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How to make a butterfly salute

Community and ForumInsects breedingHow to make a butterfly salute

Dirik12, 10.04.2011 6:11

how to make a butterfly salute and what is it?


10.04.2011 12:53, captolabrus

A cardboard wad is placed on a bag of smokeless gunpowder, ground butterflies are poured on it, which must be multicolored. After that, a shot is fired and a colored salute is obtained with elements or fragments of butterflies of an unusually bright color lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

10.04.2011 12:57, captolabrus

Forgive my joke. Live butterflies are packed in a bright roomy box, they can tie the box with a ribbon or decorate it with other knitting needles, after which the box is handed to the hero of the occasion, he, most often it is she, opens the box and bright tropical , or not so tropical, butterflies more or less fly out of it, causing screams of delight or horror. That's the whole salute. cool.gif
Likes: 1

10.04.2011 13:02, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

A cardboard wad is placed on a bag of smokeless gunpowder, ground butterflies are poured on it, which must be multicolored. After that, they make a shot and get a colored salute with elements or fragments of butterflies of an unusually bright color. lol.gif  lol.gif  lol.gif

Why milled, extra work. After the shot, they are already homogenized.
Likes: 2

10.04.2011 19:41, BO.

Forgive my joke. Live butterflies are packed in a bright roomy box, they can tie the box with a ribbon or decorate it with other knitting needles, after which the box is handed to the hero of the occasion, he, most often it is she, opens the box and bright tropical , or not so tropical, butterflies more or less fly out of it, causing screams of delight or horror. That's the whole salute. cool.gif

In this scenario, when opening the box, the butterflies may not fly smile.gifout , that's the embarrassment.
It's all about the temperature. In reality, this method is not very humane.

16.04.2011 12:23, Dracus

17.04.2011 23:33, Йод

Bourgeois entertainment. Such things must be nipped in the bud!

17.05.2011 10:32, Wild Yuri

Why bourgeois? In America, Canada and Australia, people of all professions and social positions graduate. Monarchs and other local butterflies. On the street. In the summer. In our country, it is customary to produce tropical plants indoors. Which are then swept out like garbage. Here, of course, is bourgeoisness. Wild customs of the new Russians. But the locals on the street - in my opinion, it is popular and even quite ethical.

17.05.2011 12:41, Hierophis

And no one had the idea to release the steamed hornets as a salute? That's the fun it will be ))))
Likes: 14

10.08.2011 18:56, VAZ

Butterflies are warmed up with a hair dryer before being released. From this, they become nimble and actively fly for a while. Then they starve to death because their proboscis dries up from low humidity and they can't feed.

29.10.2011 19:35, Guest

Butterflies are warmed up with a hair dryer before being released. From this, they become nimble and actively fly for a while. Then they starve to death because their proboscis dries up from low humidity and they can't feed.

What prevents you from simply warming up the butterflies in the box, placing them in warmer conditions. putting something wet next to it, and so on..why just use a blow dryer that dries?
You can invent a more humane way. using your knowledge of insect physiology?) wink.gif

29.10.2011 19:39, vasiliy-feoktistov

What prevents you from simply warming up the butterflies in the box, placing them in warmer conditions. putting something wet next to it, and so on..why just use a blow dryer that dries?
You can invent a more humane way. using your knowledge of insect physiology?) wink.gif

What kind of humanity in relation to the butterfly are we talking about confused.gif
These "salutes" themselves are inherently inhumane!!!
Likes: 3

29.10.2011 19:47, laada

What kind of humanity in relation to the butterfly are we talking about confused.gif
These "salutes" themselves are inherently inhumane!!!

I wrote the previous message..
if animals are BRED specifically,then they are used. accordingly..I understand that the salute does not bring much harm-it's just a mass flight of butterflies..Just artificially organized..But so that the body does not suffer later. and lived-this is probably what you need to take care of?
Butterflies do not tear off their wings and proboscis to talk about inhumanity, do they?
The main thing is to teach other people to take care of the butterfly, as their lovers will take care of them. and biologists.Because so many people don't know how to handle them.. wink.gif

30.10.2011 9:54, okoem

if animals are BRED specifically,then they are used. accordingly..

That's it!

Likes: 4

01.11.2011 13:18, laada

That's it!
Harm to whom?
IMHO, the mass growth of butterflies in nature is still different.
If it was necessary, they would take care of it. But who needs it?
No, they're just being released to their deaths.
Who will do this, how and why?
Prick on a pin and put it on the straightener.
Skill comes with experience.

You only have sarcasm, but no constructive content.

11.11.2011 20:24, Трофим

And no one had the idea to release the steamed hornets as a salute? That's the fun it will be ))))

This kind of entertainment really existed. So to speak, military fun, with a fairly effective outcome.

So during the crusade, the English King Richard I, during the siege of the fortress of Acre, successfully used swarms of bees in large clay pots in hives to fight the enemy. With the help of a catapult, his troops threw several hundred clay beehives with bees, and as a result, the Turks were forced to flee under the onslaught of bees, which mercilessly stung them.
Such a case is also known. On a small sea vessel, the crew of which consisted of 40-50 people, there were several beehives made of baked clay. The captain of the ship decided to fight with the Turkish galley that was chasing him, on which the number of crew reached 400-500 people. At the moment of the attack, the hives were thrown from the mast of the ship onto the galley, smashed into small pieces, and the bees scattered. The Turks, who did not expect such an unusual attack, were completely defenseless against the bees attacking them and only wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible. The crew of the ship, armed with gloves and face nets, rushed at the Turks with sabers and quickly took possession of the galley.

Ioirish N. P. 1974. Pchely cheloveka [Bees to man], Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1974-183 p.
Likes: 2

11.11.2011 20:47, Hierophis

Hmm, interseno, I've never read about this, but I thought more than once that you can use the nests of common insects as a real weaponsmile.gif, Like the development of so-called non-lethal weapons is relevant, this is just from that plane, although of course it is relatively non-lethal, although I read that the DL50 of bee venom is very high, there it was about a thousand bites or more. And judging by scientific articles, the poison of paper wasps is even weaker than bee venom.

11.11.2011 20:56, vasiliy-feoktistov

That's who release it as a salute: also consider exotic shuffle.gif

13.11.2011 19:34, laada

  That's who release it as a salute: also consider it exotic shuffle.gif

especially if they are still nadressirovat!)) umnik.gif lol.gif wink.gif

13.11.2011 23:41, Трофим

These aren't fleas smile.gif. By the way, the 7-cm hornet is impressive, but what about Scolia maculata, the largest hymenopteran in the USSR?

27.12.2011 22:54, laada

These aren't fleas smile.gif. By the way, the 7-cm hornet is impressive, but what about Scolia maculata, the largest hymenopteran in the USSR?

Thank God, they do not hunt humans and their venom is much weaker than that of ordinary wasps))

03.01.2012 2:06, Aleksandr Ermakov

A butterfly salute can be made easier. Forget the fur hat in the box for three years...
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02.06.2012 19:21, laada

A butterfly salute can be made easier. Forget the fur hat in the box for three years...

wink.gif lol.gif
Likes: 1

02.06.2012 19:22, laada

and put the dried fruit seed there..the moth also likes them for some reason)

22.06.2014 21:40, AnnetLepidopterolog

.The comments are amazing=) Forgive me my cynicism and maybe in the future I will think differently, and yet the butterflies will fall asleep on average in 7 days -14 days that go to salutes and when they are seen by a large number of people during this time, and even enjoy it's not bad. It is important to explain to graduates of butterflies how to take care of them. Super, if the salute goes to a children's event, and not to a wedding, for example, where they drink alcohol. Children are happy to take up the idea of caring for butterflies. But at weddings, unfortunately, babchuli often drown in salads or even worse crushed. And here is an example of a salute, under the supervision of an instructor who monitors the scenes so that nothing happens to the butterflies

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