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Lasius niger worker
Lasius niger alate queen
Lasius niger larvae
Myrmica sp.
Formica fusca worker
Myrmica sp.
Formica s.str.
Formica rufa
Formica s.str.
Lasius spp.
Formica fusca worker
Formica rufa
Formica rufa
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
This species is identified correctly.
Aphaenogaster sp. worker
It's either Camponotus japonicus (more likely), or C. saxatilis
Same Lasius fuji
With a high probability it is working Lasius (Dendrolasius) fuji Radchenko, 2005
Formica s. str.
Formica s. str.
Yes, it is most likely a female Camponotus sachalinensis
Work Formica fusca with prey
Camponotus sachalinensis
Myrmica ?rubra
Myrmica ?rubra
Formica cunicularia
Formica cunicularia
Work Formica cunicularia
Blue Formica pratensis received seed, probably from the author photo
Formica pratensis
Myrmica ?rubra
workers Formica pratensis produced caterpillar
Working Myrmica? Rubra colonies of aphids
It is likely that the female is fertilized Camponotus sachalinensis Forel, 1904
This is a working Camponotus maculatus, as other pictures of Hurghada
It's Camponotus maculatus soldier.
Here, too, a fine work, but filled with a paunch.
All images marked Camponotus sp. from Hurghada (Egypt), different workers subkasty Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) maculatus (Fabricius, 1782). Here, the fine work.
This small working Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) maculatus (Fabricius, 1782)
This photo male Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) maculatus (Fabricius, 1782). Kind is very common in Egypt.
I agree that the view from the group Formica rufa. Belonging to F. polyctena this snapshot can not be established.
In this type of shot can be determined in the best case to the subgenus Chthonolasius. This female may belong as a species L. umbratus, and L. mixtus. The latter seems more likely due to the complete lack of hair separated (at least, they are not visible in the photo).
Tolerated. Especially that for this kind of Vladivostok leads itself Kupyanskaya (1990).
According to an adjacent dense pubescence abdomen isCamponotus japonicus
Initial definitionCamponotus(s. Str.), More precisely in the monograph look AN Kupyansk and write later.
Initial definitionCamponotus(s. Str.), More precisely in the monograph look AN Kupyansk and write later.
It is not Serviformica or even tribe Formicini, and Camponotus (judging by geographyCamponotus herculeanus)