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Very interesting laying of insect larvae in the carpet

Community and ForumInsects breedingVery interesting laying of insect larvae in the carpet

Дмитрий-, 19.02.2014 20:39

Please help identify the type of insect that has laid larvae in the rolled-up carpet when air is available.
The secretions are dry, they are "bagels" of dark gray and sand-colored stripes, connected to each other, firmly glued to the carpet, and thin threads stretch from the sides. Inside one (it became clear when I tore it off the carpet) - something brown shines through on the side, and behind it - white? Most likely it is a larva. The remaining cocoons are not opened. Six together, one separately. I think it's probably spiders. If you can, then specify the type - to satisfy your own curiosity. I enclose the photo.
Thank you in advance.

DSCN7531.JPG — (2.5 mb)

DSCN7538.JPG — (2.2 mb)


19.02.2014 21:17, Дмитрий-

I found that it can be Pelopean wasps. But the carpet was kept in the room on a cabinet. And bees /wasps, if they flew in, were immediately driven out, and where would they get so much material and food for building cocoons if they hid in the carpet? It must be a spider clutch after all.

22.02.2014 0:14, Bad Den

I found that it can be Pelopean wasps. But the carpet was kept in the room on a cabinet. And bees /wasps, if they flew in, were immediately driven out, and where would they get so much material and food for building cocoons if they hid in the carpet? It must be a spider clutch after all.

Yes, it was the wasps that harvested the spiders for their larvae

22.02.2014 11:05, Mantispid

this is definitely the work of the Pelopean wasp

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