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Mantis care

Community and ForumInsects breedingMantis care

Anna2909, 12.11.2021 13:36

Hello, I'm new to the forum. August 31 in the forest found a praying mantis girl the next day zbezhala and postponed ooteka on the baseboard, it's been two months nothing happens then read about diapause but religious it seems not needed. Question is it already dead or are the eggs still alive and hatching? She also had black spots on her eyes it's necrosis from old age or something else plus she gave birth to three more clutches but I was a fool to think that one would be enough for me and threw them out. I will also attach the file I yoto of her aquarium, maybe something needs to be changed


12.11.2021 21:10, ИНО

If "something happened" to ooteka in 2 months, I would be very surprised. It is unlikely that they will hatch before March. Fetal diapause occurs in cows regardless of temperature. So you can cool or not cool as desired, but keep in mind that in the second case they will hatch earlier, and by that time you need to have a lot of food.

Dark spots on the eyes - this is most likely part of the ommatidium permanently entered the night mode, it happens in old age. If you feed with tweezers, then it's not scary.

13.11.2021 0:58, Anna2909

That is, a 100% guarantee that there will be nymphs?

13.11.2021 0:59, Anna2909

I read that they hatch in 8 weeks

14.11.2021 0:04, Hierophis

A cold diapause is really not necessary for a religionist, and indeed, usually after about two months hatching occurs, for example, I also have a religionist now, I did not find one of the ooteks and did not take it out, respectively. mantises hatched out of it, although sometimes later, sometimes I forgot about the ooteka I brought in the summer, and it worked somewhere in the beginning of winter. So wait)
But there are nuances, one of them is an unfertilized oviposition, according to my observations, nothing hatches from such an ootheca(it just happens in insects that unfertilized eggs hatch, but this does not seem to be the case). This is also affected by cooling, if it was-then you need to wait much longer.
And there is another nuance-maybe you have a tree mantis? For them, the cold is also not required, but the ooteka can lie for up to five months.

14.11.2021 17:29, ИНО

Two months is probably only in the equatorial greenhouse that Pan Stepovoi has set up in his apartment. In human apartments, it stays much longer, three-at least.

Only no one gives a 100% guarantee, but if an adult female is caught in nature, the probability of non-breeding is minimal.

14.11.2021 22:22, Anna2909

No, I have a religious praying mantis, and the larvae can die in the ootek under some pretext or if the content is incorrect. And I also looked at photos of praying mantises and they had a flattened stomach and mine always had a swollen one, even when she didn't eat for 6 days, is this a sign that there may be another ooteka in it or is it something else?

15.11.2021 17:29, ИНО

There are no larvae in the oothek, but there are eggs there. And I have little idea of the conditions of detention that would cause the embryos to die. They can withstand frost and drought, too. Unless it's fried. But when they start to hatch, dryness can be disastrous - they will get stuck.

The answer to the last question is: yes, it looks like it.

Feed every day, or at least twice.

17.11.2021 13:39, Anna2909

Yes, that's exactly how I feed her now, but the first week at home she refused to eat for 6 days at all.

17.11.2021 16:19, Anna2909

And how to understand that she will soon give birth?

18.11.2021 0:33, Anna2909

They were born 7 pieces, vrodp dvzhe a little sourdough chewed, I did not expect that they will soon be born edi for them there is no special how these fruit flies are grown?

18.11.2021 14:05, ИНО

Maggots? Is he a newborn, too?" Mantises feed exclusively on insects smaller than themselves (only with a large fly-the size of themselves, for example, brothers and sisters).

What's urgent? Drosophila grow in a day at the wave of a magic wand? The only option for you now is to buy ready-made ones.

18.11.2021 22:24, Anna2909

I cut the sourdough very finely and they eat

20.11.2021 6:46, ИНО

Is it accurate to eat, and not just drink liquid? In any case, it is unlikely that anything good will come out of this venture. Mantises must eat live prey.

20.11.2021 19:11, Anna2909

They already eat midges not drosophila and others like normally grab and eat. And I've heard that fruit flies fly on rotten fruit is it true?

21.11.2021 9:13, ИНО

Of course it's true. But do you have a place for them to fly from at this time of year? Where do you live?

21.11.2021 12:45, Anna2909

In Kiev in Ukraine

21.11.2021 17:24, ИНО

Search the Internet for ads for the sale of drosophila or" dust " crickets. If not all insect breeders have switched to breeding Russophobia there since 2014, it should be easy to find it.

22.11.2021 17:48, Anna2909

I do not consider the option to buy since I will have to ask for money from my mother and I can not say that this is on syeochkom as she will not give until I catch mozhek from vases and then I will try to grow drosophila.

22.11.2021 17:49, Anna2909


22.11.2021 20:03, ИНО

Mantises will starve to death long before fruit flies grow up. They eat a lot. You need to buy it.

24.11.2021 22:11, Anna2909

By the way we were wrong they eat normally porezanikh oparishey only need to get them insides. And I would like to ask when the first molt will be they are already a week old I hung them a gauze for molting and a sponge for moisture and drinking put a bowl on half a liter and when they will need to be settled?

24.11.2021 22:12, Anna2909

Wrong 1.5 liters

25.11.2021 19:22, ИНО

On such a diet, most likely, never. It is necessary to seat immediately. Although with your approach to feeding, it is probably better not to sit at all - then at least one will probably live to molt, however, at the expense of eating the rest. Although, as far as I remember, religious cannibalism in the first age is weakly expressed, without food they often die than they eat each other. Now, if it were hyerodules, then one is guaranteed to survive.

And that there are only 7 so far? It should have been 50 pieces already if the library was a normal size.

25.11.2021 21:44, Anna2909

They no longer hatched

25.11.2021 23:26, ИНО


26.11.2021 18:10, Anna2909

I agree, but why did you say that there would only be one left?

26.11.2021 21:22, ИНО

This is obvious: for about the same reason as in the movie "Highlander" smile.gif

27.11.2021 22:24, Anna2909

Well if for example 100 pieces are born also 1 will remain this is not logic

29.11.2021 16:43, ИНО

Each larva can eat up to two siblings a day. Calculate for yourself how many days 99.

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