Pages: 1 ...431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439... 629
Corrected data. Not identified → Siona lineata / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
I put in inaccurate, because the species is not listed in the Sinev 8 region. Nevertheless, no one comes to mind. I would be happy with any amendments, if any :)
Corrected. Site glucan is not childish (
Corrected data. Not identified → Incurvaria oehlmanniella / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Flight time: No formalized data → June, July.
Corrected data. Flight time: No formalized data → May, June.
This double page By Sinev - swammerdamella
This double page By Sinev - robertella
Corrected data. Flight time: No formalized data → May.
This double page By Sinev right pilella
Corrected data. Flight time: No formalized data → June, July.
The first photo predstvavitelya of this kind on the site :) so I had the same kind under a new start. Peter, it's time to illustrate the types already :)
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Indo-Malayan.
Corrected data. Not identified → Crambus perlella / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Crambus perlella / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Crambus perlella / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data. Archips crataegana / Igor Sakhno → Archips xylosteana / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Scopula nigropunctata / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Scopula nigropunctata / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Pyrrhia umbra / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Pyrrhia umbra / Confidently identified / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Oligia strigilis / Confidently identified / Basil Sergienko.
Corrected data. Not identified → Stenoptilia pterodactyla / Tentatively identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Oligia strigilis / Confidently identified / Basil Sergienko.
Corrected data. Not identified → Lacanobia oleracea / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Tentatively identified → Confidently identified.
Corrected data. Not identified → Cucullia umbratica / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
In the Red Book of the Vologda region (2006), category (3).
Corrected data. Imago → Female.
Corrected data. Imago → Female.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Cabera exanthemata / Confidently identified / Female / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic, Indo-Malayan.
Corrected data. Not identified → Idaea biselata / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Not identified → Heliomata glarearia / Confidently identified / Basil Sergienko.
Alexander, I am also not sure yet, "what if?" :)
In fact, a serious issue, and I support the proposal of Alexander.
You can make two fields: one (with autosubstitution) to enter the authors, who are on site, and the other to manually enter the initials of people that are not in the list of authors.And with an unfilled at-least one of them to make it impossible to download a photo.
So it is ...
Corrected data. Tentatively identified → Confidently identified.
Corrected data. Tentatively identified → Confidently identified.
MOVED by analogy with the photo, which is in the group.
Corrected data. Not identified → Scopula nigropunctata / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Male → Female.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Cabera pusaria / Confidently identified / Male / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Melitaea cinxia / Alexsandr Martukov → Melitaea phoebe / Eugene Karolinskiy.
Corrected data. Not identified → Coenonympha glycerion / Confidently identified / Eugene Karolinskiy.
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Lasiommata deidamia / Confidently identified / Female / Vladimir Bobow.
Svetlana, and Kwame is said Vladimir. Please write the name of the right to determine.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
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