the onset of cold weather, but after mating and laying eggs.

02.11.2022 10:09, Оксана П.

It dies. And not even before the onset of cold weather, but after mating and laying eggs.

Thank you very much!

03.11.2022 1:26, ИНО

A series of children's books about the shpansky fly eek.gifIs well, the first part is horror (devouring bee larvae alive), the last is eroticism (in the beginning, the dried corpse of GG is crushed in a mortar for a known purpose, and it's a pity...) confused.gif Somewhere in the middle of the cycle-justification of the specific epithet by burning human skin with toxin secretions. However, you have chosen an object for teaching children to their wits! Especially interesting is the situation that will certainly arise when they, in order to learn more about the hero of the work, enter the phrase "Spanish mouse" in the search engine weep.gif

03.11.2022 18:48, Оксана П.

Wow, you have a fantasy!
And the book is not so much instructive, but rather entertaining and adventurous.
But you guessed the burn smile.gif)

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