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Dmitry, this was shot in "The house of butterflies", Nizhny Novgorod. What did they have? As far as I can remember, they had no rhadamantus but helena. Shot about two years ago.
Evgeny Karolinsky's comment is moved from the species photo page to the description one. I'd like to pay attention once more to that: on the species photo page you may discuss the very shot, is it good or not, what species is on it. But the species features, e. g. its taxonomic status, is possible to discuss only at the species description page. Also, being at the species photo page you can press ...
Evgeny, you're somehow overdramatizing things. You can see its underside there, for instance:
Evgeny, I looked at the original shot and noticed that it's somehow shadowy and even after some retouching the butterfly's hair is still black. If we enlighten it a little bit more, we can see it's colored brown, but this photo sucks. To get normal color balance it should be seriously retouched, that can be difficult considering how many shots are published daily on the website. Also there we can ...