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It's winter outside, I found a ladybug at home

Community and ForumInsects breedingIt's winter outside, I found a ladybug at home

Alex Black, 05.02.2014 18:17

Good day! Today I found a two-point ladybug on the windowsill (1 spot on each elytra). What's the best thing to do: put it between the frames. to sleep until spring, or feed. And if you feed them, how? I read that it can also be a leaf eater. Tell me how to distinguish it. If it's a leaf beetle, what should I do with it? I will be grateful for any advice.


05.02.2014 18:18, Alex Black

Oh, and another thing: if you have to keep it until the heat arrives, what should be the daylight mode?

05.02.2014 18:36, Hierophis

When is spring? Maybe it's time for her to get out. smile.gif
In principle, it is best to let them overwinter, because ladybugs feed on aphids even as adults.

05.02.2014 19:04, Alex Black

I live in Perm, so until spring doooolekoo.

06.02.2014 0:14, Hierophis

Yes, well, in theory, indeed, between the frames I think it should be normal, we have so zlatoglazki winter.

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