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Corrected data. Brototyche → Brototyche Pascoe, 1867.
Corrected data. Bradycellus frosti Fall, 1930 was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Batus → Batus Thunberg, 1822.
Corrected data. Axestoleus → Axestoleus Bates, 1892.
Corrected data. Bradycellus Erichson 1837 → Bradycellus Erichson, 1837.
Corrected data. Athetesis → Athetesis Bates, 1870.
Parent taxon has been changed. Trachyderini → Trachyderina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Trachyderini → Trachyderina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Trachyderini → Trachyderina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Trachyderini → Trachyderina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Trachyderini → Trachyderina.
Parent taxon has been changed. Trachyderini → Trachyderina.
Corrected data. Mimonneticus → Mimonneticus Monné & Napp, 2000.
Corrected data. Ischnotes → Ischnotes Newman, 1840.
Corrected data. Exallancyla → Exallancyla Monné & Napp, 2000.
Corrected data. Cercoptera → Cercoptera Spinola, 1839.
Corrected data. Ceralocyna → Ceralocyna Viana, 1971.
Corrected data. Callancyla → Callancyla Aurivillius, 1912.
Corrected data. Assycuera → Assycuera Napp & Monné, 2001.
It is necessary to remove the photos. Tucson transferred to another tribe.
Corrected data. Xenambyx → Xenambyx Bates, 1879.
Corrected data. Torneutopsis → Torneutopsis Martins & Monné, 1980.
Corrected data. Torneutes → Torneutes Reich, 1837.
Corrected data. Torneucerus → Torneucerus Martins & Monné, 1980.
Corrected data. Thaumasus → Thaumasus Reiche, 1853.
Corrected data. Spathopygus → Spathopygus Lacordaire, 1869.
Corrected data. Psygmatocerus → Psygmatocerus Perty, 1828.
Corrected data. Praxithea → Praxithea Thomson, 1864.
Corrected data. Macellidiopygus → Macellidiopygus Gounelle, 1913.
Corrected data. Lophoschema → Lophoschema Monné, 2007.
Corrected data. Gnathopraxithea → Gnathopraxithea Campos-Seabra & Tavakilian, 1986.
Corrected data. Gigantotrichoderes → Gigantotrichoderes Tippmann, 1953.
Corrected data. Dragoneutes → Dragoneutes Martins & Monné, 1980.
Corrected data. Dragomiris → Dragomiris Gounelle, 1913.
Corrected data. Diploschema → Diploschema Thomson, 1858.
Corrected data. Coccoderus → Coccoderus Buquet, 1840.
Parent taxon has been changed. Cerambycidae → Tillomorphini.
Corrected data. Tilloglomus → Tilloglomus Martins, 1975.
Corrected data. Tilloforma → Tilloforma McKeown, 1945.
Corrected data. Serratobicon → Serratobicon Holzschuh, 2009.
Corrected data. Pseudomyrmecion → Pseudomyrmecion Bedel, 1885.
Corrected data. Paramyrmecoclytus → Paramyrmecoclytus Breuning, 1970.
Corrected data. Ochyra → Ochyra Pascoe, 1871.
Corrected data. Licracantha → Licracantha Lingafelter, 2011.
Corrected data. Khampaseuthia → Khampaseuthia Holzschuh, 2009.
Corrected data. Homaemota → Homaemota Pascoe, 1865.
Corrected data. Gourbeyrella → Gourbeyrella Lane, 1959.
Corrected data. Epropetes → Epropetes Bates, 1870.
Corrected data. Clytellus → Clytellus Westwood, 1853.
Corrected data. Cleroclytus → Cleroclytus Kraatz, 1884.
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