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The home page now displays the number of species and other taxa in the different status of the site as well as photos and comments.
In some situations, when flipping pages in the gallery correctly pass parameters to determine the accuracy. For example, you choose to display photos, views of which are not defined, and on every page, this parameter is reset. Now the situation is corrected.
Now on the page with a photo displays a comment of the author, if available when downloading pictures.
The range of species: North-West Italy, Southern France, the Pyrenees, Spain. By: VV Dubatolov. Database Dipper (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) of the Palearctic -
Now Eugene will / will adopt the new species, and all will be clear. In connection with a certain transition period, when new moderators are drawn into the work, there will be some deceleration in the sequencing of data on the site, but then everything should just fly: -)
Now the species of butterflies can be sorted by popularity on the site. Stuck hid curious than highly useful but in some situations and it can itself practically useful.
Designated genera and families were not bear illustrations, some new families have not been translated into active (have not got the time from the base to the catalog) - now everything is put in order.
Well, I'll continue with a couple of images from the book about insects. Original book (Russian-language reprint and signature also did not change) from the same above-mentioned English, children's series:" Eyewitness guides-INSECT " Dorling Kindersley Limited London 1990. Pictures:1.jpg — (74.32к) 2.jpg — (89.37 k)
Basil, in this case I'm talking about myself - that I should see the source. Moreover, to my shame, I was on the NYT site authorized ..
I have finished the race. Still have questions in the following species-subspecies Parides perrhebus, Parides damocrates, Parides steinbachi, Parides kuhlmani, Parides polyzelus. Who has specific information about it, please write.