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And again, what a bug

Community and ForumHow to get rid of insectsAnd again, what a bug

sjitskiy, 15.11.2015 9:00

Good afternoon. Somewhere from the beginning of October in the bathroom on the second (attic) floor in the morning and during the day on the floor and in the bath itself began to appear small beetles, three or four beetles a day. In length no more than three millimeters, they move slowly, it's hard to crush, only with your fingers if you rub them, but they are dry inside. Now I find beetles in other rooms on the second floor. Tell me, what kind of "animals"

20151114_173752.jpg — (3.53мб)


15.11.2015 11:19, AGG

Good afternoon. Somewhere from the beginning of October in the bathroom on the second (attic) floor in the morning and during the day on the floor and in the bath itself began to appear small beetles, three or four beetles a day. In length no more than three millimeters, they move slowly, it's hard to crush, only with your fingers if you rub them, but they are dry inside. Now I find beetles in other rooms on the second floor. Tell me, what kind of "animals"

The Surinamese flour eater or something similar. check cereals, nuts, flour, spices, etc.

16.11.2015 19:06, sjitskiy

Thank you for finding their colony in a bag of sunflower seeds. Now I think how to get rid of them. And what to do with the seeds.

17.11.2015 10:10, AGG

throw the seeds away, and vacuum well at home and keep the rest of the supplies tightly closed

24.11.2015 0:21, Wild Yuri

Throw out a bag of seeds? I would have fried it! smile.gif

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