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Breeding mottled wings

Community and ForumInsects breedingBreeding mottled wings

Freeman72rus, 27.12.2020 11:08

Good afternoon! I found larvae of mottled wings (presumably Terellia tussilaginis) inside burdock spines. I brought it home and put a bunch of thorns in a jar and covered it with a lid with holes in it. Please tell me if you need any special conditions to get an imago or if this will be enough?


27.12.2020 21:09, ИНО

I can only say that burdocks do not have thorns. Maybe you had baskets in mind?

28.12.2020 9:35, Freeman72rus

I meant the baskets, of course. But I thought that in this case it would be better to put it simply. I must have made a mistake.

28.12.2020 12:20, ИНО

Thorns are something that pricks (hurts), for example, on a thistle. And on the wrapper of the burdock basket are not thorns, but hooks. In theory, your jar should be placed in the cold until spring.

28.12.2020 12:31, Freeman72rus

I perfectly understand the difference between spines and hooks, the habit from childhood remained in the conversation so to call burdock inflorescences. Thank you for your advice!

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