Pages: 1
Neoitamus ?
UDC 595.764 (574)
GV Nikolaev, VL Kazenas, SV Kolov. Plastinchatousye beetles (a type of arthropod class of insects). A series of "Animals of Kazakhstan in the photographs." - Almaty: "Nur-Print", 2013. - 192 p. Circulation 100 copies. - Is on the Internet seems to have Shipunova.
On p. 90 Image Gymnopleurus mopsus - just a bend on the sides of the elytra.
The couple Gymnopleurus mopsus?
Eugene, unfortunately other frames of these beetles there, and then I have them, of course, would be laid.
In the book, The Butterflies of Dzungar, Tien Shan, Alai and Eastern Pamir, v. 1, p. 76 in this region noted dwelling ssp. glaucopis Bryk & Eisner, 1934.
Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758), see
Sergey Toropov identified it as Polyommatus icarus turanicus, Heyne, 1895.
Sergey Toropov identified it as Polyommatus icarus turanicus, Heyne, 1895.
Sergey Toropov identified this as Thersamonia thersamon persica, Bienert, 1870.
Sergey Toropov identified this as Thersamonia thersamon persica, Bienert, 1870.
Seems to be some Noctuidae, Cucula genus (Cuculliinae).
May be Plebecula thersites (Cartener, [1835]), Lycaenidae.
This species is identified by Sergey Toropov as Agrodiaetus phyllides (Staudinger, 1886) - Lycaenidae.