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24.02.2017 5:24, Konung

Thank God I missed something in this life. Tell me about Erebia approximata.
As always, a vivid and informative photo story. Well done!

Mikhail, the taxon approximata is interpreted differently by different authors - as a synonym of theano, as its subspecies, and even as a separate species.
Likes: 1

24.02.2017 11:47, Sergey Rybalkin

What familiar places!!!!
It's good there, but of course you need to get away from the weather. For example, I observed a difference from 0 degrees to +33 degrees per day when moving!!!!
I was surprised by the presence of evers at the end of July. I collected them on June 21-29. I think in a month they're screwed?
Well, teano, of course it is teano, you can not confuse. I also didn't understand what it was at first.
Likes: 1

24.02.2017 18:49, Konung

What familiar places!!!!
It's good there, but of course you need to get away from the weather. For example, I observed a difference from 0 degrees to +33 degrees per day when moving!!!!
I was surprised by the presence of evers at the end of July. I collected them on June 21-29. I think in a month they're screwed?
Well, teano, of course it is teano, you can not confuse. I also didn't understand what it was at first.

the presence of evers also surprised, as well as the presence of fresh alpina, atropurpurea, daurica, caecilia and many other species. the summer was cold, so with a delay, some copies were released apparently. about teano-most likely yes, it is teano, although there are other opinions)
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24.10.2017 16:01, Gray-Ejik

A small selection of photos of the native land. Novosibirsk and its surroundings 2017.

Chulym marshes
Novomotkovo district, Inya River
Iskitim forest and the Berd river
Cedar taiga
Guskovsky ryam
Zaeltsovsky bor

This post was edited by Gray-Ejik - 24.10.2017 17: 37
Likes: 6

24.11.2017 13:40, коты

[quote=Fyodor,22.02.2017 20:55]

24.11.2017 14:44, Fyodor

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23.12.2017 23:12, Yakovlev

A little Tuva 2017 (May). Photo by Sasha Fomichev

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24.12.2017 16:02, daydreamer

Cool biotopes! I'd like to have a look at what was flying there.

24.12.2017 16:37, Yakovlev

I'm currently in Munich on a business trip, and I don't have a photo of the material with me. Well, everything flew little by little, the usual Tuvan set. We collected mostly nigh
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03.01.2018 12:49, Konung

The first catch of 2018.

Yesterday I was outside the city, picking at the slightly lagging bark of trees, as a result of which I collected a series of Phyllonorycter issikii (Kumata, 1963) on one tree, and also caught one Exaeretia ciniflonella (Lienig & Zeller, 1846).

Omsk region, Omsk district, January 2, 2018. Overboard -19.
picture: IMG_4646s.jpg

butterfly Phyllonorycter issikii
picture: IMG_4697s2.jpg
picture: IMG_4698s2.jpg
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09.01.2018 19:13, Konung

it seems that I am gradually becoming a follower of Gennadich)
The day before yesterday, in one of the Omsk parks under the bark, I found several wintering moths: Ypsolopha asperella, Caloptilia stigmatella, Acrocercops brongniardella, Phyllonorycter issikii, Phyllonorycter comparella.
A couple of photos:
Ypsolopha asperella (Linnaeus, 1761), Omsk, January 8, 2018
picture: IMG_4814s.jpg

Acrocercops brongniardella (Fabricius, 1798), Omsk, January 8, 2018
picture: IMG_4797s.jpg
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09.01.2018 19:36, Vlad Proklov

Acrocercops brongniardella (Fabricius, 1798), Omsk, January 8, 2018

Do you have oak trees growing here? eek.gif

09.01.2018 20:02, Konung

Do you have oak trees growing here? eek.gif

they grow in parks. There are landings in several locations in Omsk and the surrounding area. there are not only oaks, but also elms, Canadian maples, linden trees and other broad-leaved trees.

This post was edited by Konung-09.01.2018 20: 03

09.01.2018 20:10, Vlad Proklov

they grow in parks. There are landings in several locations in Omsk and the surrounding area. there are not only oaks, but also elms, Canadian maples, linden trees and other broad-leaved trees.

Introduced means established.
It doesn't seem to eat anything else.

10.01.2018 5:46, Konung

Introduced means established.
He doesn't seem to eat anything else.

Yes, even as accustomed! In the fall, I looked at the fallen leaves - there was not a single one without mines of this type. There is even an article by our forestry specialists about this...
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10.01.2018 7:51, Konung

after yesterday's post, another view:
Phyllonorycter pastorella (Zeller, 1846)
picture: IMG_4820s.jpg

This post was edited by Konung - 22.01.2018 20: 45
Likes: 8

10.01.2018 10:35, Andrey Ponomarev

it seems that I am gradually becoming a follower of Gennadich)
The day before yesterday, in one of the Omsk parks under the bark, I found several wintering moths: Ypsolopha asperella, Caloptilia stigmatella, Acrocercops brongniardella, Phyllonorycter issikii, Phyllonorycter comparella.
A couple of photos:
Ypsolopha asperella (Linnaeus, 1761), Omsk, January 8, 2018
picture: IMG_4814s.jpg

Acrocercops brongniardella (Fabricius, 1798), Omsk, January 8, 2018
picture: IMG_4797s.jpg

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10.01.2018 18:40, Konung

Isn't that a bad thing?
Our regiment has arrived beer.gif

with whom you will be led, as they say)

13.01.2018 9:13, Konung

after yesterday's post, another view:

and Caloptilia stigmatella (Fabricius, 1781), Omsk, Victory Park, 8.01.2018, under the bark.
picture: IMG_4934s.jpg
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14.02.2018 20:16, Konung

I will refresh the topic with a flat moth, which I photographed and collected under the bark of a birch tree on 10.02.2018 in the south of the Omsk region.
Depressaria hystricella Möschler, 1860
картинка: Depressaria_hystricella_Pokrovo_Irtyshskoye_2018_02_10_2s.jpg
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12.05.2018 19:46, Konung

added a new family to your site:
picture: clerkella01.jpg
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12.05.2018 19:59, Vlad Proklov

added a new family to your site:

These (and many other) small things are easier to spot at the mine stage - keep in mind, Slav!
There is a great website for defining tables in Europe:
Likes: 2

12.05.2018 20:15, Konung

These (and many other) small things are easier to spot at the mine stage - keep in mind, Slav!
There is a great website for defining tables in Europe:

Yeah, thank you, Vlad, I know this site!
but there are no mines yet. it's freezing here. I picked this one out from under the bark back in March. A week ago, I caught a series of Phyllocnistis in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. also quite a small thing. but in the evening, white dots were clearly visible against the background of a dark forest))

06.06.2018 11:00, daydreamer

Greetings, good people. Tell me, who went to Shebalino-Aktash this year, how are the terms of summer, early and late? Has Tenedius gone/departed yet?

09.06.2018 20:55, STIGMA

Greetings, good people. Tell me, who went to Shebalino-Aktash this year, how are the terms of summer, early and late? Has Tenedius gone/departed yet?

Tenedius took off in Yakutsk a couple of days ago according to the latest data, and since there is a late spring, I think it could have flown to Altai
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15.06.2018 19:39, Konung

Greetings, good people. Tell me, who went to Shebalino-Aktash this year, how are the terms of summer, early and late? Has Tenedius gone/departed yet?

everything is very late there, as well as throughout western sibir
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25.07.2018 15:28, Yakovlev

Tuva 2017. end of May-beginning of June. We did a great job in the border zone with Mongolia. Almost killed by a fallen larch, and so everything is OK
photo by Sasha Fomichev

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25.07.2018 19:24, Konung

Kuznetsk Alatau - Khakassia-Tuva-Krasnoyarsk Krai. end of April-beginning of May 2018. Sometimes cold, but very interesting! lots of new stuff.
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This post was edited by Konung - 25.07.2018 19: 24
Likes: 21

07.03.2019 19:42, Fyodor

Republic of Altai, mainly roc. p Aktash, 22.07-02.08.2018

Something like that...:

Hesperia comma sushkini
Thymelicus lineola
Muschampia tessellum nigricans
Pyrgus alveus

Lycaena hippothoe sajana
Lycaena virgaureae
Aricia artaxerxes strandi
Aricia eumedon
Aricia nicias bittis
Argiades glandon
Cupido argiades
Cupido osiris
Cyaniris semiargus altaianus
Phengaris alcon aulendil
Plebejus orbitulus sajana
Plebejus argus clarasiatica
Plebejus maracandicus chalcha
Plebejus subsolana
Polyommatus damone altaicus
Polyommatus ripartii ovchinnikovi
Polyommatus eros erotides
Polyommatus icarus fuchsi
Scolitantides orion johanseni
Satyrium prunoides

Argynnis paphia
Argynnis adippe zarevna
Argynnis niobe changaica
Argynnis aglaja borealis
Argynnis pandora pasargades
Boloria frigidalis
Boloria napaea altaica
Boloria dia alpina
Boloria euphrosyne orphanoides
Boloria selenis sibirica
Boloria titania staudingeri
Boloria eunomia acidalia
Brenthis hecate
Brenthis ino paidicus
Issoria eugenia montana
Neptis rivularis magnata
Melitaea arcesia minor
Melitaea britomartis amurensis
Melitaea latonigena
Aglais io
Aglais urticae
Araschnia levana
Nymphalis antiopa
Polygonia c-album kultukensis
Coenonympha amaryllis
Coenonympha glycerion iphicles
Coenonympha tullia subcaeca
Lasiommata deidamia
Lopinga achine
Erebia callias altajana
Erebia kefersteini
Erebia ligea eumonia
Erebia neriene
Erebia stubbendorfii
Erebia theano
Aphantopus hyperantus
Hyponephele lycaon catamelas
Chazara briseis lyrnessus
Hipparchia autonoe sibirica
Minois dryas septentrionalis

Papilio machaon
Driopa phoebus
Parnassius apollo alpherakyi
Parnassius nomion korshunovi

Colias chrysotheme audre
Colias hyale altaica
Colias palaeno orientalis
Gonepteryx rhamni
Leptidea sp.
Aporia crataegi
Pieris brassicae
Pieris ?napi euorientis
Pieris rapae
Pontia callidice
Pontia edusa

Angerona prunaria
Aspitates gilvaria
Alcis deversata sachalinensis
Alcis extinctaria
Opisthograptis luteolata
Gnophos sibiriata
Macaria brunneata
Odezia atrata
Dysstroma latefasciata
Gandaritis pyraliata
Eupithecia centaureata
Eupithecia succenturiata
Epirrhoe tartuensis
Juxtephria consentaria
Scotopteryx chenopodiata
Xanthorhoe spadicearia
Idaea serpentata
Scopula decorata
Scopula virgulata substrigaria

Parasemia plantaginis altaica
Rhyparia purpurata
Coscinia striata
Eilema complana
Manulea flavociliata
Setina irrorella
Polypogon tentacularia
Lymantria dispar
Euproctis similis
Dicallomera fascelina

Acontia trabealis
Lasionycta imbecilla
Lasionycta proxima
Anaplectoides prasina
Chersotis transiens
Euchalcia renardi
Syngrapha ain

Rhagades pruni
Zygaena lonicerae

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This post was edited by Fyodor - 08.03.2019 15: 20
Likes: 20

04.04.2019 21:09, Wild Yuri


I'm late with my report, it would have read better in winter, but I didn't have time... But it will be big. This time I was not too lazy to shoot. And something made me want to write. smile.gif Again Yakutia, Suntar-Khayata. I decided to go again to visit Kayur and Tanya , my friends, hermits who live in the upper reaches of the Dyba River. In winter, I thought about other Yakut routes, but I need to fly everywhere, air tickets are expensive, and I didn't dare... On Suntar Hayat, a minibus is lucky, it is much cheaper. Well, then catch a ride to the artel in the abandoned village of Nezhdaninskoe i-21 km on foot.
Cars go there, however, rarely, you can even wait three days, and it's better to go, pick up on the way. Once all 80 km passed... The main thing is that there should be no rain, so that the Kuranakh River, along the channel of which the road runs, does not rage. Then I'll have to sit in a winter shelter I found somewhere in the area, in the gloomy taiga, looking at bear skulls on the windowsill (hunting, apparently...). This also happened - though, fortunately, no more than two days. When it can rain here for a week or two.
But I was lucky, and I always got to the hermits relatively quickly. I waited out the rains with them, lying on my bed and reading books from the shelves and storerooms that geologists once brought in the size of a small regional library: from Odoevtseva to Jacques-Yves Cousteau... Good practice! Because there is no time to read at home, and here the brain is also free, there is no information noise - so everything is remembered, absorbed!..
But enough is enough. Got carried away. smile.gif
I could have gone somewhere else, of course: the North Caucasus, the Altai... But I can't live without Yakutia. The drug! smile.gif Adventures, and upon arrival in Yakutsk, I live in the ethnographic complex "Chochur Muran", which is unforgettable and beloved (some come to Yakutia just for the sake of it), and - butterflies... Rare Yakut butterflies!
So, I will tell you about my new campaign.

picture: 01.JPG
I arrived in Yakutsk on June 6 and stayed again in the Merchant's House at Chochur Muran, a guest room on the second floor. On the first floor, the skulls of a woolly rhinoceros and an ancient bison hang, causing horror in casual visitors. Periodically, I heard them squeal... See photos of these skulls in my previous reports. smile.gif

picture: 02.JPG
Merchant's house on the side.

picture: 03.JPG
On the first day, I climbed the hill above Chochur Muran, which also has the same name: the route to the butterflies... I admired Yakutsk. Such a multi-colored house, lots of new homes! Twenty years ago, I remember a completely different city-gullies, peeling slums, grayness... Yes, there were times.

picture: 04.JPG
Another angle of Yakutsk.

picture: 05.JPG
In the area of botsad, I saw such a number of kites (the locals call them that - I don't know if it's right) circling over the steep Prilenskaya terrace. Fantastic!.. There is a poultry farm nearby, waste is taken out into ditches and dug up a little, and kites are dug up and eaten. On a huge food resource gave a huge number!

picture: 06.jpg
Then I went to the power line where the tenedius fly. I took a picture of one of the males...

picture: 07.JPG
Then I saw a couple...

picture: 08.JPG
I photographed the egg shells and eggs of tenedius on their food plant-Siberian crested.

picture: 09.JPG
In total, I was in Yakutsk for a week, and on some days I was treated to a meal at the Chochur Muran restaurant. The main hall. We should make a separate report about Chochur Muran - it is really an outstanding institution. This year I will be in Yakutia again, finish filming it and post it on my LiveJournal page. I'll give you the link in the new report.

picture: 10.jpg
The famous dish of Chochur Muran is Indigirka salad: frozen chira slices with onions and a small amount of sunflower oil. Incredibly delicious! Well, a good local vodka "Podledka" take a shot... They treated her sometimes. smile.gif

picture: 11.JPG
In one of the evenings, I sat with the owner of "Chochur Murana" German Arbugaev (left) and the head of its zoological and botanical exposition Roman Shavlov (right).

picture: 12.jpg
The novel is separate. A rare encyclopedist: he knows the Latin and Russian names of each species and many subspecies of vertebrates, where they live, and what lifestyle they lead... And an outstanding chef. In the past, he worked as a post policeman. How do you feel about cops, by the way? smile.gif

picture: 13.jpg
On June 13, I had to continue the expedition, and I sailed by ferry across the Lena River to the village of Nizhny Bestyakh...

picture: 14.JPG
I stayed in it for two days in an almost deserted hostel, with a room for one at the price of a bed and a promise not to move anyone to me (the promise was fulfilled!), and fished around for butterflies. There were many different chernushkas and eneis. I couldn't identify one view, but I took it down. Here it is. What kind of animal?

picture: 15.JPG
On June 15, there was a route mikrik to Tomtor, I drove for 14 hours, and left in the village of Razvilka. Five dilapidated houses slightly covered by the taiga, but-a village. I didn't take it off. I don't like ruin... In it I was supposed to catch a ride in the direction of Nezhdaninsky. I was incredibly lucky: in the Fork there were two hitchhikers on Nezhdaninskoe, which were supposed to go there in 5 minutes after my arrival!! The miracle is simple. I thought I'd wait at least a day... In these places, they take all the "stopers", they put me in the shift cabin, and now we are far beyond the Fork, "smoke break".

picture: 16.JPG
My fellow travelers close-up. Before the "photo shoot", we drank vodka that they had, talked for life... Good guys. May God grant them good health!

picture: 17.JPG
From the vakhtovka window... Trees washed away after some regular rains. The driver, Anton (the one on the far right in the previous photo), said to me :" So you're driving, and suddenly one pile comes to life and runs!" Shaggy such a big pile... Yes, going here with a backpack is very sad. Although this has happened more than once...

picture: 18.JPG
After driving 50 kilometers, I disembark. Not so straight to the hermits... We need to fish in other places as well. The area of the Even lab, where I stayed in the past times. I'll spend the night in it.

picture: 19.JPG
There were a lot of Even things left in the warehouse: they were taken away somewhere, and I didn't have to push the boxes much. I put foam on the poles, put one sleeping bag on it like a mattress, and put another one on top... Usually one is enough, because I don't sleep on permafrost, but "in the air", plus I wear thermal underwear. On particularly cold nights, I climb into both sleeping bags. I found a plastic mold in one of the Even boxes and put my supplies in it. Luxury room!

picture: 20.JPG
The next morning I went to the mountains. "Fun" my way.

picture: 22.JPG
I took pictures of some moths on the rocks. Maybe an indescribable what? smile.gif

picture: 23.JPG
I took a picture of the saxifrage.

picture: 24.JPG
Such stones were everywhere on the slopes. Falling is not recommended!

picture: 25.JPG
On the khokhlatka Gorodkova found here is such a caterpillar. I decided to feed them...

picture: 26.JPG
A few days later, already at the hermits, pupated.

picture: 27.JPG
Three weeks later, in Yakutsk, a butterfly hatched.

picture: 28.JPG
I put it in a plastic jar, put a piece of paper with ethyl acetate in it, and it "melted" the plastic, and the wings stuck to it - losing some of the scales! Stupid mistake. I didn't think that ethyl acetate melts plastic, before that I also had plastic stains... When unfolded, the butterfly looks like this in the end. What kind of view? Even the specialists could not determine (well, I also explained to them about the damage to the wings smile.gif), and one German, who knows the scoop well, said that it could be new... I can send this butterfly to someone for identification. In the new season, I will try to raise or catch more of them. True, I will be in another area of Yakutia - but suddenly they will be found there...

picture: 30.JPG
And this is another result of the tour. Out of economy and following the rule of iron reliability of tour equipment, I walk around the mountains in berets. At one time I went in branded mountain boots, but suddenly-the sole of almost new ones bursts!.. And I went back to the berets. Never let you down! And here... I always bought Belarusian ones, but this time I didn't ask about the country of origin in the store, having bought a similar look. They turned out to be Chinese, apparently! "Rubber" (quotation marks are appropriate) began to peel off after the first hour of the hike, and by the evening instead of the sole there were some scraps!

picture: 31.JPG
I also had trekking sandals, but you can't walk on scree in them. The situation was becoming desperate... I remembered that the Evens kept some shoes in a big box in the corner of the warehouse. I got into it. Boots, unts... Shoes! I tried it on... Just in time! It's not a good idea to take someone else's shoes, but they were already worn out, and I was only thinking of walking around in them for a couple more days, and then going to the hermits and changing into their shoes. I would have returned the same shoes to the warehouse on the way back...

picture: 32.JPG
Uff. Cheered up after finding the shoes, although I look tired... A lot for the day came, and not those years to "flutter" in the mountains and look like pepper.

picture: 33.jpg
And in another box I found myself! An Even boy was drawing a red-haired boy, like I was half a century ago. Right even the face is similar! And my dice were almost exactly the same... Mysticism.

picture: 35.JPG
And then there was even more mysticism. Every time I sat in this warehouse, I felt that someone was looking at me. This continued in all the expeditions. Sometimes I even looked out of the warehouse-no one... I decided that this is some kind of deception of consciousness, born of a sense of danger and fatigue. And suddenly I meet that beautiful gaze! The bear! Or some kind of spirit... No one painted or sculpted it-a crust formation. Every year he looked at me through the opening under the shed roof... Unbelievable. I'm not superstitious, but I felt a chill run down my spine. Evens, for example, perceive such things as a sign, an omen... It was a sign. I was sure of it.

The ending follows.

This post was edited by Wild Yuri - 14.04.2019 22: 47
Likes: 34

04.04.2019 23:52, Ilia Ustiantcev

For some reason, the scoop evokes associations with Athetis or Lasionycta.

05.04.2019 15:05, Wild Yuri

The German said that it is similar to Euxoa kodara (Kononenko, Behounek & Gyjulai 2018), but very likely a separate close species. I'll try to get more of these in the next seasons.

06.04.2019 21:00, STIGMA

The German said that it is similar to Euxoa kodara (Kononenko, Behounek & Gyjulai 2018), but very likely a separate close species. I'll try to get more of these in the next seasons.

According to Eneis, did you catch these two?

Visually, of course, I would say that this is such a dark O. nanna Jakutski. But probably in those parts, along the Lena Valley, there is such a muddy taxon Oeneis ammosowi, but in my opinion it belongs to the norn group, and here, after all, as for me, it is nanna.

Anyway, catch it.)

06.04.2019 21:32, Sergey Rybalkin

I also think that Nanna, caught her in Ust-Nera)))

07.04.2019 13:45, Wild Yuri

Here are the Yakut nannas: http://szmn.eco.nsc.ru/old/picts/butterfly...eneis_nanna.htm. Other spots, drawing... These don't even have the same elongated wings. Light "form" flies only on hillocks and does not go into the forest. These are the forest ones. The forms are not separated biotoptically, something is wrong here... An acquaintance to whom he sent several of these and other eneis said that the Nanns from the vicinity of Yakutsk were more like Brunhilds. And bestyakhsky-not nanna, but you can distinguish a type of Yakut that is close to them... It would be necessary to deal with these eneis more seriously. I will try to catch them again in one of the seasons and send them to the specialists in this group. I can also help others who are interested. You are applying. In Nizhny Bestyakh, however, I will be only next year.

08.04.2019 0:25, Wild Yuri


The last words of the first part suggest a blockbuster movie. smile.gif I will immediately say (and probably regret smile.gif) that it will not be. Nothing was further extreme and creepy. Moreover, this trip was the easiest of all my trips to Suntar Hayata. Perhaps this sign was-for the future. Next year. Don't come here again, they say, walker... Tired of. You wave the net, you crush the flowers, you frighten the beast... That's enough! But this year - okay, go again... Something like that. However, episodes with light extreme sports will be included in the report. And various other interesting things. No wonder I suddenly wanted to post so many photos and write in detail... smile.gifSo, we continue.

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That same evening I decided that I was going to the hermits ' tomorrow. Right in the morning. And not because of the sign at all. I would still be walking around for 2-3 days, but today there were feathers in the sky - a harbinger of a cyclone. Sit in the warehouse in the rain and dampness... Not again! It is better to read books in the hut and go to the bathhouse. In the morning I packed my things and went... I haven't even walked two kilometers - the car is humming ahead. I saw Mikhail's Jeep that was coming here with us (in the photo it is the second one on the right). He stopped: "Where are you going?" "To Kayur." "Sit down, I'll give you a ride to the Rack." "Well, thank you!.." I gave you a ride. I "saved" 9 km of travel. Mikhail wanted to throw me further, but the riverbed of the Rack was "shoveled" by the rains - I couldn't get through. I lifted my backpack onto my shoulders, shook his hand, and walked on... A rack is a rack. It loops from clip to clip, and the river is not weak, you have to cross here and there, in the water of burun... You look for a" branch " of the channel, and then you cross-where is shallower. Not everywhere there are them, and twice I had to climb on the clamps, bypassing the riverbed. With a backpack of 40 kg... Horror. My legs slip, and my heart nearly jumps out of my chest... Still, I passed the clamps.

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And now-the intermediate cabin of the Kayur, which marks the halfway point... But what is it? The road! From where?!..

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I walked along it... Bah, there's a whole town here! A guy in camouflage appeared with a rifle. Guard. He said that a silver processing plant would be built here. I wanted to spend the night in the hut, but I was tired, and I had to finish my journey tomorrow. The guard said that the trailer would be more comfortable, offered me an empty one... I agreed. He brought me a pillow and a mattress , stretched out, and fell asleep quickly...

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In the morning I walked the last 10 km. Another squeeze, half an hour through the woods, and I go out to the hermit's hut. Wow... Update! The roof is made of trapezoidal sheet!

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The dogs barked, and Misha appeared. Kayura name. (Photo, however-from another day, when I met him, I couldn't take pictures: a handshake, a hug...). "Where did you get the trapezoid sheet?" The factory is being built - someone hid it, and it was washed away... " Well, they can't build it without stealing. The sheets are battered and crumpled, but the roof is now solid. Misha was lucky.

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Tanya left the house. Here I'm already shooting as it was. The cat used to be one of them, with half a tail (frostbitten), and now here... "Masha got old, died, and they gave me two of them in a Warm Key," Tanya said. "Pushkin and Natasha!" Kaur added. "Why Pushkin? "" Because it's black. Hannibal, " he tells me seriously. "And Natasha?"Because Pushkin's wife is Natalia Goncharova!" Funny. Misha has a creative approach to life in everything!

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Pushkin spent all his days chasing butterflies and climbing trees.

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Natasha strutted around the property and took a nap in the summer kitchen. Sometimes a tired poet would join her.

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Everyone was friends with everyone! Earlier, Masha, I remember, kept hissing at the dogs, trying to cling to my leg. Now there was complete peace and quiet on the estate!

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I rented a babbling pool near the house...

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I went to catch butterflies. This is near the path to the cutting area near the estate. Beautiful!

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I went and caught fish in the area the next day. I photographed a female tyche. Only here, in the" tops " of Suntar Hayat, is its subspecies of relic listed, by the way...

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Kaur once told me that they have a hummingbird-like butterfly. Bedstraw hawkmoth, of course. No others were found in Yakutia... I finally saw his caterpillar in it.

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I saw this the next morning... Right on my trail, the bear "imposed"! Also a sign? Got you, they say, here to walk all day-stomp on! Yeah... Last year, his brother Owner, who had lived here for a long time and controlled the area, died. He listened to music when the hermits turned on the radio, sticking his muzzle out of the bushes... He was a good bear. And now - the newcomer has come. Secretive. Every evening, at exactly seven-thirty, the dogs would suddenly start barking... He was passing by somewhere in the bushes. I checked, maybe: people are here? If not , I'll get something... Or maybe his route just passed by his house. Pedant. You could check your watch!.. "E...Well, I love him! " - said Kayur on one such evening. "Another one will come - even worse,"I told him. "Okay, let's see..." Your entomologist went around looking around.

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Well, the rains came about five days later... As without them in these mountains! Read...

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Rainbow after the evening rain.

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This time it did not rain for long, and one day (I already lost my dates-somewhere on June 28) I climbed the mountain that stands right in front of the house, through the Racks. I was already on it, but I didn't look much in the area, so I immediately decided to stay longer...

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Crossed, as then, Rack on robberies. I climbed onto the terrace, where there was such a haze forest that was so common in these places, but somehow so captivating to the soul...

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I climbed the mountain head-on, along one of the crevices on the left. Sometimes the walls were, climbed... At the top of the ridge, it was already easy going. Eneis like bor flew here, mother-of-pearl erda... Caught it. I met a sign of some sort.

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I took off a tundra partridge. I was with the kids, but they ran away, fluttering their wings... My mother kept looking at me, almost without fear.

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In another place, I photographed a mutton sheep - as Tanya calls the female mountain sheep chubuku. I saw a small herd of them, but they all went over the rocks, and this one stood and watched for a long time... Kaur hunts in the other direction, and the animals don't seem to have seen a man here yet - they're not afraid of him.

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I took a picture of the landscape.

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The whole next day I rested, went near the estate. And in the morning I decided to climb another mountain. What stands on this side of the Rack and is visible from the summer kitchen. Hermits call it the Pyramid. It is difficult to take it head-on: walls, wells, and I climbed the mountain on the right, along the animal trail.

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It took me an hour to reach the top, and then I walked a little way along the ridge. Different Eneis flew, mother-of-pearl tritonia and erda, once glimpsed Eversmann...

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After an hour of hiking along the ridge, such a landscape opened up. Rare, by the way, for Suntar Hayat. Some kind of white breed... Maybe special butterflies fly there? I'll try to check it out next time...

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I took a picture of myself over a precipice. Rate your shoes. Tarpaulin boots! Kayur gave them to me to replace the Even shoes. He said that there are no more comfortable shoes for walking in the taiga and mountains. He goes hunting in them everywhere climbs ... Hmm. Kirzachi I never wore, and looked at them askance... But Kaur was right! They are light, almost weightless - when every extra gram on their feet makes them so tired! They fit well... Only wear kirzachi should be in footcloths, so as not to earn calluses. I was wearing thick socks. I went without any problems!

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In the evening I went down from the mountain and made tea "Pyramid". From the golden root found during the descent and the leaves of stone currant and rhododendron petals collected on the ridge. The root was cut into slices, mixed with petals and leaves, all boiled... The tea turned out to be brown, fragrant and delicious. A surge of strength from him was-at least run up the mountain again!

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Well, the road back. Kayur got a UAZ truck. Shattered, but still going! A hunter I know brought me, gave me a gift. The term of my expedition is over, the water in the Rack has subsided, and Misha decided to "throw" me into the Fork. There you can buy food at the same time, visit your friends... Along the Dybovskaya valley, we somehow made our way to the Nezhdaninskaya "highway". Then - along it, along the fairway...

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Cabin at the wheel.

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And-stuck! And the water arrives: defrost... But again lucky! An hour later, a Kamaz truck appeared, which was traveling to Nezhdaninskoe. Pulled it out... Mda, the whole expedition I was lucky! Maybe the signs should be interpreted in reverse? smile.gif

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Then the road got stronger. We arrived at a fork in the Road, it was already evening, and Kaur did not allow me to vote "so immediately"... We spent the night in the dorm with his "buddies". After drinking a little... There's no other way when there are guests! smile.gif In the morning, holding my head, I caught a car-with a freight forwarder at the wheel, which was going to Yakutsk. With him and got back...

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And this is the best picture of the trip. In the mountains opposite the hermit manor. I was lying on that lawn with my arms outstretched. And the whole world was mine.

This post was edited by Wild Yuri - 06.03.2024 11: 40
Likes: 35

08.04.2019 1:49, Vlad Proklov

Pushkin spent all his days chasing butterflies and climbing trees.

Amazing reports!
And what tree did the cat climb? I thought there was nothing there but larch and birch...
Likes: 1

08.04.2019 1:52, Wild Yuri

It was badly written... Half an hour of rules. smile.gif The tree is mountain ash. I myself am surprised that it grows there. After all, it's not as cold in the mountains in winter as on the plains. It doesn't freeze out... Birches grow there in some places, but on the plain near Suntar Hayat-they are not there!
Likes: 3

04.09.2019 19:40, MIV

Last night of summer. It was warm as summer and flew like summer. I was surprised by the massive growth of Hedina decipiens (Alpheraky, 1895). Usually 2-3 per night arrived.

Ocd. Krasnoyarsk, forest-steppe. 31.08.19.
picture: Hedina_decipiens__Alpheraky__1895____31.08.19.jpg
picture: DSC09329.JPG
Likes: 13

03.11.2019 23:59, Wild Yuri


Part One

First-a dream, looking at satellite maps. Oh, what black mountains! Butterflies love these. Entomologists haven't been to the Moma Mountains yet. I'd like to go there!.. A dream of about twenty years old. But they did not let all the business and money: to Honuu, the starting point, fly from the middle lane to Thailand twice! Business was finally allowed, I "scored" on money – for how long! You're already over fifty, and how much longer can you walk?.. Hurry up!
So I bought a ticket to Honuu on the Internet in the spring, and on June 5, 2019, I arrived halfway to Yakutsk. I stopped again at the Merchant's House on "Chochur Muran" - an ethnographic complex that has become a hallmark of the capital of Yakutia, created and owned by my old good friend Herman Arbugaev. He puts me up here for free, feeds me for money in a restaurant… You can say: patron of the arts! Herman is unique. Has a serious car, a yacht, but from home to work and back rides a horse! Sitting in the saddle, hooves clicking on the asphalt… The poet! I have repeatedly mentioned "Chochur Muran" in my reports, and it is time to tell you more about it.

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The complex is named after the mountain near which it stands. There are some pretty good butterflies on it, and I sometimes wander with a net through its glades in the forest. View from the mountain.

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And here are the main buildings of "Chochur Muran": in the center – a restaurant, on the right – a Merchant's House, and on the left – a Hunter's Winter Quarters. (Well, a decommissioned helicopter is worth it for additional attraction of visitors, although many, including your author, believe that it somewhat spoils the "entourage"). The complex is made in the form of a prison, which once stood in different places of Eastern Siberia. Material-large larch logs. Herman took them from old huts, and brought the Merchant's House, disassembled, from the upper reaches of the Lena. The merchant used to live there once, and they say he sometimes visits the house at night as a ghost. I've never seen it, though.

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But it's still creepy to go to the toilet at night in this house, because there are such exhibits opposite.

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Tiles of the Merchant's House. Wow!

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A mammoth carved out of wood nearby.

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Now let's go to the Hunter's Winter Quarters. It contains bear skins, stuffed birds, photos of trophies and hunters, and much more. Winter quarters of the Hunter can be rented for a celebration, sit in it with a company at a massive wooden table, eating game dishes prepared in the restaurant "Chochur Murana", and washing it down with local amazing vodka"Podledka".

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We tried it, we know… smile.gif

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Outside – also not bad ... Photo by Vadim Zaritsky.

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And now the main building. One of the halls. The scope of the horns of this moose is so large that it can fit a small submarine ... However, this is again a "Subglacial", sorrysmile.gif, but the exhibit is impressive: one of the largest in Eastern Siberia!

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And this is on the side. Pioneer guns. Yes, there was an era!

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The spirit of the hunt, good Bayanai, is upon them.

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Small fish.

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Well, cooked... Stroganina from nelma or chira, dipped in a special local sauce – my favorite dish in "Chochur Muran".

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And this is upstairs. Guess whose skeleton?

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There are a lot of sights on Chochur Muran, and it deserves a separate report – which I will eventually do in LiveJournal. Sign in front of the main building.

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The soul of "Chochur Muran" is its employee Roman Shavlov. A terrific cook, artist, and zoologist who knows everything about birds, fish, and mammals, and recently became interested in butterflies at the suggestion of a visiting entomologist (ahem...) and collects a collection of them.

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And this is the owner of the complex Herman, with his favorite horse. Selfie.

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Well, I can't help but mention Herman's children. Brought up talents that are not found in the world! Her daughter, Yevgenia Arbugaeva, is a photojournalist who lives in London and works for National Geographic magazine. You can view her work here: http://www.evgeniaarbugaeva.com/about/. One report, by the way, is devoted to the preserved biological station in Tanzania – http://www.evgeniaarbugaeva.com/stories/---amani/. It can be visited by an entomologist… Catch the idea! His son, Maxim Arbugaev, who lives in Moscow, is a rising star in the world of documentaries. His last work, together with Christian Fry – is the film "Genesis-2" ( https://www.kinopoisk.ru/film/1112217/ ). In the photo from left to right: Max, Herman and American actor Ethan Hawke during the Salt Lake City Film Festival – where the younger Arbugaev won one of the main prizes.

To be continued.

This post was edited by Wild Yuri - 29.01.2021 22: 09
Likes: 20

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