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Big khrushchak crawled in

Community and ForumInsects breedingBig khrushchak crawled in

Jetsqut, 23.06.2012 9:25

Tonight I found a big Khrushchak on my desktop. I crawled under the lamp and quite quickly, but I managed to catch it and throw it out of the window. I read about them, it turns out that they lay eggs from late June to mid-August. Something scary somehow, suddenly it was a female.
Please tell me what precautions to take? In the kitchen, flour, cereals, bread, and in general all food is hermetically sealed in containers/iron boxes. There's obviously nowhere to lay the larvae. But what to do with the room? The renovation is old, the skirting boards fell off about six months ago, the parquet is all in cracks, especially near the wall. Even a vacuum cleaner does not save you from all the bread crumbs and dust that accumulates there. I'm afraid that if Khrushchak put the larvae aside, I simply won't be able to find them in such a parquet floor, even if I lick the entire apartment. Can you fill the floor with bleach or vinegar? Or do you have any other advice? I don't want to raise an army of five hundred beetles.

P.S. Repairs are planned not earlier than in a year, so please do not advise to change the parquet and put on new wallpaper.


23.06.2012 9:33, Jetsqut

Just in case, I'll post a photo if anyone needs it.

user posted image
user posted image

And I will add that I have a mosquito net on the window, but it was torn from one edge. So theoretically the bug could get in.

23.06.2012 13:02, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

I'm sorry, but what's the problem? The beetle is harmless, if the food is closed, then the army of beetles will not feed you.

26.06.2012 23:31, vlad-veras

This is zofobas. Someone nearby breeds exotic animals?

02.07.2012 22:29, Jetsqut

This is zofobas. Someone nearby breeds exotic animals?

I just killed another one. Now I was crawling in the middle of the corridor, and the cat caught me. Of course, she catches flies normally and beetles, as it turned out, too, but if there are even more of them, the cat will not be able to cope.

Are you sure it's zophobia? I looked at a bunch of photos and those that I have at home, one in one khrushchaks. In Zophobas, the shape of the body is oblong and the antennae are of a different shape and longer.
I don't know about exotic animals. The neighbors don't seem to keep anything like that.
Please tell me what to do? About a couple of months ago, we got rid of house ants, which were especially plentiful in the bathroom and kitchen. Now, as the beetles appeared, the ants began to appear again.
We keep the apartment clean. If crumbs appear, we immediately remove them.

03.07.2012 11:01, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

Standard tip: Check your food inventory. There is a forgotten bag of cereals/dried fruits somewhere, and there zoophobas breed. They can also fly in/crawl in from the outside.

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