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A colony of moths has settled

Community and ForumHow to get rid of insectsA colony of moths has settled

, 30.10.2009 3:36

In a city apartment (Moscow) a few days ago, a lot of moths appeared: gray in color, 1 cm long, the body is elongated, six legs. Moths do not react to light, all the time they sit quietly mainly on the ceiling. They don't fly fast.A lot of them means I catch about 20-30 of them every night.

In addition to these beautiful creatures, caterpillars were bred. I'm not an entomologist at all - but in my opinion, moths grow out of them, especially since even in my apartment there is a certain intermediate form similar to a cocoon (mostly I find them between the wall and ceiling). Caterpillar-white, 2.5 cm in length, thin.

All this is very similar to the rich world of insects that we meet in nature. Why would it start in the apartment? Is there a way to deal with this (other than daily trapping)?

Thank you in advance.

(I wanted to attach a photo of moths - but I don't know how to do it on the forum)


30.10.2009 11:05, mikee

It is you who have one of the many moths or fireflies settled. They are usually recorded with cereals, beans, dried fruits, etc. Control measures are to find and destroy the product in which they develop (they can migrate to other products). Store cereals and other products in tightly closed containers.
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30.10.2009 14:26, vlad-veras

the most common option is a mill fire pit. Give it to familiar terariumists (if any) , for example, toads love them very much.
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30.10.2009 17:58,

Gentlemen, you are absolutely right - this is Ognevka (I found her photo in the Net and immediately found out). Thank you for your advice.

I will try to remove all the food and get toads. (in wikepedia, they write that they (species: Aphomia sociella L.) feed on the paper of old books...)

Another question: I found some organizations on the Internet offering to deal with fire outbreaks by "fumigating and using insecticide lamps in infected premises". Can this be an effective solution?

31.10.2009 20:56, vlad-veras

This is for industrial premises.
At home, it is better to mechanically destroy the breeding center. As a last resort, try buying pheromone traps.

This post was edited by vlad-veras - 10/31/2009 20: 58

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