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Hawk moth pupa - how to wake up?

Community and ForumInsects breedingHawk moth pupa - how to wake up?

Johnsonbl4, 14.03.2021 8:27

Hello everyone
, the children brought a bedstraw hawk moth caterpillar in the fall. She just pupated. Lies all winter in a dark cool place. In the summer, we are still thinking of bringing it out. Question: what are the conditions for withdrawal? Put it in the sun and it won't fry?


17.03.2021 0:30, ИНО

It is not necessary in the sun, in nature they lie in shelters or even in the thickness of the soil. Just room temperature.

I hope the dark cool place where the pupa lay was also not too dry.

17.03.2021 18:55, Johnsonbl4

It's a little dry, actually. This is bad, what is the threat?

17.03.2021 19:38, ИНО

Death from dehydration, of course. But not necessarily - this is a probabilistic process. A live pupa should be quite heavy, if it is very light, then there is already a mummy there.

17.03.2021 23:57, Evgenich

Johnsonbl4, I will add the ENO to the message. Try to check the mobility of the abdominal segments. Dead pupae usually dry out during long-term storage, and the abdomen cannot be moved. Living people usually begin to move their bellies in response to this action.
Both excessive dryness and excessive moisture are fatal for pupae
. I think that your pupa is already dead.

18.03.2021 18:04, Johnsonbl4

The segments move, but it doesn't react. It's heavy, not exactly dry. It lies in a small jar on the ground. The ground is dry, yes. Splash some water?

This post was edited by Johnsonbl4-03/18/2021 18: 06

18.03.2021 20:39, ИНО

But I would refrain from moving, as it is possible that such actions at a certain stage of metamorphosis can injure the developing butterfly. They themselves wag their bellies only until histolysis has begun. But, what is not dry, well, there is hope.

20.03.2021 11:30, гук

Unfortunately, most likely, nothing will hatch. The fact is that autumn pupae should be "frozen", that is, they should winter at subzero temperatures: either on a "cold" balcony, or between windows, or in nature. And after wintering, when they are brought into the heat, they hatch quite quickly.

20.03.2021 13:55, ИНО

My bedstraw hawk moth hatched not only without freezing, but without cooling at all, in the middle of winter. It's the same with the death's head. But the fake one didn't come out. In general, it is negative temperatures for cold stimulation of development that some Gynaephora rossii may need, but certainly not our local species. It is better to winter them in the "Crimean mode", at 0...+10

25.03.2021 17:16, Johnsonbl4

Then the question is: how do you know that a butterfly is ready to hatch? When I was growing a swallowtail as a child, it was clear - the pupa was yellow at first, then the wing pattern appeared on it, then I realized-soon. What about the hawk moth?

25.03.2021 20:12, ИНО

No way.

16.04.2021 16:54, Johnsonbl4

Hatched after all! But there are no flowers on the street, there is nothing to eat yet. Question-what to feed and, most importantly, how to lure to the feed?

17.04.2021 2:32, ИНО

17.04.2021 6:32, Johnsonbl4

If the kids took it, I wouldn't have risked it myself. Apparently, you need to take it to the dacha, for sure some dandelion has bloomed in the field.

17.04.2021 11:57, ИНО

Even our dandelions haven't bloomed yet. Yes, and they are closed at night. And it's nocturnal. Look for flowering willows. Or something in the flower beds.

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