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09.12.2014 5:03, Olga Titova: comment on photo #5670

Most likely this caterpillar no red tail, and it is not yellow. In my opinion, this is the caterpillar Calliteara pseudabietis Butler, 1885.

07.12.2014 2:43, Olga Titova: comment on photo #6380

I, too, in the archive the same copper-butterfly is not defined from Sakhalin. She found that in Sakhalin only Celastrina ladonides d'Orza, 1869 and copper-butterfly seaside [sachalinensis Esaki, 1922]. The first is not suitable, but the second?

07.11.2014 9:26, Olga Titova: comment on photo #34858

She found that the butterfly pupae NYMPHALIS ANTIOPA two claws on the head.

06.11.2014 15:18, Olga Titova: comment on photo #34864

I lived in the area 3 years. And what kind of tree on which a butterfly?

06.11.2014 13:38, Olga Titova: comment on photo #34864

Caligo eurilochus (Cramer, [1775]) Where Vladivostok these beauties?

06.11.2014 13:15, Olga Titova: comment on photo #34863

The genus Caligo. Perhaps, Caligo memnon.

06.11.2014 10:32, Olga Titova: comment on photo #34860

Twin white spots say it Acronicta rumicis strelchatka oxalic or am I wrong?

06.11.2014 9:33, Olga Titova: comment on photo #34854

Shamil and Basil, many thanks. Downloaded guide Sineva indeed present n. moth in our region. So it is possible to start new issues, new discoveries. A guide to the Far East who can throw?

06.11.2014 5:13, Olga Titova: comment on photo #34854

I read that in the Primorye Territory, too, periodic outbreaks of gypsy moth and newspapers cry about his importation. Perhaps and Sakhalin. Friends, tell me, who have an electronic version to the insects of the Russian Far East is 5 and the catalog of Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera) of Russia. Ed. SY Sinev. St. Petersburg .; M.: Association of Scientific Publications KMK 2008.

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