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Corrected data. Tentatively identified → Confidently identified.
Corrected data. Not identified → Selenia dentaria / Confidently identified / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Autographa mandarina → Orgyia recens.
Corrected data. Aethes hartmanniana → Aethes triangulana.
realized added information on the form :)
Whoah, what a diaphragm.
Corrected data. Eudarcia bilineata (Barnes & McDunnough, 1916) → Eudarcia bilineata1 (Barnes & McDunnough, 1916).
Corrected data. Abablemma bilineata and Candida salicis were merged.
Corrected data. Aphantopus palawana Schultze, 1925 → Abablemma palawana Schultze, 1925.
Corrected data. Ethmia palawana Schultze, 1925 → Aphantopus palawana Schultze, 1925.
Aphantopus hyperantus and Banisia fenestrifera were merged.
@Ornithoptera titanoides Sumiyoshi, 1989, Phalaena pavonia Linnaeus, 1758, minor Linnaeus, 1758@ удалены из синонимов
Corrected data. @Ornithoptera titanoides Sumiyoshi, 1989, Phalaena pavonia Linnaeus, 1758, minor Linnaeus, 1758@ удалены из синонимов
This species is identified correctly. Ornithoptera titanoides Sumiyoshi, 1989 has been deleted from the synonyms
Corrected data. @Ornithoptera titanoides Sumiyoshi, 1989, Phalaena pavonia Linnaeus, 1758@ удалены из синонимов
Corrected data. @Ornithoptera titanoides Sumiyoshi, 1989@ удален из синонимов
Corrected data. @Ornithoptera titanoides, Phalaena pavonia, minor@ удалены из синонимов
Corrected data. @Ornithoptera titanoides,@ удалены из синонимов
Corrected data. @Ornithoptera titanoides, Troides pegasus@ удалены из синонимов
Corrected data. @nithoptera titanoides, Troides pegasus@ удалены из синонимов
Corrected data. @Ornithoptera titanoides@ удалены из синонимов
Corrected data. @Ornithoptera titanoides, Troides pegasus@ удалены из синонимов
Dear colleagues!I am trying to post a collection of materials for the seventh Readings in memory of O. A. Kataev, which will be held at the St. Petersburg State Forest Engineering University named after S. M. Kirov on November 25-27, 2013. It's not too late to register as a listener.I'm ready to send you an email. Posting The Content L. N. Shcherbakova, A.V. Selikhovkin, D. L. Musolin. Professor ...
collection's PDF file File/s:
size: 2.56 mb number of downloads: 4289
Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the spirit of enlightenment is preparing for us (my memories). Thank you so much!!!
@, Ornithoptera titanoides, Troides pegasus@ удалены из синонимов
@em>Ornithoptera titanoides, Troides pegasus@ удалены из синонимов
@, Ornithoptera titanoides, Troides pegasus@ удалены из синонимов
@, Ornithoptera titanoides, Troides pegasus@ удалены из синонимов
Corrected data. @Ornithoptera titanoides, Troides pegasus@ удалены из синонимов
@, @ удалены из синонимов
@, @ удалены из синонимов
Ornithoptera titanoides удалены из синонимов
, Ornithoptera titanoides, Troides pegasus удалены из синонимов
Saturnia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1757) → Saturnia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1757).
This species is identified correctly. Zoogeographical regions: Palaearctic → Palaearctic, Nearctic. Wingspan: No formalized data → 30—40 mm. Caterpillar lifespan: May, June, July → August. Over-wintering stage: No formalized data → Imago.
Do you have a group (organized) vacation or are you on your own? I suspect it's a group project.If a group beach holiday from a tour operator, then everything will be etched around. There are" stray " butterflies, but it's not possible to catch them if you don't know how to fly yourself.I was completely disappointed in such a vacation. I'm sitting here looking and thinking about buying a ticket ...
Combined with Maculinea ogumae.
There was a glitch when many subspecies did not appear in the pages of species, although present in the database. Now it is going to fly.
Combined. ZY For a long time some species are not united, because it was necessary to alter the admin interface for this function so as not to wear hand (old outdated, not all data is transferred). Now all I altered now the union will take a little time, but noticeable delay should not be.
Combined. Additional comments relating to the association, is:
Forewing length: 101—110 mm → 31—34 mm. Wingspan: 121—131 mm → No formalized data.
Forewing length: 101—11 mm → 101—110 mm.
Who lives in a hunk?
There are only 3 Perigrapha species distributed in Primorye. This is Perigrapha hoenei,
Corrected data. Not identified / Imago → Citioica anthonilis / Tentatively identified / Female / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Copaxa escalantei / Tentatively identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Copaxa syntheratoides / Tentatively identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.
Corrected data. Not identified → Saturnia simla / Confidently identified / Alex Dumchus.
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