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Everything you need for a good Sunday: year 1929, Judy Garland and a song of butterflies kissing buttercups. Goodnight! The Gumm Sisters, Where The Butterflies Kiss the Buttercups Goodnight (1929)
Twiga Cement (Tanzania Portland Cement Company, TPCC), manufacturer of portland cement in Tanzania, is about to build a butterfly farm at their Wazo Hill mining sites in Dar es Salaam, for to “improve biodiversity and ecological systems” of the area “and even attract tourists”. Kelvin Ngongolo from the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, Kingupira Wildlife Research Centre offered ...
The Butterfly Lovers' Violin Concerto (梁祝小提琴協奏曲) written in 1958 by two composers He Zhanhao and Chen Gang is one of the most famous piece of Chinese orchestral music in China and beyond. This concerto is based on an old Chinese legend telling a tragic love story about two lovers that were separated by the will of the girl's parents. Her lover died of sorrow, and she on the day of ...
Why are abnormally dark anguloptera (the admiral also got one) more timid?A difficult childhood!- stress!
Colleagues!Do any of our esteemed colleagues have any connections with our Nigerian partners or have any projects related to Nigeria in any way?Thanks!Oleg
A unique butterfly park will officially open in the next few months in Karnataka state, India. It was founded by college lecturer Sammilan Shetty and now located at Santhadi House in Beluvai village 8km off Moodbidri and 42km off Mangalore. This park makes up an ideal place for relaxed contemplation and camera exercises as well for everyone in nature photography. 27-year-old Sammilan S Shetty, ...
Habitual Sunday crosswords might be changed to this butterfly kaleidoscope in the “Papillon” music video by Union Jack, the trance collaboration between two musicians Simon Berry and Claudio Giussani. Say, to identify all the species shown, count butterfly uppersides and undersides, or colours, or males and females. A nice extra is that you'll see butterflies everywhere the whole rest of the ...
I think everyone who keeps street pigeons has come across this stuff! I've been wanting to get a pigeon for a long time, but I've slowed down for now because of these creatures... While they are sitting in a pigeon-it is still tolerable, but when they start flying around the apartment and try to bite me-it drives me crazy! To kill the infection, I need to flatten the bloodsucker with a bag to the ...
Denis, this was originally supposed to be the case here, but there were doubts in the comments. Therefore, I want to find out where the thread is for sure.
Evgeny, thanks, this was actually a guess of mine, concede it might be wrong though. If anyone has or will get the sure version, please comment with a source reference. Till then, I'll sign the species name in the post with a question mark.
We may never know whether the animal world celebrates Halloween or not, but if they actually did, the pink underwing moth's caterpillar (Phyllodes imperialis) could be among the first nominees for the best Halloween costume. Looking at this, one may fancy aliens, extraterrestrials, any gattackers but the moth of the family Noctuidae, which is peacefully disappearing somewhere deep in the ...
Added dozens of new species and synonyms, English names of hundreds of species, and most importantly - information on food plants for a thousand species of butterflies (see. Subsection "Food plants caterpillars" under "Detailed information identifying the sources" on pages of species).
One might think that butterflies and brutal ska punk are hardly compatible. However, this critter is not that fragile as it may seem. Guys from American band Chilled Monkey Brains, Tallahassee, Florida, evidently appreciate such endurance and thus got a whole song dedicated to it. Chilled Monkey Brains, Butterflies (Chilled Monkey Brains, 2011)
Aenetus virescens is a moth of the family Hepialidae and one of the largest native moths of New Zealand. Puriri moth as it's called has a 15cm wingspan for what this happens to get mistaken for a bat. This moth spends nearly all its life in the larval stage inside a trunk of some trees—eucalyptus, for instance, and this stage can last up to seven years! Trees that serve as homes to A. ...
A curious video from the National Geographic's “Untamed Americas” miniseries on how Arctiidae moths produce low frequency clicks to muffle the sonar that bats use to guide flight and prey. Thus a bat gets mislead and a moth masterly dodges the attack. National Geographic Untamed Americas, Moth Jamming Bat Sonar