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Content of stick insects

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Insect88888888, 12.07.2020 20:58

Please tell me, how much food is needed on average for one stick insect per day? I need to know in order to calculate how much food to prepare for the winter.
And please write what you can feed leafhoppers in winter?

This post was edited by Insect88888888 - 12.07.2020 21: 00


13.07.2020 20:37, ИНО

Leafhoppers can only be fed with fresh oak or blackberry leaves, and it is very desirable to have the exact type that the previous owner fed. Hope to prepare something for them for the winter leave. You'll either have to look for evergreen blackberries or grow oaks. Yes, and the very idea of starting with leafy plants is also better to leave and practice on someone simpler. If you are going to ignore this advice, please don't create the "What's wrong with the leaflet?"topic later..
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14.07.2020 17:38, Insect88888888

Thank you)))

14.07.2020 17:40, Insect88888888

Can you answer the first question?

14.07.2020 18:39, ИНО

Good question! The answer depends on the type and age. Besides, I didn't take any measurements, I can only estimate by eye. But in general, the answer is simple: it is better to overdo it than vice versa.

It should be noted that only very few species can feed on dried grass for a long time, and even for them the losses will be many times higher than when feeding with fresh leaves. You didn't say exactly where you live in Russia. Perhaps in your region there are evergreen blackberries at least in culture, this would simplify a lot.
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