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Vladimir, we now have information about the kinds can be added through a special form (see ref. Adding information on the form on the right top of the page description of the species). There she will be in a right place and in the future - also participate in the selection of geography. If you're going to add more - try to do it through the form.
Genetic research of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella has revealed the secret of the world's worst agricultural pest that costs about $5 billion damage every year in crop losses and insecticides. An international consortium also involving two Australian scientists has decoded the genetic blueprint, depicting how rapidly P. xylostella larvae evolve resistance to insecticides. Professor ...
So the spam finally freaked me out. Since now we use CAPTCHA at new user registration. If something goes wrong, please don't hesitate to e-mail me directly, and we'll sort that out.
Why so? See Look at the discal spot, which is a diagnostic feature. The rest features suit as well.