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Cereal flies in homes

Community and ForumHow to get rid of insectsCereal flies in homes

Dmitry Vlasov, 16.09.2008 13:16

Dear colleagues! Someone tell me: how can you deal with the penetration of grass flies (Chloropidae) into various buildings?
In Yaroslavl, people regularly besiege SES at the end of the summer with requests to get rid of them. Probably there is swarming, flies are sucked into the ventilation, or they themselves climb into residential and office premises. On the windowsills, the layer reaches a centimeter...


30.09.2008 10:25, Aleksandr Ermakov

Plant a praying mantis on each windowsill smile.gif

30.09.2008 15:26, Dmitry Vlasov

Then you need to ask to withdraw micro-mantises, otherwise they will miss....

01.10.2008 16:33, Aleksandr Ermakov

Yes, this is just from the words of eyewitnesses: at our university, mantis nymphs caught fruit flies on the windows so deftly (it was geneticists) that only the crunch stood...

01.10.2008 19:24, Мих

I would like such a miracle-a bunch of food insects.. especially when the praying mantises are hatching.

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